On Thursday, I started my counselling at the end of breakfast. It went pretty well. She's finding tests and such to help describe my condition better. {Smile}
Afterwards, I called the new accountants and asked how to sign certain forms. They said they'd call back. {Smile}
Then I had lunch with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. I was late, which was all my fault. I should have warned my main nurse this morning and managed my time better. I did take drinks, so I didn't get too much sugar from that this time. We me them at Island Naturals, where we got our food. Then we went to Wailoa Park. My main nurse left for errands. Auntie Barbara found a nicely accessible pavilion, and we ate together. We left ever so slightly early to give a group with a gal in a wheelchair it, since it was the disability accessible one. Then we walked to the bathroom, which was a fair distance away. We walked part way back. Then I waited with Auntie Barbara while Michelle got the car and picked us up. After a short wait, my main nurse found us, and I went with him to Safeway to pick up medicine and a few other things before we went home. {Smile}
I called the new accountants again after getting home. This time they told me how to sign what, and a little bit about what else they need from me. {Smile}
My exercise was walking around park and Safeway. That was enough to make me tired afterwards. {Smile}
I played Cross Stitch World between my counselling and my first call to my new accountants. After the call, I began writing up Wednesday's daily update. Then after I got back from the picnic, I wrote up some more of Wednesday's daily update. Then I made the second call. After that, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I saw a pair of high-level taskforces. I ran them on my sixth best badge collector, who is still looking for one last badge from it. She still didn't get it. I joined the later long, large-group event late after the task forces. I ran it until I was called to dinner, then slipped in just a little paperwork. {Smile}
After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I saw a team doing a kind of mission my second-best badge collector needs. I ran them until I got a badge. She still needs more, but just after that, the team broke up. Next, I saw Dennis online and said hi. We ran several seasonal missions, including one of the new ones as the last. I squeezed in finishing Wednesday's daily update while playing with Dennis. I saw Phonso as Dennis was getting ready to leave. I joined Phonso rather slowly because of saying goodnight to Dennis. But Phonso ran those new seasonal missions until another unranked badge collector of mine got the set of new badges. Then we parted, and I did extensive paperwork before playing some Cross Stitch World and making notes in this. {Smile}
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