Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Daily Update, November 18, 2024

On Monday, I got a phone call from the driver who takes me to and from the monthly meeting. I confirmed that I'm going. She will pick me up Thursday, calling closer to the day to confirm the time once she finds out when it is, since it's likely not at the usual time. {Smile}

After lunch, I got a phone call from the secretary of the nursing company that takes care of mom and me. She wanted to know all my medical conditions and all my medications, and what everything was for. I did my best, but that's a tall order. I have enough of each, it's hard to remember. {smile}

Later, I got a phone call for a survey concerning my doctor. I declined because of my hearing loss and not understanding the speaker. they wanted someone else in the house, but no one else uses that doctor here, and it was specifically for that doctor. Truthfully, I was also worn out from the last phone call, and I didn't want to leave Div waiting again, when he'd waited through the extra-long call with the secretary from the nursing company.

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was pretty much awake when I went in despite me arriving late again, between teaming with Div and the phone calls. Mom looked with apparent interest at all the pictures I showed her, including the cards and stories as well as the pictures of babies. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read two cards, one from her cousin and one from me. Next, I finished sharing pictures in _the Picture Book of Babies_. It's the big one, and many of the babies are wearing costumes - more so than our other baby and child themed picture books. Then I read a story in _Disney Princess 5-minute Princess Stories_. I ended with November 18th's story, "," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

After playing CoH much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup while trying to hold my pelvic floor and abdomen tucked in. Considering how quickly I got tired yesterday when I did that with my walking exercises, I was pleasantly surprised to make it through the warmup not much more tired than usual. After a break, I did come les structured dancing, still holding in both my abdomen and my pelvic floor. I was panting enough after one piece, to stop there. It was too late to do more later. Still, that was fourteen and three quarters minutes of salsa dancing while trying to hold two large muscles in, which I think isn't bad for a first attempt. {Smile}

Over and after breakfast, I read comics and browsed the web. Then I cleaned myself up before I hopped into Vindictus. I found Div almost immediately, so I played by myself very little before we teamed up. I had two notable breaks, the first started with checking out some emails I hadn't noticed that Div had sent and continued straight into the phone call with the secretary. The second was much shorter, just declining the survey about my doctor. After I got done with Vindictus, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Sunday's daily update with a break for starting to write and make notes in this. I also did some Vindictus solo talks I hadn't gotten to earlier. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis. We teamed up, and Kitten soon joined us. We did several missions together. I was mostly on my second-best badge collector because Dennis promised a badge soon. To both of our disappointment, it didn't happen. that contact is supposed to give a badge mission, but it looks like it's later, not sooner this time. Eventually, Dennis left. Kitten and I did a couple more missions. A friend of kitten's who I sort of know joined us. Then we said goodnight and have a nice day, since their days were beginning while mine was ending. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup. Next, I checked Vindictus, especially some new talks. Then I danced again before I made notes in this and checked comics and the chat server. {Smile}

Monday, November 18, 2024

Daily Update, November 17, 2024

On Sunday after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took me to church. The service was nice, as was the lunch afterwards on the lanai. I sat with Auntie Barbara but took a break to talk to two others who were off in a vestry meeting, I think. I didn't mean to interrupt, so I made it quick. {smile}

After lunch, Auntie Barbara took me home. She came inside to visit with mom. We sang all or part of five songs with Mom, Mom got at least one line of all five, sometime much more. {Smile}

I met Div in Vindictus today. He said he hadn't been online in a month but came back because I kept mentioning this game. We teamed up and played a lot, and talked a bit, too. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was pretty much awake when I went in despite me arriving late because teaming with Div ran late, and then there were the goodbyes after that. Mom looked with apparent interest at all the pictures I showed her, especially the pictures of babies. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read three cards, one from her cousin's granddaughter, one from her cousin (not the one with that granddaughter), and one from me. After that, I continued sharing pictures in _the Picture Book of Babies_. It's the big one, and many of the babies are wearing costumes - more so than our other baby and child themed picture books. Next, I read a story in _Disney Princess 5-minute Princess Stories_. I finished with November 17th's story, "A Secret Lodger," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

Late in the evening, I did five walking exercises along with two new exercises holding up pelvic floor, and holding my abdomen in. Then I did my arm resistance exercises. After a break, I did three more walking exercises along with the new holding exercises. After another break, I did my head exercises and four more walking exercises. No, didn't get the last two, but I had t take a lot more breaks because the added holding exercises made me tire much more quickly. {smile}

After I got home, I hopped into Vindictus, and started my usual solo play. This got sidelined very quickly when Div said hi. We teamed up and did content there for the rest of the afternoon, right up until I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped back into Vindictus for some solo talk missions. Then I began to write up Sunday's daily update with a break to begin making notes in this. After that, I answered Kitten and Pierogies on the chat server. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Divi. Divi invited me to run a strike force with him and his friends, which I gladly did. Then I did some paperwork and made more notes in this. After that, I started exercising with breaks that included more notes in this. In one break, I looked at City of Heroes: Homecoming and discovered a time-consuming change I'd made hadn't done what I expected and wanted it to do. While I was wondering what to do about this, I discovered that Chrome was on. After a little more exercise, we teamed up for two missions. Pierogies joined us during the second one. Then Chrome and I left, and I finished making notes in this, {Smile}

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Daily Update, November 16, 2024

On Saturday, I just stayed home and took it easy. {Smile}

I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was pretty much awake when I went in and looked with apparent interest at all the pictures I showed her, especially the pictures of babies. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read two cards, one from a friend, and one from her cousin. Next, I started sharing pictures in _the Picture Book of Babies_. Its' the big one, and many of the babies are wearing costumes - more so than our other baby and child themed picture books. Then I read a story in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with November 16th's story, "The New Red Slippers," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

No exercise other than the daily ones. I'm supposed to do those as often as feasible, so no days off, but they aren't a lot of exercise in the usual sense. {Smile}

Starting during breakfast, I played Vindictus, and continued until it was so close to lunch, I just read comics until lunch, and right into it, too. Afterwards, I checked out City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I usually team with was on, so broke to clean myself up. When I was done, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I joined a taskforce. It got done just in time to join the later long, large-group event with Pierogies. After that, I did a little paperwork before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote and made notes in this. Next, I did some web browsing and played more Cross Stitch World before I finished Friday's daily update. Then I made more notes in this before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, caught up on a lot of paperwork, since I was behind and the only ones that I spotted looked busy. After a while, I talked with Ulty, Jenny's Player, Alex, and Michiel. I ended up teaming with Michiel for a mission or two before he left for bed. After he left, I noticed Dark was on. He'd said hi when I was playing with Michiel, but I'd missed it. We teamed up, talked, and ran a hunt. Then Dennis joined us. We ran a second hunt, then ran a regular mission. Then I said one more for my last before bed. That one really took too long, but stuck it out, then said goodnight. I added a few more notes to this, thankful I'd done most of the notes I needed earlier and headed to bed. {Smile}

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Daily Update, November 15, 2024

On Friday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and too me to physical therapy. It was a good therapy, touching on the new exercises, including one I hadn't understood. I hope I understand it better now. {Smile}

After therapy, I contacted Uber again. This time, they picked Alan to take me home. We loved seeing each other again. We spent the whole ride catching up.  {Smile}

After dinner, I got phone call from Auntie Barbara. We talked about getting ready for Thanksgiving, not that Mom's and mine will be anything but low-key on the day. but Auntie Barbara has an event planned for the Friday, since that's when everyone could come. Also, we plan to get together on Saturday for a lunch of Thanksgiving leftovers, as is our little tradition. {SMILE}

I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was at least partly awake again when I went in and actually woke up more while I was showing her the pictures of children. She stayed awake after that, too. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then, I read three cards, one from her cousin's granddaughter, and one from each of her two sisters. After that, I finished sharing the pictures in _Childhood Memories Picture Book_. Those are the pictures she woke up more for. Next, I read a story in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I finished with November 15th's story, "A Winter Legend," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

My exercise was all at physical therapy today. They really worked me, too. {Smile}

After physical therapy and lunch with Mom, I played Vindictus. After that I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and caught much of the middle long, large-group event. After that, I started to team with Pierogies, who'd also been in the middle long, large group event. Then Dr. Faustus reminded me about the villain supergroup meeting that was on as it is most Fridays. I excused myself and joined the meeting. They wanted to help my character gain levels and experience. I decided she didn't need to keep going up as slowly as she had been. She gained experience, though not a full level, and we finished at a good time for me to go read to Mom/ {Smile}

