Thursday, January 16, 2025

Daily Update, January 14, 2025

On Tuesday, my relief nurse wanted to take a day trip to Waikoloa, across the island from Hilo. We started after breakfast, crossing the Saddle Road and going to Waikoloa. We found the shoe store I spotted last time. we went in, and I tried on Birkenstocks. Their clogs just don't quite fit me, with or without a fur lining, in two different sizes. However, I found a dark red sandal I decided I wanted the most. {Smile}

My relief nurse wanted to check out the rest of the shopping center, but I was getting to the point of needing food soon, and the only restaurant we found open was a bit pricey. So, we drove up the hill to a new shopping center in Waikoloa Village. Apparently, the old shopping Center has priced itself out of the market for most stores, but this new one is looking popular. The Oriental restaurant my nurse likes uses MSG, which gives me migraine. However, they have a newly open L&L (Hawaiian) Barbeque, which shouldn't use MSG. We had lunch there, then drove around the shopping center. Much of it is still being finished - often the shops, and occasionally the buildings. {Smile}

Then we went back to Hilo across the Saddle Road. I read some on the way over, and more on the way back. We went down to Safeway to get something for dinner before we went home. {Smile}

After I got home, I found a text from Auntie Barbara reminding me to tell a distant cousin who lives in town about Mom and her funeral. I texted her, and this started a text conversation, including a definite maybe for her and her family's attendance. {Smile}

I didn't walk all the way around either shopping center, but I did enough at each of them to feel tired at the thought of more exercise. So, I think I'll count my walking as my exercise today. {Smile}

When I got home, I took almost an hour to settle down. This was only partly because of starting the text conversation with my distant cousin. Eventually I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was just in time to join the middle short, large-group event and run it. Then I said hi to Pierogies and Kitten. I joined the later long, large-group event with Pierogies. Kitten joined us a little after it started. I quit when dinner was served, since we were past the early more demanding parts. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten and Dennis teaming and joined them. We ran several missions until Dennis left for bed, and Kitten went quiet, then faded out, like they'd gone to sleep without logging out again. So, I did some paperwork and wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I chatted with Nox on the chat server and played some Cross Stitch World. I also began making notes and writing in this. Then I did more paperwork and played more Cross Stitch World. Next came more paperwork and playing by myself on City of Heroes Homecoming before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

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