On Wednesday, I had another quiet day. My main nurse was back. He helped me clean myself up in the afternoon. {Smile}
I did pelvic floor and abdominal tucking exercises occasionally through the day. then, after City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did one of my leg exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my salsa dancing less structured set for 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, with the last piece being faster than most for me. {Smile}
After breakfast, I browsed on the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World right into lunch. After lunch, I read more comics and played more Cross Stitch World until I got cleaned up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then I played by myself, since the friends I particularly like to play with weren't around for the most part. That stopped when I could join the later short, large-group event. Then I finished writing up Monday's daily update before joining the later long, large-group event. That took me up to dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and checked with friends on Discord before going back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I played by myself until Dennis said hi. We chatted, then teamed up on mid-level characters. We played a couple of my missions and one or two of his. Then Dr. Faustus said hi. He was on a villain team doing missions. I grabbed a middle-level villain, and Dennis grabbed a villain too. We both joined the team Dr. Faustus was in and ran several missions with them. The team broke up when I said I'd need to leave to exercise and dance. Everyone else remembered other stuff they had to do, too. I did a little paperwork, then a bit of exercise before starting to dance. Then I made notes in this, with breaks to play Cross Stitch World and browse on Amazon before I danced some more. After that, I watched a video. then I finished my notes in this and started writing Tuesday's daily update. I didn't finish that update before bed again, but I had enough notes to finish later. {Smile}