Saturday, January 4, 2025

Daily Update, January 3, 2025

On Friday, after lunch, my main nurse took me to the mall. I walked maybe halfway around before stopping at the comic store, feeling tired. There, I browsed a lot of comics before picking one out. My nurse came after some shopping of his own nearby and picked me up. The walk to the car was long enough, I think I went 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the way around the mall, all told. After that, we went back home. {Smile}

My walking around the mall left me feeling a bit tired at the time. I also didn't feel nimble enough for salsa when it was time for that, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. But I did my head exercises. After a short break, I did my arm resistance exercises. After another short break, I did my arm swinging exercises. Then I was tired enough, and it was late enough, I stopped exercising. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web and Amazon. then I played some Cross Stitch World over lunch. After that was our trip out. After we got back home, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis and Dark and introduced them to each other when we teamed up. The three of us ran several of my missions. Then Dennis asked to do a mission of his that was in the zone we were in. His were tougher, since he was higher level, but thankfully the game adjusts so characters can team even if their levels aren't similar. We got that mission done around dinnertime, so I left when it was done. {Smile}

After dinner, I slowly began writing up Thursday's daily update. I got it done unusually late, and shared even later, but I did get it done before my exercise, let alone bedtime. The slowness was that I didn't wait to hop into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I'm glad I didn't, since I found Dark, Pierogies, and Kitten quickly. It was just as Pierogies was finishing up and leaving for bed, but at least we got to say hi-bye. Then Dark, Kitten, and I teamed up. We ran several of my missions, most in one story arc. Pierogies came back on and joined us for one or two missions before leaving for bed again. Then we did one more mission, finishing the story arc. After that, we fought a giant monster before Dark left for bed. No, I didn't talk to Nox on the chat world because OI got done with my daily update so late, but we did say goodnight at slightly different times. After that, I wrote up this update and made notes in it. I also browsed the web and Amazon and played Cross Stitch World, all around exercising. {Smile}