On Tuesday, I expected a ride to come get me and take me to a meeting... well, the monthly picnic indoors in a regular building, so it feels more like a meeting and lunch than a picnic. They didn't come, so I called the driver. I got their answering machine, so I left a message. then I called the leader. I did get her, and learned it's next week, not this week, because that's when the room was free. I suspect things are tighter in general since one of the County meeting buildings got damaged by a fire. they plan to fix it, but the way these things work, I'd be surprised if they've got it out to bid yet. {smile}
Later, I got a phone call from the driver confirming when she'll pick me up next week. So, we're settled there now. {Smile}After that, I got a phone call from the Fire Ant Guy. He apologized for not coming for a few months and arranged to come the next day. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was reasonably alert when I got there, deliberately earlier than I've been doing recently, after the nurse mentioned it had slipped later by about an hour. I went back halfway... we'll see how it goes. Mom was more interested in the pictures, which I'm hoping will be a pattern if I keep with the earlier time. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read a Christmas card from her nice, and another Christmas card from a friend. Next, I finished _The Happy Book: Babies_ She does like the pictures of the happy babies; they got her more interested in looking at pictures today. Next, I read "The Elves and the Shoemaker," from _Five Minute Fairy Tales_. My last reading was the 16th of April's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Forgetful Kanga." {Smile}
I did my arm resistance exercises, my head exercises, and my arm swinging exercises while waiting for the ride to the meeting. Then I did three of my four sitting arm weight training exercises during lulls in the game while teaming in the evening. Next, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After that, I did the last of my sitting arm weight training exercises, and my standing arm weight training exercises. then I did my less structured salsa dancing set for a little over 21 minutes of salsa dancing. Then I did my leg exercises, including enough more than usual with the last one, I needed a rest. After that, it was too late to do my walking exercises too. {smile}
When the morning mix-up was sorted out, I came inside and read articles, played CSW, and read a comic right through lunch. Then I wrote up yesterday's daily update and cleaned myself up before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies; I think he was in the later short, large-group event. We chatted, then got together, and decide to run the later long, large-group event together. Afterwards, we chatted a little, and fit in a mission, since the event ended earlier than usual. I still broke to read to Mom earlier than I have been recently. I think Mom was more attentive, so I'm going to try to make this a habit. {Smile}
After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I checked who was on and started talking with Ulty. She was role-playing with friends and had time to talk on the side. Then Dr. Faustus came on and said hi. We got together and ran the next in the series of story arcs we're doing. I also said goodnight to Nox on the chat server. We missed talking again. Later, another friend came on and wanted to join us, but the game wouldn't let us invite him while we were doing that story arc. So, Dr. Faustus and I finished and said goodnight. Then Dr. Faustus left, and I joined my other friend. We hunted for a couple of badges, though we had trouble finding some of what we were looking for. We plan to get together again to hunt for more of them. Then I did my exercises, played Cross Stitch World, and watched some videos or parts of some. I finished my day writing a little of this and making notes to write from the next day. {Smile}