Thursday, March 13, 2025

Daily Update, March 12, 2025

On Wednesday, in the morning and early afternoon, I called the nursing company secretary a few times. I asked about rates if I take on the chores and/or have the housekeeper do them when we shift to hourly. I specifically asked for the rates with and without cooking dinner, because I'm wondering about my abilities to keep that going. She said she'd talk to the owner and get back to me. She was concerned about how I was feeling. I'm feeling fine. I'm just trying to figure out how to keep up the nursing without breaking my budget. I hoped I could do a bit more by taking back the household chores. I was also looking forward to feeling like I was accomplishing things with those chores. If I can lower my rates, too, so much the better for feeling accomplished. I put that in the past tense because things already make that look less feasible. {smile}

After dinner, I did two of the walking exercises that I need rest days after. Then I did my eight standing leg exercises, which need a similar rest. I finished with the other two walking exercises I'll need a rest day after. My main nurse is quite impressed. He thought he'd be pushing me to do more, but he thinks that was enough. {relieved Smile}

Around the phone calls I mainly played Cross Stitch World. I also browsed on the web a little pretty much up to lunch. After lunch I played more Cross Stitch World. Then I cleaned myself up with my main nurse's help. After the bath I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I hoped. I started with paperwork. then joined the later long, large-group event, and ran it. We got done in time to do a bit more paperwork before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I read web comics before I did my exercises. Then I wrote and made notes in this before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, and talking with Jenny's Player and Ulty. Then I broke to make more notes in this and read more web comics. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming for more paperwork. After that, I prepared to play by myself with the gal I thought was my 9th best badge collector, but I just discovered the pack caught up with her, so, she's part of the pack now. Before I really got going, Phonso invited me to a taskforce. The new friend I met and made long-term contact with recently joined too. I also talked a bit with Nox on the chat server. Phonso, my other friend and I, and a couple of others waited a long time for the taskforce to fill, but it was stuck at five members. Phonso eventually decided to go anyway. It was fine until the last big fight, but then we had more trouble. Then again, I've had a fuller team have more trouble and still pull through. We did eventually get it, which was quite satisfying when done. After that, Phonso left, and I talked with my new friend a bit. when she left, I did some paperwork, then broke to make more notes in this. Then I played by myself on a couple of high-level characters, pausing occasionally to make notes in this and browse the web. 

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