On Sunday after breakfast, my main nurse and I headed out. We picked up the nurse's daughter, who wanted to come to church with us. Unfortunately, she ran late, despite doing her hair in the car. She though it was 10:30 am, when it's 10 am. I assured them folks would be happy we made it, even late. We can be timelier in the future. {Smile}
We did arrive late but enjoyed the service. I had lunch afterwards on the lanai with my nurse, his daughter, Auntie Barbra and some of the other parishioners, including one my nurse's daughter is quite interested in. That lunch was nice. We went back home afterwards, dropping his daughter off on the way. {Smile}
I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking through the day. Then I did my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, my head exercises, my standing arm weight training exercises, and two of my leg exercises. I tried to do a more intense version of a leg exercise but felt that was too much. It's more than I've been doing on my light day, though I want to work up to more. {Smile}
After I got home, I played a lot of Cross Stitch World. Eventually, I wrote up Saturday's daily update. Then I got ready to clean myself up, but I had to take a break to treat a migraine. I expected to lie down after treating the migraine, but by the time I drank all the tea to wash down the other medicine, I didn't need to. So, my main nurse helped me clean myself up. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, but soon joined and ran the later short, large-group event, followed by the later long, large-group event. I left the latter early, squeezing in some paperwork it produced before dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I played more Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I talked with Ulty, and got the little character I want to add to her adolescent superhero group, so I don't accidentally accept another supergroup invitation for her. We did this with the provision that this was strictly out-of-character, with her in-character joining coming soon. Then I played by myself on that low-level character, finishing a story arc and getting her up to a level I'll have her stay at a while to do a couple of other story arcs. then I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to work on some paperwork. Then I started making notes and writing in this. I also watched some videos and exercised. Then I finished making notes and writing in this and peeked at Amazon before bed. {Smile}