Sunday, October 6, 2024

Daily Update, October 5, 2024

On Saturday, Carol, who fixed my computer, called to say my new graphics card had come, and asked if I was available. I told her I was, and she said she was forty minutes away, and would be right over. She came over to the house and installed my new graphics card. She also set up my new monitor that came yesterday, since she was here, and it was ready.

I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in again. She did rouse. She looked at the pictures when prompted more, which was welcome. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. Then, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 5th's story, "Half' N' Half," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't do any exercise because it was the day after my physical therapy. Mostly I feel fine, but when I think of exercise, I feel tired before I began. With how hard it was last week, when they didn't work me as hard, I think I should take the hint, and a day off Tomorrow I can get back to some, though maybe not dancing for another day. that's what we used to do. {SMILE}

After breakfast, I did a little web browsing, but mostly cross stitch world. then I cleaned myself up before lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I played Cross Stitch World until Carol came and fixed up my computer stuff. After she left, I settled into my computer. I tried Cross Stitch World. It's doing much better. The loading times are only moderately annoying, like they were before. Then I wrote a little of Friday's daily update. Next, I tried City of Heroes: Homecoming. It was only a little better, but I had less trouble in the first place. It looks like it ought to be a more demanding game for video stuff, but it's so old, it really isn't. Anyway, I talked with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Saiyala. Then I joined Saiyala for a low-level taskforce they were looking to do. After we started, I offered to lead if we wanted to restart when I realized we'd be higher under me. Saiyala left it up to the group, which didn't offer an opinion, so we went ahead. The taskforce went rather roughly, so he didn't feel like doing the sequel like folks so often do. instead, he got a higher-level character and joined a different taskforce that someone was starting. I switched too and ran it with Saiyala and the group he joined. we ran slightly into time to read to Mom, but it's not nice to pull out. Not only do I not get credit, but they can't add a replacement without restarting, so they'd have to finish undermanned. So, I stuck with them to the end, then left right after. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Friday's daily update. Then I dragged into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I talked with Ulty, and a little with Jenny's Player, then left to read comics and play Cross Stitch World. Next, I went back to a mix of paperwork, web browsing, and making notes in this daily update until I was ready for bed. {Smile}

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