Friday, February 28, 2025

Daily Update, February 27, 2025

On Thursday, I started my counselling at the end of breakfast. It went pretty well. She's finding tests and such to help describe my condition better. {Smile}

Afterwards, I called the new accountants and asked how to sign certain forms. They said they'd call back. {Smile}

Then I had lunch with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. I was late, which was all my fault. I should have warned my main nurse this morning and managed my time better. I did take drinks, so I didn't get too much sugar from that this time. We me them at Island Naturals, where we got our food. Then we went to Wailoa Park. My main nurse left for errands. Auntie Barbara found a nicely accessible pavilion, and we ate together. We left ever so slightly early to give a group with a gal in a wheelchair it, since it was the disability accessible one. Then we walked to the bathroom, which was a fair distance away. We walked part way back. Then I waited with Auntie Barbara while Michelle got the car and picked us up. After a short wait, my main nurse found us, and I went with him to Safeway to pick up medicine and a few other things before we went home. {Smile}

I called the new accountants again after getting home. This time they told me how to sign what, and a little bit about what else they need from me. {Smile}

My exercise was walking around park and Safeway. That was enough to make me tired afterwards. {Smile}

I played Cross Stitch World between my counselling and my first call to my new accountants. After the call, I began writing up Wednesday's daily update. Then after I got back from the picnic, I wrote up some more of Wednesday's daily update. Then I made the second call. After that, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I saw a pair of high-level taskforces. I ran them on my sixth best badge collector, who is still looking for one last badge from it. She still didn't get it. I joined the later long, large-group event late after the task forces. I ran it until I was called to dinner, then slipped in just a little paperwork. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I saw a team doing a kind of mission my second-best badge collector needs. I ran them until I got a badge. She still needs more, but just after that, the team broke up. Next, I saw Dennis online and said hi. We ran several seasonal missions, including one of the new ones as the last. I squeezed in finishing Wednesday's daily update while playing with Dennis. I saw Phonso as Dennis was getting ready to leave. I joined  Phonso rather slowly because of saying goodnight to Dennis. But Phonso ran those new seasonal missions until another unranked badge collector of mine got the set of new badges. Then we parted, and I did extensive paperwork before playing some Cross Stitch World and making notes in this. {Smile}

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Daily Update, February 26, 2025

On Wednesday, I had an appointment with my nutritionist just after breakfast. However, we could not get HMSA to send me the notification so we could begin. We talked about this on the phone, but she doesn't get paid for the phone, except in certain circumstances that didn't apply in this case. So, we rescheduled for 2 pm that same day. {smile}

Then at lunch time, the exterminators came. The treated kitchen, computer room and outside for roaches. I've seen too many roaches, and so has the relief nurse, so it's good to get this done. Results shouldn't be immediate, but they should last. A fellow did promise a repeat treatment later as part of the process. {Smile}

Later, at 2 pm, my nutritionist and I tried again. The notification was late, but it finally made it to me, so we had the appointment. She met my main nurse briefly. We had a good session overall, I felt. {Smile}

After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. It was such a relief to be able to dance after being too dizzy last night! after a longer break than I meant, I did one piece of less structured salsa dancing. I started a second, but it was too fast, and when I stopped, I really had to admit I was too tired even for slower pieces. I treated my blood sugar, and it helped, but by then it was late to do more. {rueful look}

After trying to do the original appointment with my nutritionist, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed the web right into lunch. During lunch, I switched, going into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I ran into Dragons, who was happy to team up. We did one mission before they had to leave. I did a little more paperwork before the second meeting. Then after the meeting, my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Next, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found few around, so did some particularly extensive paperwork. Then I joined and rant he later short, large-group event. Then I wrote much of Tuesday's daily update while waiting for later long, large-group event to start. I stopped to run the later long, large-group event. After that, I did a little paperwork before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished writing up Tuesday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Soon, I started talking with Ulty and another friend and joined them in a farm. I also did some paperwork in the farm, and more when we got done. Then Phonso invited me to do some of the new seasonal missions. We did enough for my first unranked badge collector to get a full set. Then I danced, with City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork following. also, I started making notes and writing in this. I even read a comic or two before doing more dancing. after that I made more notes and wrote more in this. I broke to play Cross Stitch World and read an article before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Daily Update, February 25, 2025

On Tuesday, I finally got an email from Cross Stitch World's help department. they told me I did have the tenth picture. It was just not with the others when sorted by size, because while the rest were all Small, one was Medium sized. It's a relief to know it's working, and I wasn't short. I like Cross Stitch World because it feels like I'm being productive even if I'm just earning game cash to buy more patterns with. {Smile}

Late in the morning, I ran errands with relief nurse. My favorite was a stop at the public library, where I picked up a couple of manga to read. {Smile}

I tried salsa dancing after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, but I was too dizzy. I had to stop for safety a bit over half a minute in. So, I did the six walking exercises I didn't do last night. Then I tried salsa dancing again but was even worse. So, I did my arm resistance exercises. then it got too late before I got to more, especially since i was concentrating on trying to fix the dizziness. {smile}

After breakfast, I found the email and the missing pattern was right where they said it was. So, I played Cross Stitch World feeling happier with it again. I also browsed the web until I got ready to go out and run errands. When we got back, I had lunch. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World and started writing up Monday's daily update before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming and starting with paperwork. Then I found Ulty, and learned that the teen supergroup was meeting in half an hour. I spotted Pierogies and Kitten and joined them for a few low-level missions while I waited for the meeting to start. I was slightly late to the meeting, but hopefully not bad. We started with a little roleplaying, deciding what to do. I suggested they help with the finale to that second story arc for my character, since the group seemed small for something someone had put much work into. Folks liked my suggestion, so we did it, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. After the finale mission, we went to the base and started roleplaying. We'd barely gotten started when I got called to dinner and left. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished writing up Monday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and checked with Ulty. The supergroup meeting had adjourned, so I started on paperwork. Then I said hi to Pierogies and toured a supergroup base with him. Then we said goodnight. I said hi to Ulty and another friend next and joined them in a farm until they left for bed. Next, did the paperwork the farm had made. After that, I said hi to Phonso. He was doing the new seasonal missions, so I joined him, and got all the badges on my 8th and 9th best badge collectors. That's all the ranked badge collectors; after that starts a large clump too close together to easily rank or keep track of when they shift position. After I said goodnight to Phonso, I tried salsa dancing, and did other exercises when that didn't work out. I played Cross Stitch World and wrote and made notes in this during breaks and afterwards. I also chatted with Kitten on the chat server until bedtime. {Smile}

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Daily Update, February 24, 2025

On Monday after breakfast, I phoned my financial adviser. We had a good talk. Things are progressing, if not as quickly as I could wish. {Smile}

My relief nurse and I ran a couple of errands before lunch. First, we went to the post office. Then we went to Safeway. {Smile}

I did my leg exercises - eight of them, yes, including the new one, though few repetitions of it - after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. After a longer break than I meant to take, Id d8 of my 14 walking exercises. After that, it was a bit late to do more exercise that night. {smile}

After the phone call, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World until the trip out. Then after lunch, I played Cross Stitch World and began writing up Sunday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes Homecoming and said hi to Ulty. We teamed up, along with a friend of hers, and did a couple of my adolescent hobbit's missions. Then Ulty's friend left, too tired to play anymore. Ulty and I finished the story arc and started another. Then Kitten joined us. We did most of the next story arc, up to the big finale, but my relief nurse called supper early. It was too late to start that finale anyway. It's a long mission: the first long mission many characters get. So, I said goodnight and went to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I went into City of heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then Dennis said hi, and we teamed up. He was with Kitten already, so it was the three of us. Dennis wanted to a particular taskforce for his character. He recruited enough folks to fill the team, and we ran it, After the taskforce, the strangers left, and we worked on a hunt and a mission Dennis needed for a particular badge that gives a ray gun he wanted. After that, he was ready to leave, but Phonso said hi and wanted to do the new seasonal mission. Dennis did want to do them and stayed for a few before leaving to walk before bed. Kitten, Phonso and I kept running missions. Then Phonso recruited more to do a different version of the mission. On the first try, Phonso told me to do it. I didn't have the right choice, and instead of telling him like I should have, I chose something else. On the second try, we found only the team leader got the right choice. We almost didn't manage - it's a tough version of the mission. One member missed the big reward because they'd gone to the hospital, so weren't in the mission when we finished. I got it, though - the third and last character I really wanted it on. I can get more if the opportunity is offered, but I don't feel I need to like I did for the three who have it now. They're special to me. After that, I started my exercise and began making notes and writing in this. Then I browsed on the web, including reading web comics and browsing on Amazon before I did more exercise. After that exercise, I browsed on Amazon some more, finished making notes in this, and read some more web comics. {Smile}

Monday, February 24, 2025

Daily Update, February 23, 2025

On Sunday after breakfast, my main nurse took me to church. We got there enough before the announcements to settle in first. It was a nice service. They had a big lunch afterwards, with a variety of main courses and desserts in particular. I ate with my main nurse, Auntie Barbara, Michelle, and a few other parishioners. {smile}

Afterwards, we went home to put and expected food delivery away. Then we went down to check a concert my nurse's daughter was playing in. However, it was almost over, so just picked up the girl, and dropped her off on the way home. {Smile}

I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening. After a break, I did my standing arm weight training exercises, and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After another break, I did my other three sitting arm weight training exercises. My exercise went distinctly too close to bedtime, but at least I got it done. {Smile}

After I got home, I played Cross Stitch World, then began writing up Saturday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I spotted two different low-level trials. I checked and found my sixth best badge collector needed badges from both. I managed to catch the lower of the two trials. I got all three badges on her. Then I switched characters for the later short, large-group event. Then I ran the later long, large-group event on the same character. I wrote writing a little more of Saturday's update while waiting for it to start. I also started chatting with Pierogies while it was waiting to start, too. Pierogies didn't want to join them while working out hardware difficulties. We talked a little more afterwards, while I did some paperwork, then said goodnight before I left for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished writing Saturday's daily update. After that I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then I spotted a pair of high-level taskforces that my sixth best badge collector needs another badge from. I joined, and discovered that Divi was already there, so we caught up a little before running the taskforces with the rest of the group. I still didn't get the badge, but that's common. Afterwards, I did a bit more paperwork. Then I found a note from Nox on the chat server and answered it. They came back later, and we talked a bit before they went to bed. In the meantime, Dennis said hi. I joined him for some missions and badge hunting. Then he said goodnight. I did some paperwork and played by myself on a low-level character. Then I started making these notes, with breaks for exercising, browsing the web a little, and reading. {Smile}

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Daily Update, February 22, 2025

On Saturday, I wasn't up for much until I took a nap in the afternoon. then things started happening, but just normal things even then. {Smile}

I didn't do any exercise. I just rested since it's the day after physical therapy. {Smile}

After breakfast, I started playing Cross Stitch World, and ended up playing right through lunch, partly because I got frustrated with the game. I bought a set of ten cross stitch patterns with game money, as I've done many times, and always got all ten. Not this time; I got only nine. I submitted a complaint through their Help and waited for answer. I'm still waiting. I'll try again Monday if they don't respond by then, since this did happen on the weekend. {sigh}

Anyway, I eventually followed that by reading comics, despite really knowing I had been needing a nap since right after breakfast. Eventually, I did nap. Then my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. then I caught the later short, large-group event, followed by the later long, large-group event. I left the latter one early when I was called to dinner, with only a tiny bit of paperwork on the way out. {Smile}

After dinner, I played more Cross Stitch World, then wrote up Friday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player. I joined them in the teens' supergroup's base. They mentioned a character who'd been gone when I joined. The player had trouble with "real life." He's finally back, and to his surprise and mine, it's an old friend of mine from the chat world that led me to City of Heroes: Homecoming. We caught up a bit personally, but kept fumbling the roleplay, until folks left for bed one by one. Dennis and Dragons had separately said hi while we were still trying to roleplay, so when it finished collapsing, I joined Dennis, and we teamed up. We ran a Valentine's mission Dennis needed help with, and a follow-up mission to finish the arc. Then I ran into Dragons, who joined us. We three ran a couple of Dennis's missions. Then Dennis left. Dragons and I ran two quick high level individual missions, the first mine, the second Dragon's. They're predictable enough in how long they take, I wasn't worried we'd run over time with them. I still had to made notes in today's daily update, which I did with a break to read a web comic and do some paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Daily Update, February 21, 2024

On Friday, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. I didn't do quite as much on the exercise machine or with my salsa dancing, but I think I did okay, considering my recent illness. At least as importantly, my therapist didn't seem disappointed. I will have to get back to home exercise soon. {Smile}

Then we did some errands. First, we went to Safeway. Their pharmacy was closed for lunch, so we didn't pick up he medication I needed, but we got other stuff. Then we went to the bank to deposit some things that had accumulated. Last, we went to Dodo Mortuary to check on Mom's death certificate. We actually caught both my contact and the owner in, which made for quite nice service. We got the certificates ordered, and both the certificates and Mom's engraving paid for. After that, we went home to a late lunch. 

My exercise on Friday was physical therapy. That was a pretty good amount of exercise, even if it might be less than usual. {Smile}

Between breakfast and physical therapy, I wrote much of Thursday's daily update. then, after the errands, I read articles and web comics, then finished Thursday's daily update. before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked for the villain supergroup meeting, but didn't see a sign, so I did some paperwork. Then I talked with Nox on the chat world and played Cross Stitch World while I waited for the meeting. Just when I starting to give up on the meeting, my friend in the supergroup arrived. I joined him, and others joined us soon. My friend suggested two alternatives for what to do together that day: they could help my character with some content like we'd tentatively planned earlier, or we could some content only available for a limited time. I said I was more interested in the limited time content, and that's what we did. We did the new seasonal content to get everyone the easy badges. Then we did some older seasonal content. Those took me close enough to dinner, I just did a bit of paperwork to fill the time. {Smile}

After dinner, I went right back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork on my second-best badge collector, then finished a project that got her a few more badges. I also talked with Nox on the chat server for a fair while. Then I tried to pick a low-level character to work on but couldn't settle on one. I began talking to Ulty and Jenny's Player, then joined them in a farm where we chatted, and I helped Jenny's farmer. Two friends of theirs joined us near the end. Then everyone else left. I did the paperwork the farming had produced. then I played Cross Stitch World, talked with Mysty, and made notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, February 21, 2025