After dinner, I made notes and wrote in this. Then I wrote up Thursday's daily update with breaks for Cross Stitch World and comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming to find that Dark was on! Dennis was on, too, so I teamed up with both of them. Dennis wanted one of two taskforces, preferably with a full team. So, I recruited the rest of a team and started to run one of the taskforces. Partway through, I disconnected. When I got back, Dennis was leading the taskforce. The game doesn't let us hand it off, so he finished it. I didn't mind. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. After the taskforce, Dennis left. Then Dark and I talked. Next, we ran a couple of high-level missions, then talked some more. I've missed him. anyway, I made notes in this while talking to Dark. Then I said goodnight to Dark. {Smile}

Friday, November 15, 2024

Daily Update, November 14, 2024

On Thursday, I had my video counselling an hour later than usual. I usually would have waited a week. When I couldn't, she fit me in where we could, and that's the time slot that fit. I think the appointment itself went well. {Smile}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake again when I went in and stayed awake right through the reading. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read four cards, one from her nephew, one from cousin, and one from each of her two sisters. Then I continued sharing the pictures in _Childhood Memories Picture Book_. I'm glad she was awake to look at the pictures again. After that, I read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with November 14th's story, "The Flying Dog," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

After playing on City of Heroes much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. I tried to do the new exercise while dancing once I remembered, about two minutes into the warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing. It was a little over 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, and I think the last piece was fast, and not short, which should count for something, too. After that, I did my head exercises. Then I realized I was tired and stopped exercising. It was getting late anyway. {Smile}

Over and after breakfast, I played Vindictus until it was time for my counselling appointment. After the appointment, I played more Vindictus. When I stopped, I had a late lunch. After lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I joined Pierogies in the middle long, large group event. Afterwards, I teamed up with Pierogies to do some individual high-level missions. Kitten joined us during them. Then all three of us joined the later long, large-group event. After that, I quickly left to read to Mom because it was time. {Smile}

After dinner, I began writing and making notes in this. Then I wrote up Wednesday's daily update, with a break for a comic and videos. Next, I made some notes in this and read some comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork while talking with Ulty and Jenny's Player. When I finished the paperwork, I still hadn't found a friend who seemed free to team up, nor one I could join. So, I got a low-level character I'd like to see higher in level and asked if anyone would like to join me in a channel for folks looking to get together with others. I mentioned what level I was, and two joined me quickly. We ran through a regular mission and a few hunts. Then one left. The other stayed, and Kitten joined us for another regular mission. Then the other stranger left. We ran out the content at that level, and started stuff that can help my character go up. Then I started my dancing. I watched videos and made a few notes in this before more dancing and other exercise. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do some paperwork before finishing writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Daily Update, November 13, 2024

On Wednesday, the Fire Ant Guy came and went without me noticing according to our main nurse. I'll have to catch him next time and pay for both sessions. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in this time and stayed awake right through the reading. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read three birthday cards, one from a friend, one from church, and the third from me. Next, I properly started sharing the pictures in _Childhood Memories Picture Book_ since she was finally awake to look at the pictures. Then I went back to read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I finished with November 13th's story, "A Narrow Squeak," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises between beginning this and hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. later, I did my dancing warmup after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. Then I took a break before I did my arm resistance exercises followed by less structured salsa dancing. All my dancing in both sets were with the new exercise, well, except the first minute or so of the first set, because it took me that long to remember. {smile}

At breakfast I started playing Vindictus, and continued through much of the morning, until I paused to clean myself up. Then I ate lunch while reading comics and continued reading after eating. After the comics, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found the middle long, large-group event. Kitten was in it, too. afterwards, we tried the new, extra-tough zone. It was pretty much a wash for both of us. Today, Kitten quoted one of the leaders saying that it was an unusually bad run that he was surprised finished. After that, we did the later long, large group event, along with Pierogies. After that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing up Tuesday's daily update with breaks for Cross Stitch World and comics. Then I began making notes and writing in this update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis. We teamed up and did some of his missions. We also talked. Kitten joined us, and we got a badge for Dennis and me. I also talked with Nox on the chat server, too. Eventually, Dennis left. After that, Kitten and I talked about the rough run in the afternoon, both in the game, and on the chat server. Then we finished with one last mission. After that I did my dancing and exercises. I also made noted in this, peeked peek at Cross Stitch World and Vindictus, and did a bit of web browsing. {Smile}

