Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Daily Update, October 14, 2024

On Monday, after breakfast, I called the driver who takes me to the meeting and confirmed I wanted to go the next day. She called back and told me when to expect her. {Smile}

Then I took a nap in late morning. I had planned to go right after breakfast, but somehow didn't. When I'm tired, I don't always make the best decisions. {rueful smile}

I called my doctor's office around lunch time. They put me back on an anti-yeast pill. Unfortunately, one of the pills I take is associated with frequent yeast infections. {resigned smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in. She largely rested while I read. I hope she finds being read to soothing. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read Christmas cards from a friend and her niece, with a Mother's Day card from me in between them. Next, I finished _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_. Then I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I ended with October 14th's story, "The Giraffe," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to mom and eating dinner. Then I did my salsa dancing after playing City of heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. I did two pieces, took a break, and did two more pieces, fourteen and three quarters minutes of salsa dancing in all. {Smile}

I started my day with web browsing over breakfast which continued through most of the morning before I finally took the nap I really needed. I took just a short break from the web browsing for the first phone call before my nap. When I got up, I had lunch and got the second phone call. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies was around and told me that the early long large-group event had just folded because they had too few high-damage types to be likely to be successful. He and I got together with me on a moderately low-level character I felt like playing. We ran a few of my missions. Then he left so I could clean myself up before reading to Mom. I actually squeezed in the later short, large-group event. There, they talked about how they're planning to replace the later short, large-group event and the late night short, large-group event with a single short, large-group event halfway in between them. Apparently, it's hard on the raid leaders to run three most days, especially when the longest running and most dependable leader just retired. After the later short, large-group event, I cleaned myself up. I got done at a typical time to read to Mom, which I was happy with. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Sunday's daily update, with breaks for starting this and playing Cross Stitch World. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one was on, so I played by myself, and started talking with Nox and a little with kitten, both on the chat server. Then Dennis came on, and showed off some costumes he'd been redoing, and talked about them. Then he left, and I went back to solo play and paperwork, especially after Nox went to bed. Then I started dancing. I browsed the web and played CSW in the break between sets. Then I played by myself on City of Heroes: Homecoming a bit before I finished my notes in this. {Smile}

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