Thursday, January 2, 2025

Daily Update, January 1, 2025

Wednesday was the first day of the new year, so Happy New Year! That is if you celebrate it, of course, but most do celebrate that one. If you don't, like at least one friend, I hope you has a nice day. {Smile}

Myself, I just stayed home and took it easy. It wasn't like any stores were likely to be open, and I wasn't that keen on going to a park. {Smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup set normally and was pretty happy with it. Then, after a break, I started my less structured salsa dancing set. However, a couple of minutes in, I realized I was logy an slow, so I stopped and took a little sugar. Sure enough, a single caramel perked me right up, so I restarted, and did two whole pieces. With the false start and all, I did almost 22 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, with a little over 5 1/2 minutes extra fast, since my last piece was. {Smile}

After breakfast, I read comics, watched videos, and browsed the web until I took a nap. When I got up, I had lunch/ Next, I played a bit more Cross Stitch World than I really meant to. After that, my nurse helped me clean up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did paperwork, and played by myself, primarily the holiday special stuff until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and checked who's on, since I found so many more friends the other day by going back right after dinner. I found Ulty and Jenny's player, so I said hi and we talked while I pursued the holiday stuff. It's not the same as playing together, but it's something. Then Dennis came on and said hi. We teamed up and played on moderately high-level villains as we talked about Christmas. Then he left and I did paperwork. After that, I tried playing by myself on a mid-level hero, but she lacked the kind of stuff I like to solo. I did get a couple of badges on her. Next, I danced. Then I watched videos and read comics before I danced some more. After that, I read comics before I finished the evening writing and making notes in this, with a break for Cross Stitch World. {Smile}