Daily Update, February 20, 2025

On Thursday, I had online counselling just after breakfast. It was a particularly productive session. We're getting a better understanding of my anxiety with the help of her questions. {Smile}

Then around lunchtime, my tech friend came over and put the replacement drive into my computer. She also taught me how to use a freestanding hard drive I have, especially the tricky unplugging part at the end of using it, since it's not supposed to be plugged in most of the time. {Smile}

I didn't get to my exercise again. Well, the next day is physical therapy. That will get me back to it. {Smile}

Before counselling I read a couple of articles. After counselling I played Cross Stitch World right into lunch. Then my tech friend came before lunch was quite finished, so I finished lunch quickly while she got started. After she left, I read web comics and wrote some of Wednesday's daily update before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten with Pierogies, and recognized the low-level character Pierogies was on. I got the low-level character who'd been working through a favorite set of story arcs with that character. We finished the last story arc in the set with a bit of time to spare before dinner. Pierogies left, ready for a break. I did a little paperwork and said hi to Dennis when spotted him as I was leaving for dinner. Dennis thought he might be on after my dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I dashed right back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. Since I didn't see Dennis, I started with paperwork. Then I finished writing up Wednesday's daily update. Next, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I settled into playing by myself on a low-level character. I broke to get snacks and such and came back to find Kitten and Dennis trying to get me to join them. I joined them for some Valentine's missions, different ones than I have been concentrating on. After a while, Phonso came, asking about the new seasonal missions. He joined us while we finished the mission we'd started, then we switched to the other kind of mission, except Kitten dropped out. Dennis only did one mission before heading to bed, but Phonso and I ran several missions, until both his character and mine had all five badges. Then Phonso left, and I did some paperwork. After that, I went back and forth between making notes in this and playing Cross Stitch World until the notes were done, and Cross Stitch World reached a good stopping point. That's when I went to bed. {Smile}

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Daily Update, February 19, 2025

On Wednesday, my blood sugar was high before breakfast. That's often true after illnesses, but I'm disappointed when it was well within target the day before. However, between then I resumed mostly normal eating patterns without resuming normal exercise patterns yet. Not that I've established the new normal for my exercise yet. {Smile}

My main nurse finally sold Mom's hospital bed. someone came and picked it up as I was getting up. It's nice to get the space back, and the cash doesn't hurt either. {Smile}

I got a call from the gal who's fixing my computer. She reminded me to accept the quote she'd sent before I got sick. Then we arranged for her to come over the next day with the stuff for my computer, and finish fixing it. {Smile}

I didn't try to exercise yet. I was still a bit tired. If I don't start the next day, there's always physical therapy on Friday. {Smile}

After breakfast, I mostly read comics and maybe some articles until lunch. I played Cross Stitch World over lunch, then read more comics. I found a comic series I really like with lots of episodes to catch up on. Then I got the call about my computer. After that, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update, then began making notes for this. Next, I cleaned myself up with my main nurse's help. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then began playing by myself. Eventually, Pierogies came in and joined me. Then Dennis came in and joined us. Pierogies wanted to show us a map where we can explore the scenery beyond the edges, but the nurse called me to dinner too soon. {Smile}

After dinner, I went right back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to find that Pierogies might have been waiting for me to come back. He showed me the map, and we explored outside the edges together until he left for bed. After that, I did some paperwork, then played myself on a low-level character for quite a while. I also talked with Nox on the chat server, and with Ulty in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Eventually, Kitten came in and we teamed up. We did a few missions together. Then I did minimal paperwork before I left the game to make notes in this. I got distracted from making notes by an article and a video or two. I also chatted a little with Kitten on the chat server while working on those notes. When they were done, I left for bed. {Smile}

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Daily Update, February 18, 2025

On Tuesday, I got up feeling reasonably human again, though distinctly less ambitious than usual. I called the monthly meeting to let them know that I was recently sick, and that my relief nurse was still sick, so we weren't coming. {Smile}

I didn't feel quite up to any exercise. I figured a day off when getting better wasn't a bad idea. {Smile}

I started the day with my first blood test since I got sick and was happy to get it right in my target range. Then, after breakfast, I read lots of web articles and a few webcomics until lunch, with maybe a little Cross Stitch World over lunch. After that, I wrote up Saturday's and Sunday's daily updates before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then checked on the teen heroes' supergroup meeting. It wasn't for a while yet. I said hi to Pierogies, and joined him for the middle long, large-group event. Then I did a bit of badge hunting with him until the teen supergroup meeting. We started with some light roleplaying, visiting both in character and out of character. then we did a mission in character, followed by more visiting both in and out of character. They were just getting ready to do a second mission when I got called to dinner. I left with apologies before the mission began. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Monday's daily update and started making notes in this before I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I got the character I'd been on earlier, talked to the contact I was afraid I'd outlevelled. I got the hunt he gives even folks who are too high level. When starting it, I learned the teen supergroup meeting was still on. I finished the hunt and got the start of the contact's story arc. Somehow, I hadn't outlevelled him after all! I went to meeting next, where we visited both in character and out of character until the others all left for bed. I'm afraid the last to leave and I got stuck with me trying to explain something they just weren't understanding, but hopefully we can sort it out sometime. I suspect I was failing to understand something too, and that was preventing better communication. Afterwards, I did some paperwork, including some on another low-level character. Then I talked with Nox on the chat server, really getting into things for once. It was so great to really talk with them after barely saying anything while I was sick. I was just too tired and sleeping too much during the worst of it. I think they enjoyed it, too, since we were at it quite a while. Eventually they left. Then I tried a comic one gal recommended. I really like it! Then I finished my notes in this and went to bed earlier than usual. {Smile}

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Daily Update February 17. 2025

On Monday, my relief nurse was back, but by the time I got hup, he was feeling kind of sick himself. I was feeling good enough to get up for a regular breakfast - mine are light, but still meals. Then I went right back to bed and slept until lunch. {smile}

I got up for lunch and felt enough better to stay up this time. I even caught up on my medicine in the afternoon. That included my insulin before I fully realized the possible problems of taking long-acting insulin at too different a time of day, since I usually take it at bedtime. I checked online. Two sites said to check with your doctor or medical team. So, I called my doctor's office, but they were out for the holiday. With at least one son still at home, I admire him putting family first on school holidays, which he consistently does. So, I called my usual pharmacy. They said to wait and start at the proper time the next day, better too far apart than a long overlap. I'm actually happier asking this of a pharmacist, since this is their specialty: medicines are all that they do, so they learn them well. {Smile}

Then I began to get back online, first reading web article and webcomics online. Maybe I played a little Cross Stitch World, too. I discovered I lost my phone a while before dinner, and didn't find it until a while after dinner. Not even calling it with my relief nurse's phone helped. The thing would not ring. I eventually found it in the closet in the bedroom the nurses use. Apparently, that's yet another spot to add to the of spots with bad reception in this house, at least for Cricket, my provider. I'm wondering about trying another provider just for better reception. 

