Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Daily Update, August 28, 2023

    It looks like Val is sick. Of course, this developed too late to call the vet about it before the next day. (So far I've left a message on their answering machine and failed to get a human to talk to.) {small smile}

   Before that, I was busy. During breakfast, I called the Fire Ant Guy, and apologized for not calling him before our tentative appointment and explained that the ants have come back. He said he planned to come into town Tuesday or Wednesday - he lives and is based in the Puna district, south of Hilo, the town where I live. He promised to call before coming over, but someone will be home, because the nurse never leaves the property while Mom is here, and she almost never leaves the house.  {Smile}

   Then I typed up the reading I got from Val's monitor over the weekend. I sent it to the email address I had for the vet's receptionist, then called. I actually got them, and they confirmed it had arrived, and said they'd send it to the vet immediately. I so hope they can adjust his insulin to bring his blood sugar down, since it was high all but one time, and often over 100 points high, at which point it says HI, rather than giving the numbers, so I can't guess how much over then. It would be nice to get it down where the vet would be happy with it, but it's not there yet. {resigned smile}

   Then i wrote up yesterday's daily update and shared it, which made it one of my busier mornings. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I started by reading scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued by reading the next part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I showed her the covers and read the blurb of Memories Space Race, followed by the first few pages, which were about eh probes both the USA and the USSR sent into space int eh late 1950's and 1960, including the Soviet ones that carried dogs. Next, I read a few short poems, followed by story, then more short poems, all from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the August 28th story, "Dimple's Boast," from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Dimple was a fine, strong young donkey, but a boastful one. When he boasted he was as strong as an elephant, his uncle said elephants carry people on their heads, and put a big basket of fruit on Dimple's head. Hi head soon dropped, and the fruit spilled. Dimple never boasted again. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises - all of them by accident, though I meant to give my hand another day off with the railing. It's the hand's first day without a bandage on the finger - and my arm resistance exercises before Phonso's first taskforce. I did my arm swinging exercises after Phonso's first taskforce. I did my head exercises during and after Phonso's second taskforce. I meant to get to the arm weight training and leg exercises, but it got too late. {smile}

   I read comics and articles after I was done with phoning, copying, and writing int he morning, and read them right through lunch. Then I cleaned myself up before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I realized I'd missed both the early large-group events, both short and long. So, I began to set up a character to support related toons - in this case, two colleagues of hers. I have four toons who have been set up that way a long time, but not all my characters are in those families anymore. Time to expand the toons who can support others. I also looked over my list of friends, and spotted Perogies on. I said hi, and we chatted and teamed up. I realized he was on a character the perfect level to get a story arc one of mine had missed and could get the credit she needed from it tagging along with someone else. So, I switched to the character who needed it, and we did the first mission from that contact. While in it, Perogies noticed some pointers he could give to help me play my character better. so he gave the tips, and I practiced what he said. That took us close enough to time to read to Mom, we said goodbye, and I left to read. {Smile}

   After dinner, hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty, and we had a short roleplaying session with the characters we particularly like together. That went until she got tired, and remembered she has an early morning the next day. We said goodbye, and I started to work on the toon I'm setting up to support her colleagues. Then Freaky said hi and invited me to a task force. I switched to the character who needed it, and Phonso recruited the rest of the team, and we ran the task force. I also chatted with Nox on the chat sever. After the first TF, Phonso recruited another TF, which I also ran with him. As I was getting ready to start my salsa dancing, ThornRune said hi. We started chatting, with breaks for my salsa dancing and other exercises. After the dancing, he showed me his character, and I showed him the character I was on, who is the one I'm setting up to support her colleagues. Then I showed him another toon, and we chatted with light RP until he left for the day, and I went to write some of this, and make notes for what I didn't finish. {Smile}