Friday, March 14, 2025

Daily Update, March 13, 2025

On Thursday, I had counselling after breakfast. It was going well when the nursing company secretary and nursing company owner came in. They said they didn't mean to interrupt and went to talk with my main nurse until I done. I guess. I think I told the secretary I had counselling at ten, but I guess they didn't realize it lasted an hour. {smile}

I met afterwards with the owner, the secretary, and a bit with my main nurse for a long talk. They didn't agree at all with my assessment that I could take over some chores which are all complimentary for 24-hour care/ They didn't want to discuss a shorter arrangement except to insist it's very premature and would court disaster. So, I'll just have to find some other solution. They do talk like this could end with me living independently. If that worked, that could solve just about everything, but I've needed help so long, it's hard to envision. Too often, folks help me for a while, then declare they've set me up to continue on by myself... so I try, and manage for a while, but less than two years later, it all comes crashing down, and I get to pick up the pieces without their help. Often, it's not even one year. {sigh}

After dinner, I did the ten walking exercises which don't require a break the next day. My nurse was satisfied with that. {Smile}

After the meeting, I immediately had lunch. Then I did some web browsing and began writing up Wednesday's daily update until I got ready to run some errands. The first stop was picking up two library books I'd ordered. Then my main nurse and I stopped at a couple of banks before we went back home. Then I wrote more of Wednesday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I finished Wednesday's daily update, and Pierogies said hi. He and I chatted and ran a mission together. Then I got called to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I read a web comic and began making notes in this before I exercised. Then I wrote and made more notes in this before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and prepared to solo on a couple of high-level characters. Then Phonso said hi, so I joined him instead. We ran the taskforce we had so much trouble with the night before, this time with a full team instead of just over half full. We handled the last battle much better. Afterwards, Phonso left, so I did some paperwork then ran a mission on each of the two high-level characters I'd been prepared to play earlier. Then I did more paperwork, read some web comics, and browsed on the web. After that, I ran a mission on the moderately low-level character I'd played with Pierogies before dinner. Then I finished notes in this around working on tests for my counselor. I also played Cross Stitch World and watched a video. {Smile}

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