I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara a while after dinner. Just touching bases, sharing recent developments, and making sure my teeth are coming along as well as feasible when the root canals are still well into the future. {Smile}
I ate breakfast, lunch dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She roused quickly when I came in, and looked at things when I had stuff to show her. She responded and seemed interested. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then I read the first several pages from _The Calming Cat Book_. After that, I read "bingo and Rolly's Birthday" from _5-minute Disney Junior Stories_. I finished with the 31st of May's story, "Losing Teeth," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises shortly after I finished the teaming I did in the evening, with only short breaks in between. Then I took a long break before I did my standing arm weight training exercises and one sitting arm weight training exercise, with a shorter break before I did the other three sitting arm weight training exercises followed very shortly by my leg exercises. Then it got too late to do more, but I was also a bit tired. Maybe I'm still recovering from the tooth work, but I'm getting better and doing more. {Smile}
After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. Then I made a point to finish Thursday's daily update before lunch, even though it made lunch slightly late. After lunch, I read comics and played more Cross Stitch World. Then I cleaned myself up before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Not seeing my closer friends on, except for a few who didn't respond, I got busy with paperwork. Then Dr. Faustus said hi and invited me to join him on my villain who is part of a supergroup he's busy with. He and our mutual friend were getting ready to do a story arc, since they were the only ones who'd come to the weekly meeting yet. I joined them for the end of the meeting, and mentioned a story arc I had that wasn't entirely unrelated to what they were thinking of doing. We did my story arc, and they left after that. When I was free, Dennis said hi. We teamed up and squeezed in two missions before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I wrote this up. Then I read comics and did paperwork. until I decided it was high time that I try to be more social. I looked for a group to join, since my friends were mostly absent. I found one quickly. It wasn't that talkative, but we ran a bunch of missions, and I made good progress on a difficult badge. I said goodnight to Nox, having missed a chance to talk again. I did my exercises and paperwork after I left the team. I can't really team and exercise at the same time unless folks would rather my character stayed for the goodies while I exercise, and you don't ask that of the kind of group I'd joined. I don't even ask it of my friends, but they've offered several times, and I will take them up when they do. That's mostly in farms, though. {Smile}