On Saturday, I did a critique in the morning on Critique Circle. I had two credits left from doing previous critiques there, having long used up the few credits they give you for signing up. They charge three credits to submit a critique, and give out 0-2 credits per critique, based on the number of words in the critique. Mine was enough to earn one credit, as they say most are. Then over lunch, I submitted my own. I was lucky that their Children's queue wasn't full, so it will come up for review Monday at no extra charge. Fantasy was full enough, I'd either have had to wait a week, or pay extra. I'm not trying to write for children, but the main characters are children, and readers have said such stories are good children's stories. {Smile}
I also got a text from our housekeeper apologizing for being away so long. She hasn't been well, but she's feeling better. She hopes to come clean our house again soon. I'm just glad she's feeling better again! {SMILE}I ate breakfast, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake when I got there. She seemed interested in the pictures, especially the ones of the children with animals. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued the long family Christmas letter from her niece from 2019. Then I finished "The Picture Book of Kids and Animals." After that, I read "The Frog Prince" in _Five-Minute Stories: Over 50 Tales and Fables_. I ended with the 16th of March's poem from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Counting Rhyme." {Smile}
I did my arm resistance exercises and 4 of my 12 arm-swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my head exercises while winding down after teaming for the evening. Next, I did the rest of my arm swinging exercises, followed by my standing arm weight training exercises. After that, I did my salsa dancing. After the first piece, I wasn't that tired, so I did a second piece for a full 6 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. Then I was puffing, but that's about twice as much salsa dancing as I did Tuesday and Friday night. I'm afraid I was a bit tired for my sitting arm weight training exercises, but I'm just happy to be able to do more salsa dancing! {BIG SMILE}
I played Cross Stitch World in the morning when thinking about the critique, and again after lunch when thinking about posting my own story. Then I finished Friday's daily update after posting my story at Critique Circle. Next, I cleaned myself up. After that, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming even later than the day before. I found Pierogies and Michiel quite quickly. We teamed up on high level characters, and did three individual missions together, nicely filling the time before I read to Mom. Then I parked my character in a farm with Pierogies while I read to Mom and ate dinner. I said hello/see you soon to Dark just before leaving. {Smile}
After dinner, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming to find Pierogies had left the farm. He was still doing some paperwork, but he soon finished and said goodnight. I did a little paperwork, then remembered that Dark should already be on. I checked, and both Dark and Michiel were on. I said hi to each, and Michiel particularly wanted to squeeze in a short mission while he had time. We teamed up on high level characters and Dark joined us. Then Michiel left. Dark switched to a higher-middle-level character, while I stayed on that high level character because she gets along with his character in role-playing. We ran a mission or two, and Michiel came back and joined us again. The three of us ran a few more missions. Nox said hi on the chat server, and we talked for a fair while before they left for bed. Then Michiel left for bed, and Dark and I did another mission or two before we switched to talking. We talked a fair while, and eventually we said goodnight and he left. Then I did my exercises and salsa dancing, writing about them in this. After that, I played some Cross Stitch World, did some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork, and made notes in this update to write from then next day. {Smile}