On Monday, I did some real-life paperwork after breakfast. I also made a phone call to request new copies of recently discovered old checks. {Smile}
Then, a while after lunch, my main nurse took me to get my hearing aids checked, as I do every few months. After that, we ran a couple more errands before we went home. {Smile}
I have started looking into two websites which help creative types connect with fans. They even may let folks earn a bit through online shops and subscriptions. They are Kofi and Patreon. I'm still trying to figure out how I might use one or both, since many seem to find them helpful. {Smile}
I walked around while we were doing errands. Then I did my leg exercises a bit after dinner while my nurse monitored me. He was happy with how much I did, particularly considering the paperwork and errands we got done earlier, too. {Smile}
After the phone call in the morning, I went onto my computer. I played a little Cross Stitch World but found it less engaging after doing the significantly more productive paperwork and phone call. I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Then I started making notes and writing in this. I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a little paperwork and some work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. Then we went out for the hearing aids and other errands. When we came back, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming again and did some more paperwork and work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. Pierogies said hi, and I checked out a new character he's working on. We then did a story arc together that I had on a moderately low-level character I felt like playing. That took us right to dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I started making notes and writing in this. I also exercised with my main nurse monitoring what I did. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork and work on badges for my fifth-best badge collector. I found Dennis and said hi. We got together, and started collecting badges, with me still on my fifth-best badge collector. Pierogies joined us. We worked on badges for a fair while. Eventually, Pierogies left. I chatted with Nox on the chat server, too. After a while, Dennis and I reached a good place to stop with the badges. We ran a mission that was hard to figure out what to do. While we were working on it, Phonso invited us to a work on the new seasonal missions. Dennis wasn't up to that, so I finished Dennis's mission first, then joined Phonso and got another set of badges on another unranked badge collector. I collect badges on all my characters but only the top nine have a clear order of who's gotten how many badges. My other sixty-six characters are close enough to each other, I think of them as "the pack." They can easily jockey in position without me being fully aware of it, while I will know if any of the top nine change position. Anyway, when Phonso and I were done, he left. After that, I read web comics while working on badges on my ninth-best badge collector. I also wrote and made notes in this and began looking into Kofi and Patreon. {Smile}
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