Monday, October 14, 2024

Daily Update, October 13, 2024

On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took me to church. I arrived during the announcements and enjoyed the nice service. Afterwards, I enjoyed lunch on the lanai with the other parishioners.  I rode home with home with home communion, where I had communion again with Mom. When they left, they took a book I gave them to give a gal at another stop. 

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in. She mostly kept resting, but she did say she enjoyed it twice today. I still placed bookmarks to redo some pictures and stories. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next. I read a longish Christmas letter from a friend. After that, I continued _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_. Next, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I ended with October 13th's story, "Nick and Brownie," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Later, after I had played City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did some salsa dancing. I did the first piece, and felt winded afterwards, so I took a break. I did the next two pieces together, then took another break. Then I slipped in one more, much longer piece. It took two breaks and a little over half an hour, but I got in fourteen and three quarters minutes. That's the best I've done recently by a decent margin. {Grin}

After I got home, I wrote some of Saturday's daily update. Then I browsed web, especially looking at comics. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Kitten. We teamed up and finished a barely begun story arc I had. Then we did. much of the follow-up story arc. We stopped before the big mission near the end, because it was too close to time to read to Mom. We talked a bit before I left for that. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing Saturday's daily update. Then I read a few comics before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. First, I teamed up with Dennis for visiting and a mission or two. Then I teamed up with Michiel for visiting and a mission. Then I teamed up with Alex for visiting, mainly. We visited parts of a couple of bases and planned some roleplaying in the future. After Alex left, I played by myself then I danced, with web browsing and working on this daily update - both writing and making notes - in the breaks. Afterwards, said hi to Pierogies. I joined him in a farm where we visited as I helped. then I finished making notes in my daily update. {Smile}

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Daily Update, October 12, 2024

 On Saturday, our housekeeper came around lunchtime. When I finished cleaning myself up, I asked if she'd help with the plugs if I got a new battery backup, since I thought the day before's alarm said it needed to be replaced. She thought about it, and agreed to, but said we should look at it first. She started tracing wires, figuring out which one went to the wall. The computer, monitor, modem, and router are why I need the battery backup, but one was attached to nothing, and another to the laptop, which I don't use when I'm using the desktop, which is most of the time. So those two got unplugged. She suggested the alarm might just be a warning that it was overloaded. So, I've decided to wait and see if it happens again. {Smile}

Also, my last update, I said something about the doctor referring me to another doctor. I meant to say he was referring me to physical therapy the two other kinds of physical therapy I can benefit from. He also referred me for the tests that day, and I have requisition form in my purse for next time. {Smile}

I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in. She even said she enjoyed my reading part way through the reading. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next. I continued _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_. After that, I read a birthday card from church, and a Valentine's Day card from me. Next, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I ended with October 12th's story, "Three Apples," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises while things were winding down on City of Heroes: Homecoming. After I got off City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my leg exercises for the first time since I got my toenail removed. I really want to do more on my light day, but it was better than nothing. {Smile}

After breakfast with Mom, I browsed the web a fair while before cleaning myself up. The housekeeper came while I was doing that. We sorted out the plugs, and then I had lunch. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming during lunch, and started on paperwork right after checking to find no one in. I was hoping to catch Div, between being early and Pierogies saying he'd caught him, but Div must have left early. Anyway, Pierogies came in and said hi. We decided to join the early long, large-group event together. When it was done, we teamed up on low-level characters and ran a story arc we're both fond of. Next, Dennis joined us as we began the direct sequel story arc. unfortunately, I was distracted, which they rightly complained about when i left my character quiet. After a couple of missions together, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming. Dennis was on, so we teamed up for a couple of missions before he left for bed. After he left, I did some paperwork and wrote up the rest of Friday's daily update. Then I started writing and making notes in this. I said goodnight to Nox shortly before sharing the update, because they had other stuff before bed that took them off their computer. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and worked on paperwork until I spotted Alex. We talked a fair while before we ran a mission together. Then we checked out a supergroup they had just learned about, but the leader didn't leave the best impression on either of us. Although it pushed leaving late, I introduced him to another friend before I left to exercise. After my exercise, I browsed a bit on the web and finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Daily Update, October 11, 2024

