Friday, October 11, 2024

Daily Update, October 10, 2024

 On Thursday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A driver came and took me to Life Care Center, where I had a physical therapy appointment. My physical therapy went well, with 15 minutes on a seated step machine with only one break, and walking exercises and salsa dancing in the harness downstairs. I'm unlikely to hurt myself falling when the harness will catch me. Afterwards, I contacted Uber, and another driver came and took me home. I think he was chattier than the one who took me over. {Smile}

After lunch, I got a call from my doctor's office. They asked about my tests, which they hadn't received results from. No, I forgot to take them. However, I had a couple of problems to talk to the doctor about: a condition and a problem I have that the therapist can help me with if my doctor sends the right prescriptions. So, we kept the appointment for that. 

That reminded me about phone called, so I called my financial advisor next. I got her and had the talk I needed. It was encouraging, and very much a relief. {SMILE}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. I think she roused enough to enjoy the pictures. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read a Christmas letter from a friend. Next, I restarted _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_ and was encouraged to see her looking at the pictures. After that, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 10th's story, "Hungry Rusty!" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

All my exercise was at physical therapy; I didn't need more after that. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web before going to physical therapy. When I cam back, I had lunch with Mom. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming but didn't find anyone around who I particularly like to team up with. So, I started with paperwork, then played by myself for a while. Then I noticed some folks advertising the later long, large-group event. I switched to a character who is short of the rewards that give, and trick-or-treated while I waited for them to start. We ran with fewer than usual, which is probably why the fight with the boss was so long, but we got him finally. I talked with Dennis a bit during it, too. Afterwards, I joined Dennis for a quick mission I had, and he needed. After that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up the rest of Wednesday's daily update. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked with Ulty, Jenny's player, Divi, and Phonso. I joined Phonso in watching a trick-or-treat league, and ended up joining the trick-or-treat after a while. Then a zombie apocalypse happened in the zone we were in, which is what Phonso had been waiting for. I joined him, but the rest of the team didn't join us. The insisted on staying where they'd been trick-or-treating. Phonso insisted on staying at the usual place folks gather for raids in the zone. Afterwards, Phonso left, frustrated. I had a brief talk with Nox on the chat server after that, but mainly did a little paperwork and a fair bit of solo badge hunting Until I found a giant monster. I got a small team, and we got the monster. Someone found another monster, and a team with some different members got that one. Then everyone left except one fellow. He found a high-level taskforce before he found another giant monster, so we ran that. When that was done, I want back to solo badge hunting. During much of this, I also had a long talk with my British friend. Then I wrote a little of this, made a lot of notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

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