Sunday, December 29, 2024

Daily Update, December 28, 2024

On Saturday, I stayed home. I wasn't feeling great in the morning. A nap helped, but I still wasn't feeling great. Lunch also helped, but I still wasn't feeling great. {resigned smile}

After lunch, the nurse took the water cooler back, got a refund, and got a new one. It still needs to be set up, I would have gone with him to get it if I'd been feeling better, I just felt up to staying home and playing on my computer. {rueful look}

When it was late enough, I did my head exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup set. Fater a longer break than I mean to, I did two less structured pieces for twenty-one and three quarters minutes of salsa dancing, or there about, counting a little backing up. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web, mainly shopping on Amazon. then I had my nap, followed by lunch. After that, I hopped onto my computer while the nurse ran that errand. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and started out with paperwork, Then I started playing by myself and talking with Jenny's player. After that, Pierogies came in. We chatted, then teamed up and ran more of the story arc we began the other day. Then my nurse wanted to help me clean myself up just as Pierogies and I were starting the last real mission in the story arc. We ran the mission anyway, until it failed, because the gal we were trying to rescue got hurt too badly in a battle. She gave us the information we needed, and did reach medical help, so it ends well. Anyway, after that we split up, and the nurse did help me clean up, so I'll be fresh for church the next day, I even got out in time for a bit of paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming and watching dance videos before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I watched a lot more dance videos. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update, with breaks for Cross Stitch World. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. While I was settling in, Pierogies came in, too. We teamed up and did a mission of his - the first in a series of story arcs - that he'd mentioned we could do together earlier. Then he left for bed. I talked with Nox on the chat server, and I did some hunts. Then I exercised and danced. After that, I watched videos and finished that stary arc from the afternoon, since it has an end that's easily solo-able, and maybe less fun for others to join in on. After that, I did some more dancing. Next, I finished making notes and writing in this, with a break for part of another video. {Smile}