 On Friday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a nice, chatty driver took me down to my doctor's office. I asked at the main desk about the tests I hadn't gotten, wondering if I could take them first, since I'd arrived a bit early. The receptionist thought that getting the tests before the appointment would be a bit tighter than they liked, but they were happy to give me a requisition form afterwards. {smile}

So, I had my doctor's appointment, and he said he'd request the doctor's appointment. After that, the receptionist arranged for a phone consultation when they get the test results and gave me the test requisition. I went downstairs and got the lab tests done. then I went back upstairs because they have an upstairs and a downstairs drop-off and pickup area, and the benches are more plentiful upstairs. Then I contacted Uber, and the driver took me home. {Smile}

In the evening, an alarm went off. It was my battery backup. I turned it off and on, and it didn't repeat. I figured I'd have to replace it, but now I'm hoping not. I got the housekeeper to help me with it the next day, and she thought it might be overloaded. We were able to remove two of the six plugs in it, since one wasn't attached to anything, and the other was attached to the laptop, which I really don't need plugged in when I'm using the desktop. Now we wait and see if the alarm happens again, but maybe it won't. {Smile}

I ate Breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in. Seh even said she enjoyed my reading when I finished. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read a Christmas card from her nice, and cards from each of her two sisters. After that, I continued _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_ and was encouraged to see her looking at the pictures. then I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I ended with October 11th's story, "Alex's Moon Flag," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

Still no exercise, since I had physical therapy just yesterday. {Smile}

I had breakfast with Mom., the n worked on City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork before heading out to the doctor. When I came back, I had lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I wrote some of Thursday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found no one to talk to, so I did some paperwork until Kitten said hi. We teamed up with me on a lowbie winged cat character and ran some missions. Pierogies joined us in one, and we finished the mission. Then we explored a base Kitten is familiar with together until Pierogies heard a costume contest was on. We went to that, and Pierogies entered. He didn't win, though I thought his costume was very nice. Kitten went quiet during the contest, but Pierogies and I did one last mission before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Thursday's daily update and played a little Cross Stitch World. Then I began this daily update, both writing and notes. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I saw Divi and said hi. Then I joined Phonso for the very end of a zombie apocalypse. The league that had fought it dispersed, and Phonso left. Then a non-Halloween themed raid started. I ended up running the team, then the league it turned into. After the raid, that dispersed, and I did some paperwork. Then I hunted for badges by myself before browsing the web. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, and spotted Alex. We got together, and he toured my character's supergroup base. We visited as well and did a little light roleplaying. Then Alex left, and I began talking with my British friend on the chat server. I also did more paperwork and played by myself a bit in City of Heroes: Homecoming, all while I finished notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, October 11, 2024

Daily Update, October 10, 2024

 On Thursday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A driver came and took me to Life Care Center, where I had a physical therapy appointment. My physical therapy went well, with 15 minutes on a seated step machine with only one break, and walking exercises and salsa dancing in the harness downstairs. I'm unlikely to hurt myself falling when the harness will catch me. Afterwards, I contacted Uber, and another driver came and took me home. I think he was chattier than the one who took me over. {Smile}

After lunch, I got a call from my doctor's office. They asked about my tests, which they hadn't received results from. No, I forgot to take them. However, I had a couple of problems to talk to the doctor about: a condition and a problem I have that the therapist can help me with if my doctor sends the right prescriptions. So, we kept the appointment for that. 

