Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Daily Update, March 10, 2025

On Monday, when I was settling into City of Heroes: Homecoming to team with Kitten, the lights blinked, my computer and screen turned off on their own, and the battery backup started squealing an alarm. I figured out how to turn the battery backup off and on, but it didn't help. The alarm started up whenever I turned it back on, and nothing else would turn on. While I was figuring this out, the relief nurse complained that the Wi-Fi was out. So, I got him to take me down to Office Max, where I picked out another modest battery backup. {Smile}

Then we went back home, and the relief nurse removed the old battery backup and plugged in the new one. I plugged the rest of the stuff back into it myself, and things worked fine again after that. {Smile}

I walked around Office Max some to pick out and get that new battery backup. Then a while after dinner, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. {Smile}

After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World a little. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World. I also read web comics and browsed on Amazon until lunch. After lunch, I talked with my relief nurse. Then I browsed the web until I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then I began to play by myself until Kitten said hi. We teamed up and were just starting to hunt and hoping to do a regular mission together when the internet went out. That prompted the trip to get a new battery backup. When we got back and I got set up and turned the computer back on, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Kitten was on a full team, so I played by myself and chatted with Kitten until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I started making notes in this. Then I danced. Next, I chatted with Kitten on the chat server and made more notes and wrote in this. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started talking with Kitten while I worked on paperwork. Next, Kitten and I got together and ran a long, moderately low-level mission. After the mission they went quiet. They faded out just before Pierogies said hi. Pierogies and I ran the last mission in that story arc. During that mission, Phonso said hi, and invited me to do that new seasonal mission - last day this season, I believe. I said I'd finish the mission and that Pierogies planned to head to bed afterwards. Eventually I finished the mission. I meant to tell Phonso I was switching to join, but either I messed that up, or he missed it because he complained that I either shouldn't have left or should have said something. He'd filled the team in the meantime. I was disappointed and explained that I thought I'd said I was switching, but I do understand that it's bad to kick someone off to make room for another. I still moved to where he was working from, and a space opened up sooner than I expected. I joined him and ran the mission several times, getting all the badges, as did two of Phonso's, since he'd started earlier. Then Phonso left. I did some paperwork and made notes in this. Then I played by myself on the low-level character I'd played earlier, doing a talk-mission that followed what Kitten, Pierogies and I did. Next, I hunted some badges on her. After that, I made notes in this, and checked some characters to make sure their badges are accruing properly. I also read web comics and played Cross Stitch World. Then I did a mission by myself before finishing notes in this and talking to Kitten. {Smile}

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