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Daily Update, November 12, 2024

On Tuesday, after dinner, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara We caught up with each other, and planned an celebratory lunch on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom seemed asleep when I went in, but did open one eye at one point when I was talking to her. I read in case she heard or sensed me by her anyway. She roused quickly enough for the nurse afterwards, I'd almost think she was listening with her eyes closed, but usually folks don't rest with their mouth open quite that way when they're awake. Anyway, I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I skipped over _Childhood Memories Picture Book_ when she didn't open her eyes when I said there were pictures of children. Next, I read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. They were different stories or parts of stories than the day before, since she was still mostly out of it. I finished with November 12th's story, "Going Sliding," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did two of my head exercises while playing City of Heroes this evening, and the other three right after that. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set while doing the Kegel exercise variant my therapist recommended. I'm getting better at dancing while doing that. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set for a total of around 20 1/4 minutes of salsa dancing.

Over breakfast, I browsed the web. then I took a short nap. After that, I played Vindictus right through lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with a little paperwork, then joined the middle long, large-group event. After it was over, I found Pierogies as we were discussing getting together, Jenny's Player invited me to tougher version of a particular taskforce. Pierogies said he preferred to take a break, but I should go ahead. (Two taskforces and a strike force have tougher versions on City of Heroes; Homecoming.) I ran it with jenny's player, Ulty, and their friends, and a few strangers who joined us. At least I think they were strangers. I discovered and got a badge only available in the tougher version of this particular taskforce. Then Pierogies said hi near the end. We talked afterwards and teamed up for a hunt until I left to read to Mom.

After dinner, I wrote up Monday's update and played a little Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote and made notes in this before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started on paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi and asked me to come see his new costume. I admired it and we talked. Then he left, and I did surprisingly extensive paperwork, finding two bunches I didn't realize I still needed to do. I also began talking to Nox on chat server and made some notes in this until Dennis came in. We teamed up and ran some old missions of his. I switched characters at just the right time to get a badge on the one of my characters I wanted it on the most, since the one I was on already had it. Then I switched again for one more mission before we said goodnight. Then I did my exercise and the first set of dancing. After that, I talked with kitten on the chat server and added notes and wrote in this. Then I did more dancing. Next, I watched a video and checked the chat server. I finished the day with more writing and notes in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Daily Update, November 11, 2024

On Monday, I got a text from The Fire Ant Guy. We arranged by text for him to come Wednesday and treat the property. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom seemed asleep when I went in, and didn't seem to wake, but I read in case she heard or sensed me by her anyway. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I tried to start _Childhood memories Picture Book_ but decided to restart it some day when she's opening her eyes for the pictures. After that I read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with November 11th's story, "Carlo the Barber," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. then I did my head exercises after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. After a short break, I did my salsa dancing warmup, and after a longer break, I did my less structured salsa dancing, for twenty and a quarter minutes of salsa dancing between the two sets. I did it like the therapist suggested I do my exercises, with the new exercise done at the same time. That made it trickier, but I did the best I could.

Over breakfast and through most of the morning, I played Vindictus. Then I read comics before and over lunch. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies in the early long, large-group event. I joined it partway through. Afterwards, we got together and teamed up on lower-level characters. We ran quite a few missions. At first, we did his missions. Then we switched to mine when he ran low on new missions. Eventually he wanted a break before the later long, large-group event. We said goodnight, and I went to clean myself up before dinner. I got done and started reading to Mom at about the right time. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Sunday's daily update, with more and longer Cross Stitch World breaks than I quite intended. I also read comics before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming on the late side. I talked with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Divi while playing by myself, since none seemed to want to get together with me. Then Dennis said hi, and we got together. We did a couple of high-level individual missions. Then we started his character's intro to the end game, since he'd just reached that on the character he was playing before teaming up with me. I guess we did a few missions, but only one with real fights. Yes, we stopped after the first mission with real fights, where it matters. Then we stopped. he'll finish that another day, maybe with me, or maybe with someone else. We said goodnight. Then I did my exercise and dancing. Between the dancing sets I read comics and played Cross Stitch World. After the last of the dancing, I began writing in this, and made notes here, too. I did peek at Vindictus, which was down for maintenance earlier, but had just come back. {Smile}

