Today was Tuesday. I got a message from my doctor when I first woke up. They answered my question pretty clearly. That was a huge relief. {SMILE}
I started researching sites that host web novels. At first, I just tried listing pros and cons of each site, but before I finished the first, I started listing popular genres too. I thought web fiction looked promising... now I'm not so sure. But it's really too soon to say yes or no. So, I'll see how it goes. {smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were open when I got there. She barely spoke, but she looked at all the pictures. I Started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I showed her the next several pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She looked at all the cute kittens intently enough I showed her more pages than I planned to, describing each picture a bit in lieu of words. Next, I read a poem, a short story and a slightly longer story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Next, I finished with the 28th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Cozy Nest." Pippa flew around, twittering plaintively. Nettie the Nightingale asked Pippa why she was still here when all the other swallows had left for Africa. Pippa fluffed herself up to keep out the chilling wind, and complained she didn't want to fly all that way. Weren't there some kind friends who'd help her? Nellie invited her to warm up in her nest while she thought where Pippa could spend the winter. She suggested Mr. Thomas's loft, since he always leaves the window cracked open. {Smile}
After attending a vigil in City of Heroes: Homecoming for a while after teaming and paperwork wound down, I left my character up while I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. then I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set, too. {Smile}
This morning I read a lot of articles, as well as looking at sites that host web novels. I did those after lunch, too. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming early enough to join the early short, large group event. I found Pierogies there, as well. After that, Pierogies wanted to do the early long, large group event. Paradox came in and joined us, too. Then Pierogies wanted to continue the high-level story arc we'd started a few days ago. While I was looking for the right character, Paradox left again. Then Pierogies found his character, and we ran the next mission. He was tired enough to leave after that, so I did a bunch of paperwork on the character who'd just done both large group events and the mission. When I was done, I notice d I just had time to join the later short, large-group event, so I switched characters, ran it, and did paperwork that had piled up on that character until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I got back in time for the late night short, large-group event. it's a rare day when I catch all three short, large-group events, but I did Tuesday. Then I started writing this up. I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming when Paradox was interested in going back in while waiting for a friend in another game. We teamed up and did one mission. Then they went to join their friend. I said hi in the discussion with Nox, Radio and Haiden, but didn't get a response quickly. Such are chat-servers; sometimes folks are busy. I did what paperwork the character I'd just used had. Then I noticed a vigil was going on for a player who'd died quite recently and went to it. I don't know the player who died, but I know some of their friends. Nox said hi around the time I joined the vigil. We chatted off and on while I was at the vigil, and while I did my exercises and salsa dancing. Paradox came on and we started chatting in other conversations shortly before Nox left. I stayed at the vigil as much as my computer allowed me to, since it disconnected during the salsa dancing and was fussy about reconnecting after the salsa dancing. I ended up making notes towards the end and finishing writing this up and sharing it the next day. {Smile}