I chatted on my computer, and when I found it, on my phone. Eventually, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started out with paperwork, then played by myself until Phonso invited me to a Valentine's mission. We ran that repeatedly. getting all badges but not the big reward for two different characters of mine. After that, I did some paperwork and read webcomics. I also made notes for the past three days before heading to bed a little earlier than I usually do. {Smile}

No, I didn't do any exercise... I was just glad to avoid going back to bed between lunch and bedtime. That's enough for one day. {Smile}

Daily Update February 16, 2025

On Sunday I was definitely still sick, so I didn't even try to go to church. I just stayed home with my main nurse I knew the folks at church would appreciate not needing to deal with some of the symptoms I was still having, as well as not catching it themselves, too. I was getting better, but symptoms continued into the afternoon, and even when they calmed down, I was far too tired to do much beyond eat and sleep. {worn smile}

I certainly didn't try to exercise that day. The illness and the aftermath were more than enough stress for my body to deal with without exercise added to the mix. {rueful smile}

P.S. I promise I got better, but I'll need a break from writing before sharing yesterday. {Smile}

Daily Update, February 15, 2025

On Saturday, February 15, I got sick in the middle of the afternoon. First, I got periods of nausea. I tried to push through them, continuing to play on City of Heroes: Homecoming with my friends. Then it got worse around suppertime. That's when I gave up on anything except dealing with symptoms, cleaning up after myself, and resting in between with encouragement and help from relief nurse. My online friends who knew wished I'd get better soon. {worn smile}

No exercise because I got sick before I got around to anything. Trust me, I was in no condition to exercise once I was sick. {wan smile}

Up until I got sick, it was a quiet day I was browsing the web, reading webcomics articles, maybe playing a little Cros Stitch World both before and after lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming around the middle of the afternoon. I know I got together with Kitten and Pierogies, and later Dennis. I think we started with low-level missions, then moved on to doing a mission Kitten had set up where players can make their own missions. Unfortunately, it's been long enough, I don't remember more clearly what happened when. That got up to dinner, when I was really too sick to do anything except be sick and try to rest for the rest of the night. {worn smile}

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Daily Update, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day if you celebrated it. If not, I hope you had a nice day. {Smile}

On Friday, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara after breakfast. It was nice hearing from her. {Smile}

A while later, my mani nurse took me to physical therapy. I started on the machine as usual, then told my therapist what my (standing) leg exercises and walking exercises are. My main nurse came and showed him the notes about my head and arm exercises from the day before. My therapist agrees that's an awful lot to do every day. He thinks it's really too much to expect most people to keep up. He suggested upper body one day, lower body the next, and salsa dancing on days I do nether, nor physical therapy. It's a relief. I was losing my salsa dancing because I was plain too tired, even though i wasn't getting all my other exercises done, either. That's no good. Salsa dancing is the only fun exercise I'm doing. If everything else takes me away from it, what's the point of doing any of it? {sigh}

Anyway, my main nurse took me back home afterwards. {Smile}

My exercise was my physical therapy. Even though I did little downstairs, I'll just do something tomorrow. It looks like I won't be getting days off like before, but as long as I can dance sometimes, it's not too bad. {Smile}

Between breakfast and physical therapy, I browsed on the web and read web comics. After physical therapy, I had lunch and played Cross Stitch World as I thought about the new plan. then I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming and began paperwork. I paused to write up Thursday's daily update, then went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming to find Kitten trying to get my attention. We teamed up and did some individual timed missions. Pierogies joined us, then Dennis joined us too. We continued those missions until Jenny's Player invited me to do some Valentine's missions. The others joined too, and we fit in four of those missions before dinner. They let me get the rest of the new Valentine's event badges and the special reward for my best badge collector, and all the new badges and the special reward for my second-best badge collector. then I broke for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, then went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I began making notes in this. Next, Kitten said hi in City of Heroes: Homecoming, and we teamed up. We ran a story arc I'd made, trying a system that lets you do that. Kitten liked it, and really liked helping me get some more badges for my best badge collector this way. We ran it in test mode and then repeated it in published mode. Then Phonso said hi, and we ran it again for him. He said he liked it, but didn't rate it like Kitten did. Next, Phonso started running Valentine's missions. Kitten and I joined him. I switched to my third best badge collector. I got four of the five badges for her, and no special reward yet. Then I did a lot of paperwork. I finished making notes and writing in this, too, and I relaxed by reading a couple of web comics. {Smile}

Friday, February 14, 2025

Daily Update, February 13, 2025

On Thursday, a while after breakfast, my main nurse took me to the doctor. I had a good checkup. My main nurse helped me understand the doctor and also told him some of our concerns. Next, we went to the bank to deposit a check we found recently that thankfully wasn't too old yet. After that, we went home. {Smile}

My nurse called me half an hour before my usual suppertime to do my exercises. I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my standing and sitting arm weight training exercises all in a row. At that point he said to quit because I must be tired. Yes, I am, but I still had leg and walking exercises and salsa dancing to do. He's suggested before that I stop my salsa dancing because of all the walking he gets me to do, but the salsa dancing is the only fun part of my exercise routine. I've loved dance all my life but couldn't do it for a couple of decades... now that I got it back, I don't want to lose it again. We figured out the problem is I keep getting new doctors and new therapists giving me new things to do, and no one wants to tell me to stop anything, so it keeps piling up. So, we're to talk to the physical therapist tomorrow about a more reasonable exercise schedule. {rueful smile}

Between breakfast and the trip to my doctor, I read web comics. After we got back, I had lunch and read another web comic. Then I wrote up Wednesday's daily update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I talked with Ulty, then joined the middle long, large-group event part ways through. Next, I did a couple of individual high-level missions by myself. Then Pierogies joined me, and Dennis joined both of us. We ran a couple more similar missions. Then we did a Valentine's mission. During that, the nurse called me to exercise before dinner during it. I left when the mission was done and did my exercises before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World as I thought about my nurse's insistence that my exercises are a bit much, and that I really need a more reasonable exercise schedule. Then I started writing and making notes in this. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I spotted a friend in a different kind of high-level individual mission and joined the team when a spot opened up. We ran several missions. Phonso joined us eventually, after being in a separate, similar team that I think broke up. Then our team broke up, and I tried to say goodbye to Phonso. After that, I played Cross Stitch World and read web comics before finishing writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Daily Update, February 12, 2025

On Wednesday, my counselling session started as I finished breakfast. It was a good session. We talked about how the counselling will progress, then moved to things I need to work on. {Smile}

Afterwards, I worked on a bit of real-life paperwork my nurse and I found in the mail. I did call my financial advisers and the accountants for help with some and reached their answering machines. Eventually the accountants called back and told me what to do. I got it done, and into the mail. I hope it's all good now. {Smile}

I started my salsa dancing earlier, doing my salsa dancing warm up, then taking a break. I did this a hour earlier, thinking that when I do it too late, the second is often not workable. However, it wasn't workable this time, either. I tried resting some more, but my balance was even worse when I tried again. 

The counselling and the paperwork filled my morning and ran past lunch. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World for a break in the paperwork and phone stuff. Then I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. I read comics online, then started making notes in this. then I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some paperwork and chatted with an acquaintance. Then I took a break to clean myself up with the help of my main nurse. After that, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and did more paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, and we teamed up on slightly higher low-level characters. We did a couple of missions, including one known for being long and difficult, especially for something that low-level. Afterwards, we talked a little until dinner, since that was too close to do more. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with more paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player. I tried soloing, but I couldn't settle on a character. Instead, I started talking with Nox and really got into that instead. After that, I played Cross Stitch World, then started salsa dancing. Next, I watched some and wrote and made more notes in this. Then I tried more salsa dancing, failed, finished my notes in this, and read some comics. {Smile}

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Daily Update, February 11, 2025

On Tuesday, over and after breakfast, I finished watching the relatively new Dungeons and Dragons movie with my relief nurse. I did enjoy it. Afterwards, I ran errands with my relief nurse. {Smile}

I did my abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking as I remembered to. After plying on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my head exercises and my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I tried to do more salsa dancing, but I was too unsteady. I stopped having only done a little over nine minutes of salsa dancing including the warmup, which was almost all of it. I did my arm resistance exercises with the stronger band after that. {Smile}

After we got back from the errands, I had lunch. Then I read comics on my computer and wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I began making notes in this. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, but he decided to lie down, since kitten supergroup. Kitten joined me as I finished the arc. Then a supergroup meeting was starting for the low-level character who did join a supergroup. So, I got ready to join. That's when Pierogies said hi again. I connected Pierogies with Kitten, then switched to other character. I was sorry we couldn't team up, but the meeting felt like a prior commitment. I attended the meeting. We ran a mission made by one of the members, then talked until suppertime. {Smile}

After supper, I began making notes in this and played Cross Stitch World as I needed a break. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and found the supergroup still chatting. I joined them, and we chatted for quite a while. They eventually left for bed, first singly, then in a bunch at the end. I played by myself on the same little character, doing the same story arc I'd done earlier. Kitten joined me in time to finish that arc and do the story arc that follows that one. Then we did a several more missions from another contact. Phonso said hi, and I decided to join him in doing Valentine's missions for badges. I got the last two new Valentine's badges for my best badge collector, but not the secret reward that Kitten has. Then I exercised and danced. Next, I watched a few short videos and made more notes in this. Then I tried to dance some more and did exercise. I finished by writing and making more notes in this and reading a few comics. {Smile}

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Daily Update, February 10, 2025

I forgot to mention that on Sunday I used a stronger band for my arm resistance exercises. I was able to do the same number of repetitions, but I was definitely ready to stop at the end. {Smile}

Anyway, on Monday I tried to find and or download some free information from my financial adviser before lunch. that didn't seem to work out, so I called my financial advisers, and talked to the secretary about getting new copies. She found out what I was looking for, and said they'd call me back. The secretary called me back pretty quickly to say the information was old enough, they were going to update it. They will send me the updated information when it was ready. {Smile}

I did some abdominal and pelvic floor tucking during the day. Then I did my arm resistance exercises with the tougher bad while waiting to roleplay joining the supergroup. Then I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises during a pause while playing by myself later. When I was winding down on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my salsa dancing warmup with abdominal and pelvic floor tucking. After a break, I did two less structured salsa dancing pieces, for just over twenty and a half minutes that evening. {Smile}

After breakfast, I read comics, browsed on Amazon, and played Cross Stitch World before I looked for the free information from my financial advisers. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World before I called my financial advisers. Then I made more notes in this and wrote up Sunday's daily update. I took breaks to play Cross Stitch World. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked with Ulty. Pierogies said hi, and we teamed up. We worked on slightly higher but still low-level characters. Mine gained a level as we worked through Pierogies' missions until Kitten came on. Then we teamed up to do a Valentine-themed mission which will be available for a limited time. We did the hero version and got two badges, except Kitten, who got all the five badges available from it earlier. We ran it again, but didn't get another badge. Next, Dennis came in, so we ran it again, getting him a badge. It took two or three more tries to get him the second badge. Then we did the villain version twice. We got one more badge, and I tracked progress with another badge both times. I think a fifth badge requires you to get the other four before you can try for it. Anyway, that took me up to supper. {Smile}

After supper, I made more notes in this and played Cross Stitch World before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked with Ulty. I arranged for my low-level character to join her teenage supergroup "in character." Then I exercised and talked with Kitten while waiting. When they were ready, my character met a character of Ulty's, an alternate character of Jenny's Player, and a character of a friend of theirs They began to show me around the base, then left when they all realized they were tired. After that, I tried to team up with Kitten, but they were tired, and had a busy morning ahead, so they went off to sleep. I played by myself on a different low-level character, getting them up a level and through a story arc. I paused in the last mission to exercise, do some salsa dancing, and make more notes in this. After I finished the mission, I did some paperwork before I did more salsa dancing. Then I watched part of a video before finishing up writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Monday, February 10, 2025

Daily Update, February 9, 2025

On Sunday after breakfast, my main nurse and I headed out. We picked up the nurse's daughter, who wanted to come to church with us. Unfortunately, she ran late, despite doing her hair in the car. She though it was 10:30 am, when it's 10 am. I assured them folks would be happy we made it, even late. We can be timelier in the future. {Smile}

We did arrive late but enjoyed the service. I had lunch afterwards on the lanai with my nurse, his daughter, Auntie Barbra and some of the other parishioners, including one my nurse's daughter is quite interested in. That lunch was nice. We went back home afterwards, dropping his daughter off on the way. {Smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking through the day. Then I did my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, my head exercises, my standing arm weight training exercises, and two of my leg exercises. I tried to do a more intense version of a leg exercise but felt that was too much. It's more than I've been doing on my light day, though I want to work up to more. {Smile}

After I got home, I played a lot of Cross Stitch World. Eventually, I wrote up Saturday's daily update. Then I got ready to clean myself up, but I had to take a break to treat a migraine. I expected to lie down after treating the migraine, but by the time I drank all the tea to wash down the other medicine, I didn't need to. So, my main nurse helped me clean myself up. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, but soon joined and ran the later short, large-group event, followed by the later long, large-group event. I left the latter early, squeezing in some paperwork it produced before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played more Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I talked with Ulty, and got the little character I want to add to her adolescent superhero group, so I don't accidentally accept another supergroup invitation for her. We did this with the provision that this was strictly out-of-character, with her in-character joining coming soon. Then I played by myself on that low-level character, finishing a story arc and getting her up to a level I'll have her stay at a while to do a couple of other story arcs. then I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to work on some paperwork. Then I started making notes and writing in this. I also watched some videos and exercised. Then I finished making notes and writing in this and peeked at Amazon before bed. {Smile}

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Daily Update, February 8, 2025

On Saturday, a while after breakfast, my nurse and I headed out to Pahoa, the town Auntie Barbara and Michelle live next to. We met them at the original Island Naturals to learn that branch doesn't have hot plates to take out on the weekends, though they still have some prepared cold dishes. So, we picked cold dishes out and paid for our lunches. {Smile}

Then Auntie Barbara asked if I wanted to use the bathroom before we left, mentioning porta-potties where we were going, because they still haven't re-installed plumbing since a lava flow took that out a few years ago. The rate at which renovations are going sounds about right for this county. She asked inside, and they sent us up to the intersection. Then she asked a passerby, and they recommended a bakery about a block and a half down the street. So, we went there, and I got the key, while Auntie Barbara looked at their wares. The bathroom was barely accessible to my handicap, but I managed to use it and came back to Auntie Barbara buying biscotti for dessert. {Smile}

We walked back to the cars, and I rode with Auntie Barbara and Michelle while my main nurse followed in his car. It was a long drive, but through quite pretty country. We passed through a few new lava flows... barren, but starkly beautiful new land. When we reached the park, we found a pavilion with two tables, one being used. We asked and took the other one with the permission of the folks at the other table. We had a nice lunch together. Then we walked over to a boat ramp over ground so rough, I could barely manage and lagged behind the others notably. We admired the ramp, which is currently cut off from the ocean by a new beach of black sand from the lava. Then we walked back, at my request sticking to the pavement, which was so much easier for me. {Smile}

