Saturday, September 28, 2024

Daily Update, September 27, 2024

On Friday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me to Life Care Center for physical therapy. I got same therapist I had last spring, but he has a new assistant for now. I think it's one of those students shadowing a professional in the field arrangements. {Smile}

He asked how things have been going, and I told him about recent developments, including the diastasis recti in my abdomen, and some side effects possibly associated with it. He assured me he has exercises that can help with both. However, I need to talk with my primary care physician about a referral for them to start. Fortunately, I'm seeing him two Fridays from now. {Smile}

I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner, though breakfast was rushed by needing to get to physical therapy. Mom was awake when I went in but inclined to drowse a bit. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read two cards, one from church, and the other from her cousin's granddaughter. Next, I Finished _Childhood Memories Picture Book_, overlapping with yesterday. Then I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with September 27th's story, "The Wild Rabbit" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

After lunch with Mom, I wrote a bit of Thursday's update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I noticed a pair of high-level taskforces and joined them on my third best badge collector in hopes of getting the last, elusive badge. A new friend, Saiyala, joined too. We ran the pair twice., but I still didn't get the badge. The rest of the team left, but Saiyala and I talked a long time afterwards, me while I was doing paperwork. Then we teamed up and did a couple of individual missions. Kitten said hi, and Dennis, and we talked. Then we joined them, uniting two teams of two. Dennis and Kitten were watching some NPCs doing something none of us remembered seeing before, so Saiyala and I joined them. Then we were ready to team up until I noticed it was almost time to read to Mom, and excused myself, saying goodnight-in-case. {Smile}

After dinner, I read comics and played a little Cross Stitch World before I finished Thursday's daily update. Then I hopped back into City of heroes: Homecoming. I found Saiyala, and we teamed up. We started with an individual mission of mine which Kitten joined us in. Then we did another individual mission and two or three missions at the end of a story arc. Dennis joined us in time to get the special reward in the last mission of that story arc. I also talked to Nox on the chat server, Next, the four of us did a couple of Dennis's missions, getting another special reward. Then we said goodnight to Dennis. We talked a bit before we said goodnight to Saiyala. Next, I talked with Kitten before we ran two individual missions before breaking. Then I did a little paperwork before starting to write this and make notes in it. mixed with some web browsing. It was a late night again. Every time I hope I've fixed the later bedtime, it slips back. *rueful smile*

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