Saturday, September 21, 2024

Daily Update, September 20, 2024

I woke up on Friday to find a text waiting for me from the gal who fixed my computer. She was busy that morning but said she would work up a couple of estimates and email me them later. She got them to me the same evening I am so relieved that I got her. I noted which numbers she said should work in the future, so when I need her again, I can find her. {SMILE}

After breakfast, I sat down at my computer and realized it couldn't find the internet. I waited a bit and tried restarting some programs. I even tried restarting the computer and the modem. Nothing helped. So, I checked on my phone. My internet provider reported no internet outage in my area when I checked my provider's website. however, I spotted a way to ask for help and did so. A fellow started texting me right on the site. Between turning things off and on, unplugging the router, and him resetting the modem, we got it working. Well, except Facebook has had mostly broken and missing pictures today.  However, a cousin on a different island who has the same provider had the same problem that morning. I just left the computer on until bedtime. I didn't want to disturb it. I was concerned it might lose the internet again. {rueful smile}

I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake when I went in but rested when I started reading. I hope she finds my voice soothing. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from last year. Next, I finished _The Picture Book of Babies_. After that, I read a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with September 20th's story, "Winter in Africa," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises, arm resistance exercises, and arm swinging exercises after teaming on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening, and a bit of Cross Stitch World to wind down afterwards, too. After a break, I did four of my walking exercises before it got entirely too late. That wasn't as much as the day before, but I'll just have to try harder the next day. {smile}

I had a leisurely breakfast reading _Avalanche_ by Mercedes Lackey, Cody Martine, Dennis Lee, and Veronica Giguere while sitting with mom. Then I moved to the computer, and the fuss with getting the modem to find the internet took most of the morning. after that, I just played Cross Stich World and read before lunch. Again, I read Avalanche while eating lunch. When I got back to my computer, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then Pierogies and I started talking. I thought we'd team up, but he remembered this is the week the villain supergroup meets. I checked with Dr. Faustus, and the meeting was going in the base. I joined the group just as they were getting to missions together. We did a story arc someone had. After that story arc, the group split up. I did some more paperwork and hunted by myself on a character before I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Thursday's daily update and read some comics before hoping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I spotted Dennis and said hi. He'd just checked and not seen me. We teamed up and did a couple of my missions. Then Dennis spotted a taskforce. We joined it and ran it. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Dennis and I talked a while after the taskforce before we said goodnight. Then I did some paperwork. After that, i played some Cross Stitch World before I started my exercises. After that I played more Cross Stitch World and started making notes in this before doing a few more exercises. I wound down with even more Cross Stitch World and making notes and writing in this. {Smile}

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