Thursday, March 20, 2025

Daily Update, March 19, 2025

On Wednesday, the exterminators who treated the house for roaches came back for a second treatment. I told him I'm still seeing at least one half-sized roach by my computer.  I mainly watch there, so can't say they weren't elsewhere. He treated that part particularly carefully. He treated the rest too. {Smile}

Then, midafternoon, I got a phone call from a friend. We chatted for a while. It was nice to hear from him. {Smile}

A while after dinner, I did my ten walking exercises that don't absolutely require a rest the next day. My main nurse monitored me while I did them. {Smile}

After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed on the web. Then I began writing Tuesday's daily update before lunch. I played Cros Stitch World during lunch because it's easier to use a mouse than type while eating. Then I wrote the rest of Tuesday's daily update, with breaks for web comics. After that, I got the phone call from my friend. Next, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I got together with Pierogies, Kitten, and a new friend Pierogies introduced from his new supergroup. We talked, then did a couple of my missions. Then Pierogies and the new friend left, but the new friend stayed long enough to establish long-term connections despite that being greatly slowed on my end. After they left, I got sidetracked by paperwork. When I tried to get back to playing the game, Kitten didn't respond. So, I talked with Nox on the chat server a little and checked with Ulty about something for Nox. I went to dinner right when called. {Smile}

After dinner, I made notes in this and played Cross Stitch World. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's Player, and learned they were starting a farm. I joined them and exercised while they farmed. After I was done, I went back to sort of farming with them and definitely visiting with them. I also made some notes in this and talked a little with Nox on the chat server, but Nox soon went to bed. When the farm broke up, I did some paperwork. Then I began talking with Phonso and making more notes in this. I joined Phonso for a set of three trials. Another friend joined us, and some of the others who joined us are acquaintances because they join these often. We ran the trials. Then I talked with one player whose character hit the maximum level during the last trial. I gave them some spare cash to help them develop their character. Then I did some paperwork. I chatted briefly with Kitten in City of Heroes: Homecoming. I also made notes in this and did some web browsing before bed. {Smile}

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