That reminded me about phone called, so I called my financial advisor next. I got her and had the talk I needed. It was encouraging, and very much a relief. {SMILE}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. I think she roused enough to enjoy the pictures. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read a Christmas letter from a friend. Next, I restarted _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_ and was encouraged to see her looking at the pictures. After that, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 10th's story, "Hungry Rusty!" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

All my exercise was at physical therapy; I didn't need more after that. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web before going to physical therapy. When I cam back, I had lunch with Mom. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming but didn't find anyone around who I particularly like to team up with. So, I started with paperwork, then played by myself for a while. Then I noticed some folks advertising the later long, large-group event. I switched to a character who is short of the rewards that give, and trick-or-treated while I waited for them to start. We ran with fewer than usual, which is probably why the fight with the boss was so long, but we got him finally. I talked with Dennis a bit during it, too. Afterwards, I joined Dennis for a quick mission I had, and he needed. After that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up the rest of Wednesday's daily update. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked with Ulty, Jenny's player, Divi, and Phonso. I joined Phonso in watching a trick-or-treat league, and ended up joining the trick-or-treat after a while. Then a zombie apocalypse happened in the zone we were in, which is what Phonso had been waiting for. I joined him, but the rest of the team didn't join us. The insisted on staying where they'd been trick-or-treating. Phonso insisted on staying at the usual place folks gather for raids in the zone. Afterwards, Phonso left, frustrated. I had a brief talk with Nox on the chat server after that, but mainly did a little paperwork and a fair bit of solo badge hunting Until I found a giant monster. I got a small team, and we got the monster. Someone found another monster, and a team with some different members got that one. Then everyone left except one fellow. He found a high-level taskforce before he found another giant monster, so we ran that. When that was done, I want back to solo badge hunting. During much of this, I also had a long talk with my British friend. Then I wrote a little of this, made a lot of notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Daily Update, October 9, 2024

On Wednesday, I called financial adviser's office. I got their answering machine, and left a message. Unfortunately, I remembered to try again just after they closed. I'll have to try another day. {smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. She didn't rouse much, but I think she enjoyed the stories. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Then I started _Babies & Toddlers Happy Book_. Next, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 9th's story, "The Lost Ring," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

After playing City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, despite it being late, I tried more salsa dancing, but now I was dizzy enough, I had to stop. I did manage to get 9 1/4 minutes of salsa dancing. {Smile}

Over breakfast, I started browsing the web. Then I played some Cross Stitch World before I called financial adviser. Next, I cleaned myself up. After that came lunch and more Cross Stitch World. Then I did some web browsing and wrote much of Tuesday's daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I Found Div and Pierogies! I joined Div for trick-or-treat. (Yes, City of Heroes has a Halloween event that includes a kind of trick-or-treating.) Pierogies joined us after doing the early part of the early long, large-group event. Div's, Perogies's and my trick-or-treating involved catching up with each other, and learning how to find the farms Div designed in an adventure creator in the game. After a while, Div said goodnight and left. After that, Pierogies and I went to look up Div's farms. I snuck in finishing the writing of Tuesday's daily update, too. We tried one farm and were just finishing up when Dennis said hi. Pierogies and I started Div's other farm. Dennis joined us not long after we started, and greatly enjoyed the humor of it. That second farm ended just when I wanted to go read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I shared Tuesday's daily update, played some Cross Stitch World, and read some comics before I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Pierogies again! We teamed up, and finished a story arc my character had already started. Then we said goodnight, and I worked on paperwork. After a while, I played some Cross Stitch World. Then I went back to City of Heroes: homecoming, where I found Alex. We talked, but he didn't want to delay my exercises, so I did the first set of salsa dancing. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to play by myself for a bit. After that, I read some comics, browsed the web, and wrote more of this and made notes. {Smile}

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Daily Update, October 8, 2024

 On Tuesday, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara in the morning. It went pretty well. She's having a good trip home. {Smile}

