Tuesday, I got up, and started to get ready for my day. Then I looked at my clock, and discovered it was an hour earlier than I thought it was. I went back to bed, discovering on the way that I'd reset my clock an hour late after the day before's power failure. {smile}
I called my financial advisers again, and still got their answering machine. If some emergency was involved, I'd expect some member of the office staff to pick up the phone and explain that. {smile}
After that, we had another power failure. power failure. Somehow, the internet was out, too - that's cable - and the lad line phone may have been out as well. It looked like they may have come back at the same time, but I don't know for certain.
Then I called the phone company. I worked the phone tree to where they offered to call me back in around half an hour, so I could keep my place in line and do other things. I took them up on it. They called me, but I got cut off. I called them. They said I was still in line. They called me again. this time we connected properly. We arranged for the third time for them to send me the paperwork needed to transfer our account from Dad's name to mine. I hope we get it this time. Then I told then I needed help with my own account. She determined I really needed the billing department, and promised they'd call me. They did, and determined I needed a billing specialist for the particular type of account I have. One should call me in one or more days. Does that count as getting anywhere with the phone company? We shall have to see. {worn smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake most of the time, and looked at the ictures when they were there. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I finished _Memories 1960's_, showing the pictures and reading their brief captions. I also showed her the next book I'll start: _Girl's Day/Boys Day_ After that, I continued reading _Fairy Tales_ with "Sleeping Beauty." I finished off with the 30th of January's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Ballet Dancer." Angela was lost in the wonder of watching her first ballet. It was a late performance of "The Nutcracker" on TV. She knew some of the music; now she was watching the real ballet. She half-closed her eyes to help herself imagine she was there, dancing and wearing that white tutu. Then she imagined curtseying to the audience as someone brought her flowers. her mother came in, and exclaimed that she was half asleep, and it was over, so she should go to bed. She wasn't sure how to explain about pretending to be the ballerina. She decided that wasn't important when she'd have her first ballet lesson tomorrow. Maybe she'd try again then. {Smile}
I did my head exercises and arm resistance exercises during lulls on City of Heroes: Homecoming. When we were done teaming, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Again, it got too late before I did more, abut at least I'm getting this much done. I'll keep trying to do more, but he weather has been warm enough, I have to avoid the warmest part of the afternoon, which doesn't help. {rueful look}
I read articles and comics when I wasn't on the phone in the morning. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after cleaning myself up after lunch. I saw a few friends online and connected with Kitten first. Perogies was running the early long, large group event, but Kitten and I started running part of a story arc on one of my high but not very high-level characters. Pierogies joined us after the early long, large-group event was done, and we made good progress before stopping to chat before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and caught the end of the late-night short, large-group event. Next, I started writing this. Then I talked to a friend who was on a different part of City of Heroes: Homecoming. I also talked with Mysty and Dr. Faustus in the game. They both seemed busy. Then Kitten came in, and we teamed up again. We were just getting going, when a random stranger invited me to join them. They said my friend could come too, so Kitten and I both joined them. They lost two members after the mission, which was the last of a story arc. We did another, short story arc, then seemed to start a long one, which I changed characters for, but the last two strangers, including the one who invited me, left the group instead. I checked with Dr. Faustus, and we joined him in helping a new player with the introduction to the end game. That took most of the rest of the evening. I tried to say hi to Nox on the chat server, but they didn't respond until they were heading to bed again. When the introduction to the end game arc ended, Dr. Faustus and the new player left. Kitten and I ran one more mission before I stopped for my salsa dancing. Then I talked, with Radio (Nik), Mysty, and a new fellow in a group Radio is starting on the chat server. I also talked to Kitten on the chat server and read a comic, did a little paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming, and wrote part of this up and made notes for the next day. {Smile}
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