Saturday, March 8, 2025

Daily Update, March 7, 2025

On Friday, in the late morning, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. It went particularly well. My time on the machine is back to where it was before I got sick. I also did more exercises in the harness, including some salsa dancing that impressed my main nurse when he walked in on it after he finished errands. 

I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara in the evening. It was nice to catch up with her. We plan to meet at church. {Smile}

My exercise was my physical therapy today. It was enough to make me tired and hungry, so I really shouldn't need more. {Smile}

I browsed web articles before physical therapy. When I got home, I had lunch, during which I played Cross Stitch World and browsed more web articles. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with extended paperwork because I spotted no one I particularly like to team with, plus Friday is a good day to do paperwork that's best done over a weekend. As I was winding down, Dr. Faustus said hi. I joined him for the meeting of the villain supergroup I'm in. Two others came too. The four of us did a flashback of a story arc I'd outlevelled but still wanted to do. I was touched they did that for me. That took me close enough to dinner, I just double-checked the paperwork and chatted with Jenny's Player a little while I waited to be called for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I made notes and wrote in this with a break for reading web comics. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then I began playing by myself on a low-level character. Next, Pierogies joined me. We teamed up for a regular mission and a couple of hunts, and I got Auntie Barbara's phone call. Dennis joined us too. We three chatted. Then we did a regular mission and chatted some more. After that, Pierogies left. Dennis and I played frisbee with a stranger who had a frisbee and chatted a little more before Dennis left, too. Then I did some more paperwork until Phonso invited me to do the new seasonal missions. I joined him and got all the badges on two more unranked badge collectors, though I feared I wasn't getting closer to one, it turned out I was watching the wrong badge. After he left, I did more paperwork. Next, I played Cross Stitch World and watched some videos before finishing my notes in this and squeezing in a little more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}

Friday, March 7, 2025

Daily Update, March 6, 2025

On Thursday, my video counselling started at the end of breakfast. My counselor started by helping me finish filling out the form I mostly filled out the night before. Then we went on to other things. I thought it was a good session. {Smile}

I also did some real-life paperwork before and after lunch, and a little more after dinner. {Smile}

I did ten of my walking exercises while my main nurse monitored me after dinner. I skipped the four where I walking with my knees going high with each step. I'm planning to do them in the future on the days I do my standing leg exercises, since I think both need breaks the day after. {Smile}

After counselling and real-life paperwork, I played Cross Stitch World through lunch. pausing to do more real-life paperwork before playing some more Cross Stitch World. It still doesn't feel as productive as it used to, but it's good when I want to think, which I was doing a fair bit of. It lets me be not completely idle while thinking, which is nice for longer sessions. Then I read web comics and articles on the web before I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. After that, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then Kitten said mew, so I joined them and Pierogies in checking out a non-combat area in the game. Then I did a hunt, during which Pierogies disconnected, not long after mentioning that his recent computer trouble is still not fully solved, so that's probably why. Kitten and I did another hunt and a couple of regular missions after that. That took me right up to dinner time. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and began making notes in this. Then I did my walking exercises before I made more notes and wrote in this. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player and joined them in a farm for a few missions until Jenny's player left, ending the farm. then I did more paperwork until Phonso invited me to do the seasonal missions again. Two more of my unranked badge collectors got a full set of badges for that, including one who's not quite as high level as everyone I'd done so far. After that, I did more paperwork. Then I played some Cross Stitch World, browsed the web, and finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Daily Update, March 5, 2025

On Wednesday, in the late morning, my main nurse took me to my podiatrist. Except my podiatrist had moved. There was a note on his old door with this new address, so we went to that building, but couldn't find his new office. My main nurse wanted me to look on the web, but when I only found his old address that way. So, I called his office, and they gave me his new room number. Then it was easy to walk there; we even happened to be on the right floor. {Smile}

The appointment itself went weel, if uneventfully. My diabetic neuropathy isn't preventing me from feeling with the soles of my feet, and my toenails are now nicely trimmed. Afterwards, my main nurse took me home. {Smile}

After dinner, I did a bit of real-life paperwork that had arrived today. It looked both too easy, and too important to let wait. A while before bed, I filled out a form from my counsellor to help with diagnosis of my conditions in hopes it helps with applying for disability. {Smile}

I walked around a bit while we were out, finding the podiatrist. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set a while after dinner while my main nurse monitored me. That was eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing on top of the walking. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web, especially web comics, until it was time to go to the podiatrist. After I came back, I had lunch, played Cross Stitch World, read web comics and watched a couple of videos before I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up with the help on my main nurse. Only after that did I go into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. then Kitten said hi, and so did Ulty. The latter invited me to a taskforce she and Jenny's player were doing with some friends. I joined, and secured a spot for Kitten, too. We ran it. Then Ulty wanted to run another taskforce. Jenny's Player and I switched characters for it, but Kitten seemed to doze off or something. So, we ran it without them and got done just in time for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner and the real-life paperwork, I finished watching a video I'd started earlier. Then I started writing and making notes in this. Next, I did my salsa dancing warmup set while my main nurse monitored me. After that, I read web comics and began chatting with Nox and Haiden on the chat server. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Ulty and Jenny's Player as I worked on paperwork. Then I began hunting on a low-level character. Pierogies joined me, then Kitten joined me, too. After a hunt or two, we began running regular missions. Then we got into a story arc, running one all the way through, and the sequel part way. Then I paused to take the survey for my counselor. Not long after that, I disconnected form the game, and most of the rest of the internet, too. It took a while for my internet to come back When it did, I said goodnight to Kitten and made more notes and wrote in this. {Smile}

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Daily Update, March 4, 2025

On Tuesday, after breakfast and again after dinner, I did more real-life paperwork. {Smile}

Also, my housekeeper came in the late morning. the house is much better for her attentions. {Smile}

After lunch, my main nurse took me to the public library. I found three books I wanted to borrow, and discovered two more aren't at my library branch. So, I ordered them through the public library system. They'll send a copy of each from some other library in the system. It may not even be the same one. Then my main nurse took me back home. {Smile}

When I got back home, I called my financial adviser. I told her about my recent banking, and a little more expected in the future. With that information, she planned our next steps. {Smile}

Before lunch, my nurse reminded me to do some exercises. He monitored me, noting what I did. I started with my arm swinging exercises, and continued with my arm resistance exercises, three of my sitting arm weight training exercises, my head exercises. My main nurse was very happy with how much I did. {Smile}

In the morning, I played a little Cross Stitch World, but it's less interesting than the more productive paperwork and phone calls I've been doing recently, so I didn't play long. then, around lunch, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a little paperwork and badge collecting. When I got back home from the library, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I started with paperwork and badge collecting. Then Ulty said hi, and we chatted. I learned the teenage supergroup was doing a strike force too high for my character, who's still pretty low-level. However, they were doing it out-of-character, so playing another character wouldn't be as much of a problem as when we're in-character. So, I got a villain, and made her younger, not that it mattered out-of-character, but it fit. We ran the strike force, then broke up. Next, I did a little more paperwork until dinner, which wasn't too far away. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some more paperwork. Then Dennis said hi, and we chatted a while before we teamed up on moderately high-level heroes. We ran a few missions before he left. I also talked with Nox on the chat server a bit. I did some more paperwork until Phonso invited me to more of the new seasonal missions. We joined a bigger group that was getting together and recruited more as it shrank over time. Phonso took it over after we'd gotten one character of each of ours a full set of badges and did a second round on different characters. So, two more of my unranked badge collectors have all the badges from that now. After the second run, Phonso left, and I did more after that paperwork. Then I made notes and wrote in this, with breaks to play a little Cross Stitch World and do some more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Daily Update, March 3, 2025

On Monday, I did some real-life paperwork after breakfast. I also made a phone call to request new copies of recently discovered old checks. {Smile}

Then, a while after lunch, my main nurse took me to get my hearing aids checked, as I do every few months. After that, we ran a couple more errands before we went home. {Smile}

I have started looking into two websites which help creative types connect with fans. They even may let folks earn a bit through online shops and subscriptions. They are Kofi and Patreon. I'm still trying to figure out how I might use one or both, since many seem to find them helpful. {Smile}

I walked around while we were doing errands. Then I did my leg exercises a bit after dinner while my nurse monitored me. He was happy with how much I did, particularly considering the paperwork and errands we got done earlier, too. {Smile}

After the phone call in the morning, I went onto my computer. I played a little Cross Stitch World but found it less engaging after doing the significantly more productive paperwork and phone call. I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Then I started making notes and writing in this. I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a little paperwork and some work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. Then we went out for the hearing aids and other errands. When we came back, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming again and did some more paperwork and work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. Pierogies said hi, and I checked out a new character he's working on. We then did a story arc together that I had on a moderately low-level character I felt like playing. That took us right to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I started making notes and writing in this. I also exercised with my main nurse monitoring what I did. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork and work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. I found Dennis and said hi. We got together, and started collecting badges, with me still on my fifth-best badge collector. Pierogies joined us. We worked on badges for a fair while. Eventually, Pierogies left. I chatted with Nox on the chat server, too. After a while, Dennis and I reached a good place to stop with the badges. We ran a mission that was hard to figure out what to do. While we were working on it, Phonso invited us to a work on the new seasonal missions. Dennis wasn't up to that, so I finished Dennis's mission first, then joined Phonso and got another set of badges on another unranked badge collector. I collect badges on all my characters but only the top nine have a clear order of who's gotten how many badges. My other sixty-six characters are close enough to each other, I think of them as "the pack." They can easily jockey in position without me being fully aware of it, while I will know if any of the top nine change position. Anyway, when Phonso and I were done, he left. After that, I read web comics while working on badges on my ninth-best badge collector. I also wrote and made notes in this and began looking into Kofi and Patreon. {Smile}

Monday, March 3, 2025

Daily Update, March 2, 2025

On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. We arrived just before the announcements. Those started just after we'd taken our seats. It was a nice service. 