Monday, November 11, 2024

Daily Update, November 10, 2024

After breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a chatty fellow came and took me to church. I did enjoy talking with him much of the way down. I got to church during the announcements. I think the service was pretty nice. Afterwards, we had lunch on the lanai. I put my things down in the usual place. So many sat next to me, Auntie Barbara had to sit down at the table from me. When I got up for dessert, I moved over to sit next to her. Then we got to catch up with each other. {Smile}

As expected, every seat in her car was taken for the ride home. However, she'd arranged for me to ride home with home communion, which was visiting this week. Our first stop was at a nursing home near our house. I walked int with them, so we could visit a friend of the family who is there. It was one of her good days; she was alert, and aware, and pretty talkative. Then we went to my house. It was a good day for Mom, too. She wasn't talkative, but she was awake and took home communion happily. That's how her good days are now. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in but not asleep, just sleepy. She woke up a little when I showed pictures while reading her niece's letter, and really woke up when we got to the babies. She stayed awake after the babies, too. I think she enjoyed the pictures and the readings, too. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I continued _Picture Book Babies_. Then I read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I finished with November 10th's story, "Grumpy Rabbit," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I had a long walk in and long walk out to see Karen. It felt like a block's worth of walking each way. Later, I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. I did my head exercises after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. I was surprised that I actually felt tired after them; that walking must have been more exercise than I realized. At least with feeling tired, I don't feel as guilty that it was too late to do more. {Smile}

After home communion, I got on my computer and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies in the middle long, large group event. I joined it and finished it with him. Then we ran missions together afterwards until they left. After that, I played Vindictus until it was time to read to Mom. I started a talk mission like I haven't seen there before. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished the talk mission, which took a while. I did not expect it to be that long. Part of it was that it was a murder mystery, and I went about it methodically, only skipping steps if the game did. Then I finished Saturday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten in a taskforce by themselves. They stopped and let me join by restarting it. They actually restarted it twice because they were concerned the mission wouldn't get them what they wanted. When they realized it would, they went on after inviting Divi who happened to be nearby. The three of us did the whole thing even though we doubted we could handle the two biggest bad guys in it. I also talked with Nox a little, but not much. Near the end of the taskforce, Chrome came in to say hi. He stayed for two quick missions. I switched characters for them, since the character I'd done the taskforce with had gotten my goal for her with a nice cushion. Then I did minimal paperwork before I did my head exercises. Next, I peeked at Vindictus before writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Daily Update, November 9, 2024

 On Saturday, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara after dinner. We planned meet at church the next day, but she expects her car to be too full to give me a ride home afterwards. We also caught up in general a little. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in but woke right up for me. I think she enjoyed the pictures and the readings, too. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I continued _Picture Book Babies_. Next, I read a story from _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with November 9th's story, "The Lonely Owl," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

The only exercise is the new one that's kind of all the time, even days. off. {Smile}

Over breakfast, I browsed the web. Then I played Vindictus until lunch. Then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten, and we tried to join the middle short, large group event together. While Kitten got into the zone, it was full when I tried slightly later. Kitten offered to come out so I could join the second half, but by then, someone else was trying to get in, too, so there was no guarantee their sacrificing their space would benefit me. So, they stayed inside. After that, though, we both joined the middle long, large group event with no trouble, as did Pierogies. the three of us tried to get together afterwards, but Kitten faded out. Pierogies and I teamed for a while. Then Pierogies left, so I did some paperwork. When I noticed the later long, large group event advertising, I joined it. Right after that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Friday's daily update with more and longer breaks for Cross Stitch World than I meant to take. Kitten checked on me, I so slow getting back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I began to write up this and take notes in it, too, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I joined Kitten and Dennis. We ran a couple of missions before Dennis left. Then Kitten and I tried another mission, but Kitten was mostly out of it, even though they found stuff quickly. They eventually apologized for being so tired and left to sleep. I also talked with Nox on chat world. I said hi to Divi, Ulty, and Jenny's player a while after Kitten left. Ulty and Jenny's player answered. They were running a low-level story arc with a friend. I joined them on a low-level character. We finished one arc and began the next. first one friend of their joined, then another. I think Jenny's player switched characters, too. We eventually finished the second arc. Then the others left, and I did paperwork before playing a little Vindictus. Then I read some comics and ended the day by notes in this. {Smile}