I rode back to Pahoa right behind Auntie Barbara's in my nurse's car. They turned into Pahoa, while we went back to Hilo. We stopped at Safeway to pick up a few things, then did another errand before we went home. {Smile}

My exercise included walking 4 blocks to the bathroom and back, walking over to the boat ramp and back, and walking around Safeway. That was quite a bit of exercise for the day after physical therapy, really. {Smile}

After I got back, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was in time to join the later short, large group event, though I missed half of it while settling in. Then I caught the later long, large group event, followed by a little paperwork before dinner. {smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Friday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I said hi to Jenny's player, Ulty, and another friend. I joined the third friend and helped them finish a mission before they left for the night. Next, I started talking with Nox on the chat server. I talked to Ulty and Jenny's player again. Ulty invited me to a farm run by another friend of hers. No, Jenny's player was not involved. I joined them and even helped out in there a bit. Then I did more paperwork. After that, I made notes and wrote in this, with breaks for solo play on low-level character, talking to Dragons, who I missed teaming with, and reading comics. {Smile}

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Daily Update, February 7. 2025

On Friday before lunch, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. I pushed my limits and learned how much machine use is comfortable at the beginning. I also clarified my pelvic floor tucking. I need to practice a couple of small changes which sound like they'll really help. Then we went down below to use the harness. I mostly walking exercises in it, with a little salsa dancing at the end. Then my main nurse took me home. {Smile}

Before supper, I got a call from Auntie Barbara. The restaurant she wanted to go to on Saturday uses monosodium glutamate, or MSG, an ingredient that gives me particularly bad migraines. So, we'll do the picnic with the help of the Island Naturals in Pahoa instead. 

I got plenty of exercise at physical therapy Friday. I don't need much more, though practicing the changes to my abdominal floor tucking shouldn't wait, so it hasn't. I think I did a bit of abdominal tucking, too. {Smile}

Between breakfast and physical therapy, I looked on Amazon for a mug to replace one I used a lot that got damaged and sprung a leak recently. After I got home, I played Cross Stitch World, read web comics, and did more mug shopping on Amazon over lunch and into the afternoon. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chose the villain in a supergroup Dr. Faustus is in, thinking I was late for their weekly meeting. However, I was the only supergroup member on. So, I started to do paperwork. Then Dennis came in and said hi. We talked, and then he suggested a mission while I waited in case the supergroup showed up. Dr. Faustus came in just after we started the mission. Dennis's settings were too high to make him finish alone, so I stuck with him to the end of that mission. Then we said goodbye and I joined the supergroup. They finished the last couple of mission of a story arc. I realized I needed that last mission, which was nice. Next, they helped me finish a story arc. They offered to help me do sequels next week as we disbanded. After that, I did paperwork until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished mug shopping on Amazon. Then I tried to start talking with Nox, but they left quickly, not sure when they'd be back. They were gone a long time, and came back only to say goodnight, because of an early morning then next day. While waiting for Nox to respond, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player and joined them in some farms until Jenny's player left. Then I did some paperwork. Next, I played by myself on the low-level character I'm trying to get a little higher. I actually finished the content I wanted to finish on her before going up a little. I picked up first mission but got sidetracked adjusting costumes. So, I didn't actually start the mission, though I'm ready to. After that, I made notes and wrote this up, with breaks for Cross Stitch World and web comics until bedtime. {Smile}

Friday, February 7, 2025

Daily Update, February 6. 2025

On Thursday, my online counselling started during breakfast. I thought it went well. {Smile}

After lunch, I filled out a form and mailed it. Then I called Mom's lawyer's office and got them to start working on her account. I'm kind of embarrassed that I hadn't gotten around to that earlier, but at first, I was focused on getting through the holidays. then I was focused on getting through the funeral. Now that both are past, it's easier to look at other things. After talking to Mom's lawyer's office, I emailed my Aunt Marjorie's friend about how her lawyer and Mom's lawyer can contact each other. {Smile}

A little while later, my main nurse took me to Target. We found containers for sorting papers that he wanted for my office, but not a suitable mug to replace one that got damaged. I'm searching for that online now. {Smile}

I walked around Target enough that I figure I got a fair bit of exercise done that way. Actually, I think I got enough done, I wasn't quite energetic enough for salsa dancing. then, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my head exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my arm swinging exercises. After a break, I did two of my leg exercises. 

After counselling I read comics and played Cross Stitch World through lunch.  Then I worked on the form. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World until we went to Target. After we came home, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Kitten and Pierogies in a team with a friend of Kitten's that I am acquainted with, and another who is new to me, I think. They were exploring the hidden room, and then another hidden room. Kitten mentioned showing them a semi-secret greenhouse, so I showed them a very similar greenhouse in another zone. Then I tried to show them a special helicopter, but the helicopters I found didn't do what I remembered. We still looked at two helicopters. Then Pierogies left, and the rest tried to catch an enemy helicopter in a different zone, but it disappeared before we could get it. At that point, I got called to donner, so had to leave. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Wednesday's daily update. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I began chatting with Nox on the chat server, and Ulty and Jenny's player in City of Heroes: Homecoming. I also began to play solo on a very low-level character I'd like to get to a higher level. I hope to join a supergroup Ulty and Jenny are starting with that character, and almost all the current members are at least low-middle level, if not higher. The game adjusts so we can play together, but only so much... and I don't want to hold them back. So, I played solo and chatted with Ulty and Nox much of the evening. Then Kitten came in, and we teamed up, both relieved we got to team at least some of the evening. We did a few more missions on my very low-level character, since she's so low, most missions are fast. She's nearing the point where I'll add a couple more levels. That's something, isn't it? After we finished playing, I exercised, talked to Kitten, and did a little paperwork. I also made notes and wrote in this. {Smile}

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Daily Update, February 5, 2025

On Wednesday, my main nurse took me to the lab and dropped me off to get my blood test while he got a tuberculosis test for work. Then he picked me up and took me home. {Smile}

After dinner, I got a call from Auntie Barbara. We arranged to have lunch together in Pahoa on Saturday. We aren't planning a picnic lunch like suggested Saturday before last. That will be another time. Instead, she wants to introduce me to another restaurant she likes there. {Smile}

I did some abdominal and pelvic floor tucking, including during my salsa dancing. I did my salsa dancing warmup set after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming part of the evening. I was unsteady so I tried to treat my blood sugar in the break. Then I did two pieces with less structured dancing after the break, happily surprised I was distinctly steadier this time. That was just over twenty-one and a half minutes of salsa dancing. I wish I'd done at least a few exercises too, but it got too late before I got to them. At least I got all the salsa dancing done, unlike last night. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed on the web and played Cross Stitch World until we went to get our tests done. When we came back, I had lunch before going back to my computer for more web browsing and Cross Stitch World until my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I said hi to Kitten, Ulty, and Jenny's Player, but got no responses, so I tried to join a taskforce. As I realized it must have left by the time I got my character to the zone, Kitten said hi. We teamed up and did a couple of my missions until dinner time. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World until Auntie Barbara's phone call. Then I wrote up Tuesday's daily update and began talking with Nox on the chat server. I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Kitten. I accidentally set the first mission I picked frustratingly tough. Kitten eventually suggested a break helping someone, but they had enough help. Then Phonso invited us to a taskforce. We joined and ran it. Then we ran a trial with about half the group the same. After that, the team broke up. I went straight to starting to dance, not even doing paperwork first. I did the paperwork in City of Homecoming after the warmup. Then I began making notes and writing in this. Then I danced again before I finished writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Daily Update, February 4, 2025

