On Wednesday, in the late morning, my main nurse took me to my podiatrist. Except my podiatrist had moved. There was a note on his old door with this new address, so we went to that building, but couldn't find his new office. My main nurse wanted me to look on the web, but when I only found his old address that way. So, I called his office, and they gave me his new room number. Then it was easy to walk there; we even happened to be on the right floor. {Smile}
The appointment itself went weel, if uneventfully. My diabetic neuropathy isn't preventing me from feeling with the soles of my feet, and my toenails are now nicely trimmed. Afterwards, my main nurse took me home. {Smile}
After dinner, I did a bit of real-life paperwork that had arrived today. It looked both too easy, and too important to let wait. A while before bed, I filled out a form from my counsellor to help with diagnosis of my conditions in hopes it helps with applying for disability. {Smile}
I walked around a bit while we were out, finding the podiatrist. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set a while after dinner while my main nurse monitored me. That was eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing on top of the walking. {Smile}
After breakfast, I browsed the web, especially web comics, until it was time to go to the podiatrist. After I came back, I had lunch, played Cross Stitch World, read web comics and watched a couple of videos before I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up with the help on my main nurse. Only after that did I go into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. then Kitten said hi, and so did Ulty. The latter invited me to a taskforce she and Jenny's player were doing with some friends. I joined, and secured a spot for Kitten, too. We ran it. Then Ulty wanted to run another taskforce. Jenny's Player and I switched characters for it, but Kitten seemed to doze off or something. So, we ran it without them and got done just in time for dinner. {Smile}
After dinner and the real-life paperwork, I finished watching a video I'd started earlier. Then I started writing and making notes in this. Next, I did my salsa dancing warmup set while my main nurse monitored me. After that, I read web comics and began chatting with Nox and Haiden on the chat server. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Ulty and Jenny's Player as I worked on paperwork. Then I began hunting on a low-level character. Pierogies joined me, then Kitten joined me, too. After a hunt or two, we began running regular missions. Then we got into a story arc, running one all the way through, and the sequel part way. Then I paused to take the survey for my counselor. Not long after that, I disconnected form the game, and most of the rest of the internet, too. It took a while for my internet to come back When it did, I said goodnight to Kitten and made more notes and wrote in this. {Smile}