In the late afternoon, I spilled tea on my keyboard right before reading to Mom. I immediately set it to drain onto the drainboard in the kitchen while I read to Mom. Then, between reading to Mom and dinner, I tried the hair drier, but it didn't work. I guess we need a new one. So, I set it up on a chair right in front of the best fan so it could blow on it while I ate dinner. That was the next best thing to a hair drier that I could think of... maybe better, since it was longer. Thankfully, it seems to work fine. I think I dried it out with no lasting damage. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. She roused slowly but seemed to enjoy looking at the pictures when we got to them. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I finished _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. Then I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I actually started that yesterday but forgot to change the title. *blush* I ended with October 8th's story, "Morris's House," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises, my head exercises, and my arm swinging exercises after dinner, as a way to give my keyboard a little more time with the fan. it looked pretty dry, but a little more wouldn't hurt. Later, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I started my salsa dancing warmup. I stumbled enough I stopped. Knowing such dizziness is often due to blood sugar trouble, i treated that and tried again. I got through two pieces but couldn't manage a third. The last's faster steps made me stop, and I was breathing too hard to start something else by the time I could, it was late to continue. Still, I got over six and a half minutes of salsa dancing, because that's how long the two pieces I did are, and I had that false start, too, to take me over. {Smile}

Over breakfast, I started browsing the web, until I shifted to playing Cross Stitch World. That's what I was doing when Auntie Barbara called. Afterwards, I played more Cross Stitch World. Then I cleaned myself up before lunch. During and after that, I played more Cross Stitch World and wrote a little of Monday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then played by myself for a while. Then I talked to Divi. During that, Kitten said hi, and we talked. Then we teamed up and ran a mission. I followed with the next part of the story arc, trying to get back to stuff kitten could help me with. After that, I tried to do another mission, but Kitten had quiet. That's when I spilled tea as I left to read to Mom. {smile}

After dinner, I exercised first. Then I played Cross Stitch World. Next, I wrote up my daily update while starting paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I played by myself a bit. I soon started talking with Phonso. He was in a league, so I joined it to play with him. We played for a while. Then he left, and I got back to paperwork. Next, I did some web browsing. After that, i went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to play by myself. Kitten said hi right when I was thinking of moving on. I've missed playing with friends more, so I jumped at the chance to play with kitten. We teamed up and finished the hunt I'd been doing. Then we ran a mission. After that, I had to leave to salsa dance, but I talked with them on the chat world afterwards, while writing this up and taking notes. {Smile}

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daily Update, October 7, 2024

 On Monday, I got a call from my financial adviser. It went fairly well, but I remembered some stuff I really ought to talk with her about after I hung up. I guess another call should happen soon. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. She roused a bit and seemed to enjoy looking at the pictures. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with October 7th's story, "Hard Work," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did two of my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. A while after dinner, I did my other three head exercises. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my full salsa dancing warmup for eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing. Then it got too late to continue, since I did need a break before doing so. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World, pausing for my financial advisor's call. After that, i played more Cross Stitch World while I thought. Then I read some comics and wrote a little of Sunday's daily update. After lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and began on paperwork, but that got dropped when Kitten said hi. We teamed up and started a timed mission I had. The settings were high, but I hoped we could do it together, since Kitten can be amazingly quick at these things. We saved three hostages, with Kitten finding at least two if not all three. Then we started looking for the big boss. Not far into that search, Kitten went quiet. I looked around and checked my friends. I asked Ulty and jenny's player for help. They both came, bringing one friend between them. The four of us just started attacking mobs of enemies. We found the boss in time to complete the mission within the time limit. Then we did a few more mobs of enemies. When we'd gotten all in view, we started light role-playing. Then we left to go to a base set up as a club that was being advertised as open. That usually means they have role-players playing staff then; they may or may not have other events. This one had a DJ -playing songs through a web page. We danced and talked at the club. another gal joined the four of us. Then Kitten woke up, surprised we hadn't kicked them from the team. They eventually left. Then a PVP fight started, I think planned as the end of the evening by the club. I didn't participate, but most of the others did. They even got some PVP badges, though I didn't. After that, the club closed, and the others left. I did some paperwork until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, wrote up Sunday's daily update, and read some comics before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I started with paperwork and began talking to Phonso. Then I paused to write this up. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server soon after. I also went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to find Dennis wanting to team up. I did so happily. First, I helped him finish one mission of his, then we did one of mine that was nearby. I realized that the difficulty was much higher than Dennis and I usually do alone, so I asked him if I should set it lower, but Dennis wanted to continue. We eventually finished, but it was long because of the setting. Then Dennis left, and I did a little paperwork, followed by my exercise. Then I hastily cleaned myself up. Then I watched videos and wrote in this and made notes. {Smile}

Monday, October 7, 2024

Daily Update, October 6, 2024

After breakfast, I contacted Uber, though it was late. I got to church after the service stared, which I honestly expected. It was nice service. it was St. Francis's day, so we had the blessing of the animals, with extra animals, plus some brought pictures of animals to bless. {Smile}

After the service, we had lunch, then Rick and Vern took me home after dropping another gal off at the bus station. Later, home communion came for Mom. I joined part way through. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. She roused more than usual and seemed to enjoy looking at the pictures. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Then I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. Next, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with October 6th's story, "The Kind Frog," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile} 

I did my arm resistance exercises before taking Uber down to church. I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming and browsing the web for the evening. {Smile}

After I came home, I played Cross Stitch World until home communion came after that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I didn't see many I like to team with, so I did some web browsing elsewhere on my computer. Later, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on more paperwork. I talked with a fellow who encouraged me to roleplay. Then I needed a short break. He was gone when I got back and did some more paperwork. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Saturday's daily update. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on more paperwork. Then I played some more Cross Stitch World, Next, I did some web browsing and read some comics before I went back to do more paperwork. then I tried to get some more contacts on a mid-level character. This led to some solo hunts. A fellow joined me in one of the battles during one of them. We teamed up, and discovered we were hunting for the same type of critter. We got mine, since I was further along, then finished his too. I felt that was fair; he helped me, so I helped him. After that, we talked quite a bit. He said to call him Alex. then we said good night and have a nice day, since he lives where it wasn't night. I did some more solo hunts and more paperwork before the exercise. Then I browsed the web some more, and wrote a little of this, and made many notes in it for the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Daily Update, October 5, 2024

On Saturday, Carol, who fixed my computer, called to say my new graphics card had come, and asked if I was available. I told her I was, and she said she was forty minutes away, and would be right over. She came over to the house and installed my new graphics card. She also set up my new monitor that came yesterday, since she was here, and it was ready.

I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in again. She did rouse. She looked at the pictures when prompted more, which was welcome. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. Then, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 5th's story, "Half' N' Half," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't do any exercise because it was the day after my physical therapy. Mostly I feel fine, but when I think of exercise, I feel tired before I began. With how hard it was last week, when they didn't work me as hard, I think I should take the hint, and a day off Tomorrow I can get back to some, though maybe not dancing for another day. that's what we used to do. {SMILE}

After breakfast, I did a little web browsing, but mostly cross stitch world. then I cleaned myself up before lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I played Cross Stitch World until Carol came and fixed up my computer stuff. After she left, I settled into my computer. I tried Cross Stitch World. It's doing much better. The loading times are only moderately annoying, like they were before. Then I wrote a little of Friday's daily update. Next, I tried City of Heroes: Homecoming. It was only a little better, but I had less trouble in the first place. It looks like it ought to be a more demanding game for video stuff, but it's so old, it really isn't. Anyway, I talked with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Saiyala. Then I joined Saiyala for a low-level taskforce they were looking to do. After we started, I offered to lead if we wanted to restart when I realized we'd be higher under me. Saiyala left it up to the group, which didn't offer an opinion, so we went ahead. The taskforce went rather roughly, so he didn't feel like doing the sequel like folks so often do. instead, he got a higher-level character and joined a different taskforce that someone was starting. I switched too and ran it with Saiyala and the group he joined. we ran slightly into time to read to Mom, but it's not nice to pull out. Not only do I not get credit, but they can't add a replacement without restarting, so they'd have to finish undermanned. So, I stuck with them to the end, then left right after. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Friday's daily update. Then I dragged into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I talked with Ulty, and a little with Jenny's Player, then left to read comics and play Cross Stitch World. Next, I went back to a mix of paperwork, web browsing, and making notes in this daily update until I was ready for bed. {Smile}

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Daily Update, October 4, 2024