On Tuesday before breakfast, my blood sugar monitor gave a familiar error under new circumstances.  It is not at all new, so it had plenty of time to do this before. Then it gave a particularly high reading, and two lower but still high readings. I tried a newer, unused blood sugar monitor, but it refused to work with the battery from the old monitor, which was the only non-corroded battery of that type I could find in the house. {smile}

After breakfast, I called my doctor's office. They said try to get the newer monitor working. So, my relief nurse took me down to Longs across town, which is far bigger than the nearby Longs. A clerk helped me get two packages of a good battery. I tried it when we got home. Yes, it seems to work; I'll know more when I use it the next day. {smile}

We tried to do an errand on the way home, but the store wasn't open. {smile}

That afternoon, my relief nurse took me to Dentist's office to get a crown seated. He then went to do the errand that didn't work int he morning. He couldn't park, and we thought he'd have plenty of time anyway. {smile}

Boy, that crown seating was quick! The took it out, with some trouble, but it didn't take long. Then they put the new one in and dismissed me. The receptionist didn't even need anything. I got out just before the relief nurse came back. We were happy, since there still wasn't a good parking spot. Since we didn't need one after all, we just went home. {Smile}

I did pelvic floor and abdominal tucking occasionally through the day. Then, late in the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. I was dizzy at first, but then it got better, and I finished the set. After a break, I tried again, but I was too dizzy. I had to stop after I grabbed a chair to steady myself. I only got a bit over 8 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing done. {smile}

When we got back from getting the batteries, I had lunch before settling down at my computer to browse the web. Then I played Cross Stitch World and began writing Monday's daily update until I had to break for my trip to the dentist. When I got back, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, and wanted to hunt for some tough enemies. We stopped when the later short, large-group event was beginning to recruit. We ran that, and then Pierogies left. I joined the later long, large-group event on my own, and ran much of it. I ended up leaving early and slipping in a little paperwork before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing Monday's daily update, with breaks to play Cross Stitch World. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. I eventually hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I hunted for high-level enemies by myself. Eventually, I started looking for something else to do. I saw someone asking for help. The request was a little old, but I offered and joined a full team to finish a mission. Then one person left, and we did another mission. After that, I saw Phonso advertising a strike force. I left the team I was on to join Phonso. He recruited at least one more, then ran the strike force mostly but not entirely full. We said goodnight when it was done because it was too late to do another run. Then I read some comics and made notes and wrote in this before I started my salsa dancing and exercise. After that, I read more comics before I tried more dancing, but I was too dizzy to dance safely. So, I just made more notes and wrote more in this before bed. {Smile}

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Daily Update, February 3, 2024

On Monday, I stayed home to be here when my tech friend came. She came at lunch time, just like arranged. She found the speakers had probably been turned off at an extra off button, and the monitor had been plugged into the wrong plug of the right shape. Easy mistakes to make if you aren't trained in fixing computers. {Smile}

That afternoon, I saw Kitten on the chat server telling Pierogies, Dennis and I about a secret room in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies replied that it wasn't there. Kitten said they weren't able to check right there. So, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming to check. I found it behind a wall... well, three walls in the new part of a base that had been expanded a while back.  I could look at it from three sides, but the only doors I could find were decorations that didn't lead anywhere. So, I went around the three walls again and spotted a tall stack of boxes nearby. I got on top of the boxes and found a gap and a hallway below. the gap looked too tight, except a well-known, once hidden room has an entry about as close to a similar wall behind similar boxes. So, I tried to fall into the gap and succeeded without trouble. Then I could enter the hallway. Around a corner and down at the end I found a door, Through the door was the lineup of high-level enemies Kitten had shared. I got too close trying to check one, and they sent me to the hospital. {Smile}

I went back to the chat server to tell my friends it was there after all. Pierogies quickly came into the game and got me to show him the room. He got two tough characters, and I switched to the healer who is my best badge collector in case taking down the unusual fellow gave a badge. We took the enemies on, and got them down, but no badge for it. Dennis came in not long after we'd gotten rid of them and complained about missing them. We went out. I waited a little and went back. The enemies were there I called the others back so Dennis could see them. Since we were all there, Dennis, Pierogies' two characters and I took them down. {Smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking through the day. Then I did my head exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one of my less structured pieces. Then, after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one piece of less structured salsa dancing. Next. I did my arm resistance exercises, and most of one more less structured salsa dancing piece. An alarm interrupted it a little over 5 minutes in, with over half a minute to go. It was extra fast, so I was panting enough, I didn't want to start up again after turning off the alarm. Still, with two false starts in there, I think I did just over 15 1/4 minutes. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World until my tech friend came to look at my computer. After she left, I played a little more Cross Stitch World until lunch. After lunch I played more Cross Stitch World, then checked the chat server. I found Kitten telling us about the secret room. I already described exploring that. After exploring the hidden room, Pierogies left, and Dennis and I teamed up. We did a high-level mission or two of mine before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner. I hopped into City of Heroes Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Next, I chatted with Nox on the chat server while reading comics and playing Cross Stitch World. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do a little more paperwork. Then Phonso invited me to a taskforce. I joined, and we ran it. Then we ran a trial. After that, I did more paperwork. I also started making notes and writing in this. Then I started exercising and dancing. I watched two videos in the break before more exercise and dancing. Then I finished the evening with writing and making notes in the rest of this. {Smile}

Monday, February 3, 2025

Daily Update, February 2, 2025

On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. We got there during the entrance hymn. It was a nice service. I wish I hadn't been a little late, but I'll just have to work harder at this. {smile}

I had lunch on the lanai with my main nurse and a friend. I paid organist for Mom's funeral and made sure that was the only extra pay needed. Then my main nurse took me home to find my housekeeper there already. My house is better for her attentions. {Smile}

Then my computer broke tin the afternoon. It wasn't making noise when I got home, even when I played a video that didn't look like it ought to be silent. When my housekeeper noticed, she started plugging and unplugging stuff. Bending over is enough easier for her, she's better than I am at plugging and unplugging. It usually helps, but this time the video lost touch with the computer, too. My housekeeper apologized, but she really didn't do anything that should have caused this problem if it wasn't looking for an excuse to happen. More plugging and unplugging didn't fix it, so I called the tech who fixed it last time. Her answering machine started only for her to interrupt it. I actually got her on the first try! She started asking what my housekeeper had done. I dashed outside, phone in hand, and found my housekeeper hadn't left yet. So, I handed her my phone so she could answer the questions about what she'd done or could do. They worked out it that the next step involves opening the computer, which my housekeeper is no more comfortable doing than I would be. It really needed the tech, so I made an appointment for her to come by the next day, which seemed her earliest convenience. {Smile}

After the call, I set up the gaming laptop I got the last time the computer broke. I spent half the afternoon getting it into shape for me to use. {smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking a few times through the day. Then I did one standing exercise, my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. 

