Today was so rainy, I got a note from our deacon delaying her next visit until next week. We'll see what happens. {Smile}
I also got text messages from Auntie Barbara. She's having "minor flooding." You know, the kind that's always more minor when it's not your own garage. {lop-sided smile}
Our relief nurse didn't come in today. she lives to the south, which Auntie Barbara does, too. She probably had too much rain and flooding to deal with traffic too. {concerned look}
I got a call from our former nurse after dinner. Yes, he's having trouble with the rain and flooding too. Hilo's prepared for some rain, but all you need is a bit more to start having trouble. {resigned look}
I thought about web fiction sites some more and asked a few friends about their opinions. I also discussed it a bit with my counselor. I'm not sure if I'll figure out a way to make that work for me or not. {smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes opened when I got there, but she closed them for parts where it was mainly words. She opened them for pictures, and even spoke a few times. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I showed her the last several pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She kept looking at the cute kittens as I described each picture a bit in lieu of words to read, so I ended up continuing until I finished the book. Next, I started reading My Little pony: 5 Minute Stories. I read the Introduction and the first story, "the Royal Wedding." I finished with the 30th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Happy Harriet." Harriet had a smile that seemed to be contagious. If she heard the milkman before she went to school, she'd run out with a basket to save him walking up the lane. He smiled when he saw her happy little face. If it was cold or rainy, she kept herself cheerful by skipping and humming a happy tune. She smiled at anyone who looked cold or miserable, and they smiled back, Even crying babies started gurgling if she stopped to play with them. She visited her grandmother every Saturday, and always took flowers from the garden. now there weren't any flowers, but she found some leaves and berries, and arranged them. Granny smiled and said they were lovely. {Smile}
I did my head exercises while waiting for Azurette and Kitten to get together in City of Heroes: Homecoming after dinner. I'd been slow, so when I was finally ready, they'd found things to keep busy with, and had to get done and come back. After we finished teaming for the evening, I did my walking exercises, then my leg exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Then, after another break, I did my arm resistance exercises. {Smile}
I read articles and comics in the morning and over lunch, along with finishing yesterday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming in time to catch the early short, large-group event on the character who levelled last night. This is the first time she's been high enough to join it. Until last night, she was too low level to enter the zone it's in. Pierogies was there, so we started talking. Then he asked me what I wanted to do. I chose the early long, large-group event next, since I know he loves it, and this character was better prepared for it than she ever has been before. After that, he wanted to Kitten joined us, and Pierogies wanted to do the high-level arc we were doing. So, we all got good characters for that. We had one mission left, but we each had to lead it, because that's how the game works. Then we continued with the next arc, doing the first two or three missions before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming to do the late-night short, large-group event. Then I started writing this up. Then Kitten caught me while I was working on a personal chore. I finished, and we teamed up. Kitten had a particular project that we had to figure out how to start. The first couple of way we tried didn't work. As we were figuring out how to make it work, I spotted Azurette, and started chatting with her. I invited her, but failed to tell Kitten what I was doing, so they got bored, and started to get snacks just as Azurette and I were finally ready to start. However, we got back together, and ran the story arc Kitten needed to do to develop a new character they're making. I also started chatting with Nox on the chat server. I talked with Owl Girl, too. Kitten joined Owl Girl and me at times. Paradox joined the three of us at one point, too. Azurette, Kitten, and I finished the story arc in time for just a little chatting before I started my exercises. Meroa said hi just then, and asked what I was doing. I told them I was starting my exercises, but the others might still be playing. Haiden joined the discussion with Nox while I was exercising, which livened it up. I also wrote this, switching to making notes as it got late. Again, I had to finish writing the next day. {Smile}