Afterwards, we had a big lunch. I don't think folks missed the nuts I forgot to take again as much as they would on a Sunday with less food. I sat with my main nurse and Auntie Barbara, along with some other parishioners. Afterwards, my main nurse took me home. {Smile}

After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my arm resistance exercises. After a short break, I did my arm swinging exercises. After a longer break, I did three of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After another longer break, and I did the last sitting arm weight training exercise. after a shorter break, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. That's all my upper body exercises except my head exercises, which I did the day before. {Smile}

After we got home from church, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote up Saturday's daily update. I also read some web comics before my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. After some paperwork, I talked to Kitten, who left on a trial before I could get in. Then I joined a longer trial. When Kitten got out of their trial and I was still doing mine, Kitten got in on another trial that didn't fill before I got done. So, I joined, after some confusion about who I wanted to play. The trial filled soon after, and I ran it on my sixth-best badge collector. Then Kitten found another trial which we tried, but it did not go well. It was still going when my nurse called me to dinner. I stuck with the trial until it broke up before going to dinner because I didn't want to make it fall apart by leaving. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and read web comics before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then found Kitten. We teamed up and began running my missions. Dr. Faustus joined us, and the three of us finished a particularly high-level story arc. Then we switched to a not quite as high-level story arc I had. Kitten went quiet after one mission, but Dr. Faustus and I kept going. He left just before the finale, so I saved the finale for later. I began working on paperwork but soon broke to begin my exercise. Then I did a little more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming before doing more exercise. Next came more paperwork there. I also began making notes and writing in this. then I did more exercise. After that, I made more notes in this before finishing my exercise. I finished the evening with yet more notes and writing in this, more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming, and checking Amazon a bit. {Smile}

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Daily Update, March 1, 2025

On Saturday after breakfast, I ran some errands with my relief nurse. We got back home in time for an extended lunch. The rest of the day, I relaxed at home. {Smile}

I did my head exercises during a lull in the game. that's all I got done, aside from climbing in and out of the relief nurse's truck, but I think I can have a day off after physical therapy. {Smile}

During lunch, I got onto my computer. I wrote up Friday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. after a little paperwork, I found Kitten and Pierogies together. I joined them for a few of Pierogies' missions. Dragons joined us after a few missions. Then Pierogies left after a few more, leaving me as team lead. So, we started doing my missions, and continued right up to dinnertime, even when Pierogies came back for a few more missions near the end. Dragons left at the same time I did. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, with a break to begin making notes in this. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I spotted Dennis, and we teamed up and did several missions together. He was leaving just as Phonso said hi, but I was helping Dennis with some things, so I finished before joining Phonso. With Phonso, I got full sets of the new seasonal mission badges for two more unranked badge collectors, even though the second one was very hard at first. Luckily, after a couple of missions, Kitten joined us. Their favorite character has just become even more amazing than they already were. With their help, it went easier. After the second set of badges, Phonso left. Then Kitten and I joined Dragons and a friend of theirs in a type of individual mission that my second-best badge collector needs more of. I did three before I had to break to finish making notes in this. Then I browsed the web a bit before heading to bed at a reasonable though not early time. {Smile}

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Daily Update, February 28, 2025

On Friday, after a leisurely breakfast, my relief nurse took me to physical therapy. My therapist and I discussed my exercise schedule. I must have misunderstood earlier; he wants me to cut back less than I thought. I'm actually a bit relieved with that. I will get more salsa dancing this way, and that's what keeps me going, since the salsa dancing is actually fun. {Smile}

I got lots of exercise at physical therapy. I also got three phone calls during the session. there was a call from the new accountants I'll have to follow up on, and a non-answer, but one was from Dodo Mortuary saying Mom's death certificates were ready. after physical therapy, we went over and picked them up. {Smile}

My exercise was physical therapy. I'm definitely recovering from being sick. {Smile}

After we got back from physical therapy, I had lunch. Then I began writing Thursday's daily update. I took a break to play Cross Stitch World, then went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with some rather extensive paperwork. Then I said hi to Pierogies and Kitten. I teamed up with Kitten, and we did a couple of missions. Then Pierogies joined us, and we did one more mission. I was slightly late for the villain supergroup meeting, but I did get there before they started a taskforce. That's important because taskforces and strike forces can't be joined in progress. You have to be there when it starts or sit it out. Anyway, I ran the taskforce with them. Then the meeting broke up, so I worked on paperwork during the little wait until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner I played Cross Stitch World. Then I read web comics. Next, I finished Thursday's daily update and began making notes and writing in this. Only after that did I go into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then said hi to Dennis and Kitten. I joined Dennis, who was doing talk missions and collecting badges. Kitten joined us. Kitten and I encouraged Dennis to do missions, since we all can get in on those. He did, and we ran them until Kitten went quiet and timed out. I also chatted a little with Nox on the chat server. Dennis and I continued doing missions after Kitten left. Then Dennis spotted a taskforce. We joined and ran it. after that, he left. I did some paperwork and then started going back and forth between making notes in this and playing Cross Stitch World until I went to bed. {Smile}