Saturday, October 5, 2024

Daily Update, October 4, 2024

On Friday, a while after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took them to Life Care Center. First, I found the Activities office. No one was there, but a gal came before I'd given up. I gave her three books Mom's dementia has gone far beyond, on life in the USA and Britain, one for the 1940's, one for the 1950's, and one for the 1960's. She was so happy to get them! She's been wanting something to do with residents in their rooms, and these are literally made for one-on-one activities with seniors with dementia, a significant part of the nursing home's patients. {Smile}

Then I went to physical therapy, and even got there a little early. I talked with my therapist and hiss assistant about safety-at-home alternatives for after Mom dies. He recommends one of those wearable alarms. he thinks that should be sufficient, especially if I arrange for them to be alerted if I fall and don't push the button. the therapy itself started with a seated step machine; three sessions of 5 minutes each.  Then we went downstairs and put me in a harness. I started with walking first forwards then backwards. Then I started salsa dancing, doing a fast piece until I was tired, then resting, then doing la Bamba, the slowest salsa piece of the style I do that I've found. Yes, La Bamba is the slow one; it's a fast dance. When I was done, I took Uber home. {Smile}

Later, in the mid-afternoon, I took Uber to the hospital for my ultrasound in one of their labs. Right at the entrance, a gal offered me a wheelchair. While I can certainly walk, I accepted, thinking this was the best way to get a guide who'd make sure I got where I needed to go. Sure enough, she took me right to check-in and got me in line. She even stayed with me till I got to the desk, since it's not a patient-operated wheelchair. Another gal came and took me to the place where the test would be. I waited a fair while, playing cross Stitch World to keep from being even more bored, when a gal who's been a regular to the monthly picnic/meetings came and say hi. she'd come as one of two patients' nurse, but she'll be missing for a while. She's got a new position she wants to concentrate on now, but maybe when she's settled in at that she'll try to come back. {Smile}

Eventually, they called me in to the ultrasound which went about like they usually do, though the ones I can compare it to weren't of quite the same area. Anyway, when it was done, they took me out front, where I sat on a bench and contacted uber, which came and took me home. {Smile}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in again. She did rouse. She sometimes looked at the pictures when prompted, but a couple of times she said she couldn't see them. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 4th's story, "Maria's Clogs," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't do any exercise beyond my physical therapy. They worked me quite hard enough! {SMILE}

After breakfast, I began writing Thursday's daily update. I wrote more of that after lunch with Mom, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I did a little paperwork, but mainly chatted with Divi, who was on a team that was already full. After that, I went to my ultrasound. When I came back home, I browsed the web, played CSW, and wrote some more of Thursday's daily update. I was a bit tired from the ultrasound to try City of Heroes just yet. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Thursday's daily update and started this daily update, both making notes and writing. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I saw Saiyala on a low-level character and got one of my low-level characters to team with them. Even better, he was finishing a story arc I had, too. We finished it together so we both got credit. Then we ran the sequel together, as well. I did miss Nox on the chat server but said goodnight for them to find later. I talked a long time with Saiyala after teaming. Then I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

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