On Friday, a while after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took them to Life Care Center. First, I found the Activities office. No one was there, but a gal came before I'd given up. I gave her three books Mom's dementia has gone far beyond, on life in the USA and Britain, one for the 1940's, one for the 1950's, and one for the 1960's. She was so happy to get them! She's been wanting something to do with residents in their rooms, and these are literally made for one-on-one activities with seniors with dementia, a significant part of the nursing home's patients. {Smile}

Then I went to physical therapy, and even got there a little early. I talked with my therapist and hiss assistant about safety-at-home alternatives for after Mom dies. He recommends one of those wearable alarms. he thinks that should be sufficient, especially if I arrange for them to be alerted if I fall and don't push the button. the therapy itself started with a seated step machine; three sessions of 5 minutes each.  Then we went downstairs and put me in a harness. I started with walking first forwards then backwards. Then I started salsa dancing, doing a fast piece until I was tired, then resting, then doing la Bamba, the slowest salsa piece of the style I do that I've found. Yes, La Bamba is the slow one; it's a fast dance. When I was done, I took Uber home. {Smile}

Later, in the mid-afternoon, I took Uber to the hospital for my ultrasound in one of their labs. Right at the entrance, a gal offered me a wheelchair. While I can certainly walk, I accepted, thinking this was the best way to get a guide who'd make sure I got where I needed to go. Sure enough, she took me right to check-in and got me in line. She even stayed with me till I got to the desk, since it's not a patient-operated wheelchair. Another gal came and took me to the place where the test would be. I waited a fair while, playing cross Stitch World to keep from being even more bored, when a gal who's been a regular to the monthly picnic/meetings came and say hi. she'd come as one of two patients' nurse, but she'll be missing for a while. She's got a new position she wants to concentrate on now, but maybe when she's settled in at that she'll try to come back. {Smile}

Eventually, they called me in to the ultrasound which went about like they usually do, though the ones I can compare it to weren't of quite the same area. Anyway, when it was done, they took me out front, where I sat on a bench and contacted uber, which came and took me home. {Smile}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in again. She did rouse. She sometimes looked at the pictures when prompted, but a couple of times she said she couldn't see them. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I continued _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 4th's story, "Maria's Clogs," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't do any exercise beyond my physical therapy. They worked me quite hard enough! {SMILE}

After breakfast, I began writing Thursday's daily update. I wrote more of that after lunch with Mom, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I did a little paperwork, but mainly chatted with Divi, who was on a team that was already full. After that, I went to my ultrasound. When I came back home, I browsed the web, played CSW, and wrote some more of Thursday's daily update. I was a bit tired from the ultrasound to try City of Heroes just yet. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Thursday's daily update and started this daily update, both making notes and writing. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I saw Saiyala on a low-level character and got one of my low-level characters to team with them. Even better, he was finishing a story arc I had, too. We finished it together so we both got credit. Then we ran the sequel together, as well. I did miss Nox on the chat server but said goodnight for them to find later. I talked a long time with Saiyala after teaming. Then I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, October 4, 2024

Daily Update, October 3. 2024

 On Thursday, I had counselling int he morning. I logged in and waited to connect. instead, I got cut off. I found a note from my counsellor asking if I could join. The system said we were finished. I told her, and she sent another link. Once we actually started, we had a reassuring session. She was reassured that I was actually working on stuff, and I was reassured that the frustrating delays aren't a problem in the larger scheme of things. It looks like we're making progress, and my counselor is happy with that. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in again. She roused a bit, but not a lot. She sometimes looked at the pictures when prompted. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. I restarted _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_, finally moving the bookmark. Next, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with October 3rd's story, "Feeding Birds," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. After teaming for later into the evening than I meant to, I did one of my head exercises, then started salsa dancing. I had to restart the first piece. By the end I had to grab the chair and was breathing more heavily. Combined the with time, I realized I should stop, though I only got around 4 minutes of salsa dancing done. Well, the next is physical therapy, so that should make up for it. I also have an ultrasound of the diastasis recti late in the afternoon, so I should be busy, even without other exercise. {smile}

