Monday, March 10, 2025

Daily Update, March 9, 2025

On Sunday after breakfast, my main nurse took me to church. We paused because his daughter had mentioned wanting to come, but she'd since remembered a prior commitment. We got to church during the announcements and enjoyed the service. It was a little different because it's the beginning of Lent, the penitential season before Easter. {Smile}

Afterwards, I had lunch with my main nurse, Michelle, Auntie Barbara and some other parishioners. I forgot the nuts again; I'm trying to leave tin a spot where I'll actually remember them, since by my purse isn't working. Auntie Barbara returned three books and loaned me one, too. {Smile}

My main nurse and I stopped at Island naturals for a few things because second Sundays are customer appreciation day, when everything that isn't already on sale otherwise is 10% off. After that, he took me home. {Smile}

A while after dinner, I did most of my upper body exercises with my main nurse monitoring me. I started with my arm resistance exercises, followed by my standing arm weight training exercises, two of my sitting arm weight training exercises, my head exercises, and my other two sitting arm weight training exercises. Then I stopped, because I was a bit tired to do my arm swinging exercises right after all the rest, but my nurse was happy with how much I did. {Smile}

After we got home, I wrote up Saturday's daily update and began this daily update, with a pause for a small bit of Cross Stitch World. I played a little more Cross Stitch World afterwards, then went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then joined and ran a taskforce. Then I did more paperwork until Pierogies said hi. We chatted, then ran the later long, large-group event together. We talked more afterwards and did most of a story arc he'd begun. We almost finished it together in that all the regular missions done. He just had a talk to do. But it was dinner time, so i let him do the talk by himself. {Smile}

After dinner, I made notes in this, played a little Cross Stitch World, and browsed on Amazon before I did my exercises. Then I made notes and wrote in this and read web comics. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server before even going into City of Heroes: Homecoming and starting on paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player and joined them for a mission. Then I switched characters to run another mission with them. Next, we said goodnight, and I worked on more paperwork until Phonso said hi. He invited me to do the new seasonal missions for badges. Yet another unranked badge collector of mine got the full set. Not two due to connectivity issues. I disconnected once and Phonso disconnected twice, the second time long enough, I and others teaming with us began to think he wasn't coming back. When the badge run was done, Phonso left, and I talked with another teammate for a long time. We even established long-term connections. {Smile}

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