Thursday, January 30, 2025

Daily Update, Janaury 29, 2025

On Wednesday, I had another quiet day. My main nurse was back. He helped me clean myself up in the afternoon. {Smile}

I did pelvic floor and abdominal tucking exercises occasionally through the day. then, after City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did one of my leg exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my salsa dancing less structured set for 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, with the last piece being faster than most for me. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed on the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World right into lunch. After lunch, I read more comics and played more Cross Stitch World until I got cleaned up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then I played by myself, since the friends I particularly like to play with weren't around for the most part. That stopped when I could join the later short, large-group event. Then I finished writing up Monday's daily update before joining the later long, large-group event. That took me up to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and checked with friends on Discord before going back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I played by myself until Dennis said hi. We chatted, then teamed up on mid-level characters. We played a couple of my missions and one or two of his. Then Dr. Faustus said hi. He was on a villain team doing missions. I grabbed a middle-level villain, and Dennis grabbed a villain too. We both joined the team Dr. Faustus was in and ran several missions with them. The team broke up when I said I'd need to leave to exercise and dance. Everyone else remembered other stuff they had to do, too. I did a little paperwork, then a bit of exercise before starting to dance. Then I made notes in this, with breaks to play Cross Stitch World and browse on Amazon before I danced some more. After that, I watched a video. then I finished my notes in this and started writing Tuesday's daily update. I didn't finish that update before bed again, but I had enough notes to finish later. {Smile}

Daily Update, January 28, 2025

On Tuesday, I did a quick errand with the relief nurse after breakfast. {Smile}

After the errand, I checked my voicemail, and found a note from Dodo Mortuary, which Mom and Dad both made their arrangements with. I called them back and got a short update from the fellow who is handling Mom's arrangements. This included arrangements for them to resend a bill he mentioned, so I don't have to hunt for it. {Smile}

I tried calling my financial advisers right after that, but I didn't get through until I tried again after lunch. I had a very reassuring talk with my main financial adviser about reasonable arrangements for enhanced nursing support while I set up a new life for myself. {Smile}

Then in the afternoon, the nursing company owner, who's also the relief nurse's sister, came over for a sleep over. We talked a bit, and I realized that headaches I've had for three days in a row are probably due to using the lumbar pillow the nursing company gave me for Christmas upside-down, and a new tea I was trying. I compared it to other teas, and discovered only it had licorice. I mentioned this as a suspect ingredient to Pierogies when we were playing together. He wondered about that one, so I looked it up. I discovered, that yes, licorice is known to cause headaches and potassium depletion, both of which I had trouble with recently. So, I gave the rest of that box of tea to the nursing company owner, who doesn't know of having any problem with licorice. {Smile}

Over dinner, I watched the first hour of a recent Dungeons and Dragons movie with my relief nurse, which prompted a discussion about possibly playing Dungeons and Dragons with the nursing company owner and my relief nurse. They're both interested in learning, but not where they'd be slowing down experienced players. 

I did my pelvic floor and abdominal tucking in exercises through the day. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set late in the evening, followed by a new standing exercise. However, when I tried to start a less structured salsa dancing set, I couldn't do it. I'm not sure if I slow or dizzy, but I stumbled from something like that, so I stopped. So, I did almost nine minutes of salsa dancing with the false start for the second set added in. After that I did my arm resistance exercises. After a break, I did my head exercises, too. {Smile}

After my call with Dodo Mortuary, I tried to call my financial advisers but got their answering machine. Then I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World right over lunch. After that, I called my financial advisers again and got through this time. Next. I played some more Cross Stitch World before switching to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then Pierogies and I teamed up and did some missions together. Kitten joined us, playing with us. Then Pierogies left, and Kitten admitted to being too tired to continue. So they left, and I did some paperwork before I left for dinner myself. {Smile}

During and after dinner I watched the first hour of a recent Dungeons and Dragons film. Then I talked with my relief nurse and then nursing company owner about Dungeons and Dragons. when we were done, I went back to my computer and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I regularly team with was really on, so I played by myself on the character who teamed with Pierogies and Kitten earlier until the character finally got what I've been hoping for since the day before. So, I switched to paperwork, since getting that had produced some. After that, I browsed on the web and read comics. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server and wrote part of Monday's update. Then I started making notes in this update. I also played Cross Stitch World before I started dancing. I read comics in what I thought awa s a break before I tried more dancing. Unfortunately, that was the dancing that didn't work out, so I tried to exercise a bit before making more notes in this. I didn't finish Monday's update before bed. {smile}