After breakfast and counselling, I started web browsing while thinking. I wrote some writing of Wednesday's daily update over lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Div, and we teamed up fairly quickly. We tried trick-or-treating in the quieter zone on a character of Div's that was a bit low level. The first character I tried was high level, but not a good enough fighter to protect them from the worst enemies. Div was ready to quit, but I insisted on trying a tougher character. With me on a better fighter, things went enough better, Div did more than they thought they would, I think. We'll try with that character again. After a while, we said goodnight and Div left. Shortly after Div left, a couple of folks who were trick-or-treating in that zone invited me to their team. One other joined us after a while. Then the others left, and I turned to paperwork. Then Dennis said hi, and invited me to join him fighting a giant monster. I switched to a character who needs the rewards from that, and we got the giant monster. After that, most of the folks left. Dennis and I stayed together, and I invited one player who was showing costumes off to Dennis back. We switched zones, and the stranger got another character to show more costumes. They left, saying goodnight. Then Dennis and I did a couple of those individual missions I like. After that, we said goodnight in case before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing Wednesday's daily update, then began making notes in this. After that, I read comics before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I spotted Saiyala, and we began chatting. He invited me to a run of just the taskforce with the badge I want. I joined him, and we ran it. Some of the team left, and Phonso joined us for another run. Then Phonso took over to run the other taskforce of the pair. I still didn't get that badge I keep trying for, but I got another badge I've been working on for even longer, which was wonderful! During Phonso's taskforce, I mentioned that I was frustrated with how easily this character gets hurt while fighting. After the taskforce, Saiyala spent a long time figuring out how to fix it. In the end, he suggested a relatively easy fix that I tried. While Saiyala were working at it, Kitten said hi. So, when I was done, I invited Kitten to join us, and the three of us ran a mission of Saiyala's character as a test. That ran late, but I still squeezed in some exercise, including dancing. Then I wrote some of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Daily Update, October 2, 2024

Wednesday morning, I took a nap halfway through the morning that went on long enough, I couldn't clean myself up before lunch without making the meal late. I really need to get my schedule under better control, but so far, I'm better at saying that than actually doing it for an extended period. {rueful look}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in. She didn't really rouse much, though occasionally she looked at pictures when prompted to. I'm tempted to show some of them again, even when that means for a third time. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I restarted _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. Then I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 2nd's story, "Sam the Jockey," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises and eight of my twelve arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my head exercises and the other four arm swinging exercises after dinner. after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for most of the evening, I did my full warmup set for eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing. I was breathing barely harder during and afterwards but wasn't quite up to more. Still, I think this is great progress! {GRIN}

After breakfast, I browsed on the web until I took that nap. Then I did more web browsing Before I wrote some of Tuesday's daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We talked, then teamed up. We talked some more before I said goodnight, and he wished me a good rest of my day. After that I did some paperwork until Dennis said hi. We talked and decided to take a break before teaming up. So I cleaned myself up and went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I didn't find Dennis, but I spotted a late call for the later long, large-group event. While I ran it, i told them about Pierogies' progress in recovering from the hurricane. I also passed on one player's good wishes on to Pierogies. During it, Dennis said hi again. I found that near the end of the later long, large-group event. Dennis and I teamed up after that finished for one mission. Then I left to read to Mom. 

After dinner and my exercises, I finished Tuesday's daily update and started this daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes; Homecoming and did some paperwork. While I was working on that, Phonso invited me to those two high-level taskforces. I left the paperwork for later and took my third best badge-collector to the taskforces to try for that badge again. She didn't get it this time, either. The group broke up afterwards, so I did more paperwork then played a little by myself before dancing. That was followed by web browsing, and I wrote more of this and made notes in it. then I headed to bed slightly earlier than I have recently. {Smile}

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Daily Update, October 1, 2024

