Sunday, September 22, 2024

Daily Update, September 21, 2024

 On Saturday, I stayed home, and mostly took it easy. I found Facebook was back to normal when got onto my computer. that was quite a relief. {SMILE} I did text the gal about the video cards. I also talked about them with Kitten, who had definite opinions about what they could do. I also talked about them a little with Nox, who didn't have as many or as strong opinions on them. I left messages with a few other friends asking their opinions, mainly folks I know are far more knowledgeable about computers than I am. I heard back from Dr. Faustus before bed about them. {Smile}

I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake when I went in and stayed awake while I read. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from last year. After that, I started _The happy Book Babies_. Then I read a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I finished with September 21st's story, "Bobby's Toys," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

This isn't one of my usual exercises, but I did a lot of bending over after lunch I was picking up spilled dry roasted chickpeas. It was a fair-sized spill, so I was tired by the end! Then I did my head exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and eight of my walking exercises, including two of the more strenuous ones after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening. Then, after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises before it got too late. {Smile}

After reading _Avalanche_ over breakfast, I read articles, did some other web browsing, and played Cross Stitch World until I wrote up my daily update before, during and after lunch. Then i played more Cross Stitch World and did some online shopping before I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I started with paperwork. Then I started talking with Pierogies. We teamed up so he could farm while I sat in, as something to do in-game while we watched a couple of comic dubs. These are videos of comics where they show the pictures while one or more people read the lines. I also chatted with Dennis, since he was busy in a task force. When it was done, Dennis left. Pierogies was quiet after the second show. (He told me the next day he'd fallen asleep. I just said goodnight and left to read to Mom, since it was time. {Smile}

After dinner, I began making notes in this. I also talked at some length with Kitten about the graphics card options. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming a bit late. I started with paperwork. Next, I also started talking with Nox. I somehow found I wasn't in as much of a mood to chat with others who I spotted. I was still thinking about the video card, and most of my tech savvy friends who might help me sort out that graphics card were absent.  So, I soloed a few missions each on a couple of characters. After that, I did some exercises and wrote some of this. Then I did some research followed by more exercise. Next, I started making more notes in this, with a little City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork and some Cross Stitch World. I really need to cut out playing games and reading when it's too late to exercise. That would help me tame my bedtime. {Smile}

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