After I got home, I browsed the web, especially webcomics. I also chatted with friends on the chat server and played Cross Stitch World. Then I started to play City of Heroes: Homecoming I started with paperwork, but soon realized the sound was out, though looking back, a video I checked out while chatting with friends was silent when it shouldn't have been. The housekeeper tried to fix it - if it's a matter of adjusting plugs and such, she normally can. While she was trying to fix the speakers, my monitor stopped getting input from my computer, and nothing she tried would get it back. Then I spent over an hour getting out my laptop and setting it up. I rarely use it when my desktop works because it heats up more than I think is good for a computer used as much as I usually do. When I was done, my nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I set up the cooling pad for the laptop. Next, I talked about computers with Kitten and Pierogies on chat server before finally getting back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I'd barely begun the paperwork when Pierogies invited me to the later long, large group event. Then Kitten said hi, and joined us too. That event ran right into dinner, but not enough for me to leave before it was done. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I began writing up Friday's daily update. I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming occasionally but kept working on the update. In City of Heroes: Homecoming, I connected with Kitten, and we started to team with a couple of high-level individual missions. I also finished update and started notes in this. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. back in City of Heroes: Homecoming, Kitten spotted a four-person trial with two spots open. We checked that neither had filled, dn we both joined. We ran it and did quite nicely. After the trial, that team broke up. Kitten and I worked on a high-level story arc I'd started. A friend of Kitten's joined us, and the three of us finished the story arc. Then Kitten's friend left. Kitten and I talked about computers on the chat server while I did some paperwork and made more notes in this. After that, I did some exercises. Then I made more notes in this and browsed the web. {Smile}

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Daily Update, February 1. 2025

On Saturday, the nursing company secretary came after lunch. It was nice to see her. We didn't talk much this time, but she did check that I was happy. {Smile}

A while later, my main nurse took me to Prince Kuhio Plaza. We walked to the center, where I heard oriental drumming and gongs. I looked round and found two Chinese Lions dancing in front of GNC and a clothing store next to it, one lion per store. 

They danced around, and collected a small red paper hung above each door. Then they went into the stores, dancing around, circling inside. I believe the papers are small red envelopes containing cash, and the dance performed while collecting them is supposed to bring luck by Oriental tradition. At least if my vague memories of a news story from when a Honolulu Lion Dance team placed in an Oriental competition are correct. {Smile}

The music was very loud. I approved of one gal playing gongs while wearing industrial strength ear protectors, like you see on airport runways. I used to do that while playing flute in the high school band, myself. Trust me that if you want ear protectors while playing music, you can hear the music fine with them on. I ended up turning my hearing aids down after I'd admired her for a while. {Smile}

The lions moved on from the first two stores, skipping a store where I couldn't spot a red paper, and teaming up to do one more store that did have a paper. While they were dancing inside the third store, two children with a smaller lion costume began dancing outside the store, apparently waiting for the larger lions to come out again. When both larger lions were outside with the smaller one, they danced over to the central part of the plaza, where they danced a little more in a kind of finale. I loved getting to see a lion dance like that. {SMILE}

My nurse and I then went on. walking around more of the Plaza until we reached Enjoy Comics, the comic store I like. They were having a Chinese New Year sale. I browsed a long time, finally picking out two books, both on sale. I chatted with the owner, mentioning I'd learned that a distant cousin frequents his store, too. {Smile}

Then my main nurse and I walked back to the car. He did a couple errands on the way home, encouraging me to wait in the car, where I read comics and napped. {Smile}

My main exercise was walking part way around Prince Kuhio Plaza. I also did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World right through the morning and over lunch. Then the nursing company's secretary came to visit. After she left, I played a little more Cross Stitch World before we went to Prince Kuhio Plaza. I read web comics on my computer when I got back from Prince Kuhio Plaza. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I found Kitten, and we teamed up. We did some missions together. Pierogies joined us partway through. Pierogies and I said goodnight when I left for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork, then broke to write up Friday's daily update. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did more paperwork before I found Kitten. We teamed up and started doing my missions. Dr. Faustus joined us. After a mission or two of mine together, Dr. Faustus spotted a strike force being advertised. We joined it and discovered we had too much for one team. We made two smaller, not full teams, and did the same strike force at the same time. My team ended first, despite starting slightly later. Then both teams split up. Dr. Faustus, Kitten, and I got back together to run more of my missions. Dragons joined us, then asked if their friend could, too, which I was happy to facilitate. after a couple more missions, TheCyberChill asked for help just as we started a mission. We joined up after we finished my mission, and TheCyberChill finished a mission they'd started in the meantime. WE did a few of TheCyberChill's missions. Then Dr. Faustus left. After another mission or two, Dragons and their friend left. Then Kitten went quiet and faded out, and after that, the team broke up. So, I did some paperwork, and made notes and wrote in this, with a break to read a comic. {Smile}

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Daily Update, January 31, 2025

On Friday, my main nurse took me to physical therapy before lunch. He did some shopping while I was there. I had a good session. They had a new tape formation on the floor. When I asked, my therapist said it was for balance and had me try it. It was kind of fun but tricky with my eyes closed. I'm glad I was in the harness when I did it. That harness always catches me if I get off-balance. Then we did errands on the way home. {Smile}

I got a call from my nutritionist in afternoon. She wanted to reschedule my next appointment because she'd be busy then. So, we delayed it a week. {Smile}

Then I got a call from Auntie Barbara after dinner. We had a nice chat, talking about how we're both taking things easy after such a big week last week. {Smile}

My physical therapy was quite enough exercise for one day. {Smile}

After I got back from physical therapy, I browsed on the web over lunch, then played some Cross Stitch World. Then I read some comics and started writing Thursday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked for the meeting of the villain supergroup Dr. Faustus got me into. It's usually on Friday afternoon for me, but I didn't find it. So, I started making notes in this. Then came the call from nutritionist, followed by more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Near the end of the paperwork, Dr. Faustus said hi. He added that the villain supergroup meeting was starting soon. I went to the meeting and was one of four attending. We started with a four-man trial. Then we did most of a villain story arc with a particularly good reward at the end. I also began chatting with Pierogies. the villain supergroup meeting broke up just before we got the reward because one member was plain too tired to continue, and we didn't want to cut him out. So, I got together with Pierogies to watch a roleplaying auction until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I peeked at City of Heroes: Homecoming before playing a bit of Cross Stitch World. Then came Auntie Barbara's phone call, followed by more Cross Stitch World before I wrote up Friday's daily update. Next, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I also talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. then I talked with Kitten, who was busy helping a sick friend by running a farm to level a new character while they slept. So, I played by myself while I waited for the farm to finish. I also chatted with someone who noticed my character's supergroup's name almost matched their player's name. When Kitten was done with the farm, we got together. Then Dennis said hi, and joined us. Dennis suggested some missions in a high-level zone. We stated one. Then I checked with the fellow I'd been chatting with and invited him to join us. He did. and we ran a few missions together before the new fellow left. He and I established connections before he left. Then Dennis left after a couple more missions. After that, Kitten and I did two or three more missions. The last mission, Kitten went quiet in. I suspect they fell asleep again. I finished anyway, then did some paperwork, and finished making notes in this. {Smile}