On Tuesday, at the end of breakfast, the nursing company secretary came by to visit and get her monthly check. We did have a bit of a chat, which was nice. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in. She paid some attention to the pictures, but I'm tempted to show some of them again. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I started _The 40 Cutest Children & Animal Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I finished with October 1st's story, "Training Rex," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I didn't get around to exercise until after I'd played on city of Heroes: Homecoming move of the evening. Then I started salsa dancing. I started the warmup with the right choreography and got through the first piece with no problem. Well, I was breathing slightly heavily, but not so bad I couldn't go on. The second piece was interrupted with an alarm I'd set, so I backed up to the beginning and restarted the piece, redoing the choreography I'd already done, and continuing beyond. I did 7 1/4 minutes of salsa dancing, in part due to the restart. I was breathing more heavily after the second piece, but not really badly. Still, it was getting late, and I had done more than last night... and I didn't care to stop in the middle of the next piece, panting too heavily to go on. So, I quit for the night. {Smile}

After breakfast and the visit, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World. Then I had lunch and wrote more of Monday's daily update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Div, who I hadn't seen in about a month. We talked a lot, catching up with each other. Then we teamed up, and trick-or-treated together until Div was ready to go, since it was the first day of the Halloween Event. We started in the most popular trick-or-treating zone, though not with the main group. I suggested we switch to another zone that's similar in level, but usually less populated, so easier to play in. This did work better. We stayed there until Div was ready to leave. Then we said goodbye, and I started on paperwork this had produced. Then Dennis said hi, so I dropped the paperwork to join him and his friend in a mission. After that mission, his friend left. Dennis mentioned they'd tried trick-or-treating in the most popular zone but had too much trouble with lag. I suggested the zone Div and I had switched to, so we tried it. Dennis was much happier trick-or-treating there, so we did so until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross stitch World and finished writing up Monday's daily update. Then I began writing up this daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork followed by a little Trick0or0Treating. Then Phonso invited me to that pair of high-level taskforces. Some others got some badges they wanted, but the badge my third best badge collector hadn't gotten still eluded us. It's a particularly tricky badge. Dennis said hi while we were doing it. I joined him after it was done. We did a couple missions before he left for bed. Then I did some more paperwork. Then I danced! Next, I wrote more of this and made notes in it too. this was interrupted by Cross Stitch World, chatting on MS Messenger, and looking at city of heroes: Homecoming. Somehow, I was particularly late to bed, a thing I vow I must change. {rueful smile}

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Daily Update, September 30, 2024

On Monday, I just took things easy. That did include a morning nap, but a short one that let me do other things too. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in and interested in the pictures I showed her, despite me being late because I totally lost track of time. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read a card from church, and a card from each of her sisters. Then I finished _The 40 Cutest Mother & Child Photographs_. Next, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with September 30th's story, "The Visitor" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did my arm swinging exercises right after dinner. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I tried salsa dancing at home for the first time since the toenail removal. I did the first piece of my warmup, but remembered the choreography at the end, after realizing I must have missed quite a few steps, and improvising steps at the end. So, I did it again with the usual choreography. I made it the end both times, but the second time I was really puffing. So, I stopped exercising. That's 6 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. I think that's good for a first time in a few weeks. {SMILE}

Over and after breakfast, I did some web browsing Then I took that short nap and still had time to clean myself up before lunch. Then I played a little Cros Stitch World. next, I wrote some more of Sunday's daily update before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Jenny's Player some, and tried solo play again, but I got distracted looking at monitors. I talked with Kitten about them until I realized it was past time to read to Mom and dashed off to do so. {Smile}

After dinner and some exercises, I ordered monitor to stop the distraction from it. Then I did some web browsing and finished Sunday's daily update. Next, I began writing and making notes in this before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did a little paperwork, then got distracted by talking with Kitten on the chat server. I came back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to find Dennis and Phonso trying to invite me to the longest taskforce in the game. I joined them, and Phonso recruited some more players. Then we ran it. I missed talking to Nox, who had an early night. I said goodnight when we finished, knowing they'd find that I'd remembered them the next day. After that I did some paperwork. Then I danced! It's the first time in weeks, and it feels so good to have gotten back to it! After the dancing, I watched some pieces of videos too long to watch all the way through that late. Then I did some paperwork both in City of Heroes: Homecoming, and outside of it. Then I finished writing and notes in this before going to bed. {Smile}