Sunday, April 26, 2009


May I claim to be caught up now? I think I've read everything on Facebook,
on Livejournal, and on the blogs I try to keep up. I've responded to the
initial posts I wanted to, and I've responded to comments and such I
wanted to respond to up thru yesterday. That leaves only today's comments
and several Facebook app requests. I hope that's close enough. I'd really
like to be caught up again. {SMILE}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Merrie Monarch Hula Festival

It's that time again. I plan to be glued to the TV tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night, watching the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival. As always, this will cut into my computer time. {SMILE}

As usual, if you want to see what I'm so excited about, it's here on the web. They broadcast the three nights of competition on the web as streaming video, so people outside of our state can see it too. They should have Thursday night (Miss Aloha Hula, the young women's solo competition) up on the web from when it starts tonight until Hula Kahiko (old-style hula) starts tomorrow night. Hula Kahiko should be up from when it starts tomorrow night until Hula 'Auana (Modern secular hula) starts Saturday night. Hula 'Auana will be up from when it starts until indefinitely in the future. One year a friend caught it a week or so afterwards, so they don't take that one down quickly. {Smile}

I'll certainly be watching. It's nice to live in-state, where it's also broadcast on TV. {SMILE}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter food question

Does anyone have any suggestions for a nice Easter dinner? Ours will be a day late, since Dad expects to have more time to cook on Monday than either today or tomorrow. The problem is that we usually have an Easter ham, but with his congestive heart failure, Dad has to avoid salt. His condition is currently under control, but ham is now a flavoring added to eggs and fried rice in relatively small quantities. {resigned smile}

So we're looking into alternatives. Dad's decided that something bready would be nice and festive. I think he's settled on Chelsea buns with cinnamon added. {Smile}

However, it would be nice to pick out something special for the main course, too. Ham is out for the salt. Lamb is out because they only sell it by the leg around here, and Dad would rather not deal with that. Especially since he thinks "lamb" is a euphemism in that the lamb's lambs have probably had lambs before it reached market. {half-smile}

So... any suggestions? {hopeful smile}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Facebook {Sigh}

I must be nuts. {rueful smile}

I'm having a challenge keeping up with email, LiveJournal, Blogger, abml (a usenet newsgroup), my leisure reading, and the lap time Valentine wants. So what do I do? I join Facebook. Tho it wasn't my idea. One cousin joined, and got her sister to. They brought in the second cousin's boys... so hopefully I'll hear something from these relatives. They've been disgustingly quiet for entirely too long, so we've pretty much drifted apart. If they use Facebook more than email, phone, or snail mail maybe I'll finally get to know them again. {Chuckle, SMILE}

So who on here is on Facebook? And how do we find each other? {pause} I notice something about searching by name and email. I went in under "Anne Elizabeth Baldwin" and my public email, " anneb @ aloha . net " (without spaces, in the case of the email). {Smile}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin