Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Daily Update, October 1, 2024

On Tuesday, at the end of breakfast, the nursing company secretary came by to visit and get her monthly check. We did have a bit of a chat, which was nice. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in. She paid some attention to the pictures, but I'm tempted to show some of them again. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I started _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 1st's story, "Training Rex," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't get around to exercise until after I'd played on city of Heroes: Homecoming move of the evening. Then I started salsa dancing. I started the warmup with the right choreography and got through the first piece with no problem. Well, I was breathing slightly heavily, but not so bad I couldn't go on. The second piece was interrupted with an alarm I'd set, so I backed up to the beginning and restarted the piece, redoing the choreography I'd already done, and continuing beyond. I did 7 1/4 minutes of salsa dancing, in part due to the restart. I was breathing more heavily after the second piece, but not really badly. Still, it was getting late, and I had done more than last night... and I didn't care to stop in the middle of the next piece, panting too heavily to go on. So, I quit for the night. {Smile}

After breakfast and the visit, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World. Then I had lunch and wrote more of Monday's daily update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Div, who I hadn't seen in about a month. We talked a lot, catching up with each other. Then we teamed up, and trick-or-treated together until Div was ready to go, since it was the first day of the Halloween Event. We started in the most popular trick-or-treating zone, though not with the main group. I suggested we switch to another zone that's similar in level, but usually less populated, so easier to play in. This did work better. We stayed there until Div was ready to leave. Then we said goodbye, and I started on paperwork this had produced. Then Dennis said hi, so I dropped the paperwork to join him and his friend in a mission. After that mission, his friend left. Dennis mentioned they'd tried trick-or-treating in the most popular zone but had too much trouble with lag. I suggested the zone Div and I had switched to, so we tried it. Dennis was much happier trick-or-treating there, so we did so until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross stitch World and finished writing up Monday's daily update. Then I began writing up this daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork followed by a little Trick0or0Treating. Then Phonso invited me to that pair of high-level taskforces. Some others got some badges they wanted, but the badge my third best badge collector hadn't gotten still eluded us. It's a particularly tricky badge. Dennis said hi while we were doing it. I joined him after it was done. We did a couple missions before he left for bed. Then I did some more paperwork. Then I danced! Next, I wrote more of this and made notes in it too. this was interrupted by Cross Stitch World, chatting on MS Messenger, and looking at city of heroes: Homecoming. Somehow, I was particularly late to bed, a thing I vow I must change. {rueful smile}

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