On Thursday, I had counselling after breakfast. I think it went fairly well. I got a few phone calls with the nursing company over this month's bill during it, establishing the new rate. That actually had an advantage, because my counsellor had some suggestions about how to bargain in the future. {Smile}
After that, I continued to work out some confusion over this month's bill until I had lunch. Then, after lunch, my main nurse and I took a trip to Safeway to pick up a prescription for a diabetes medication. I asked the Pharmacist about how to move it back to Sunday evening after taking it that day. I didn't like hearing that I should try to hold off until the usual time to take it, but okay. Next, we took a little drive to see a few sights before going home. {Smile}
I did my salsa dancing warmup set after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. After a longer pause than I meant, I started my less structured dancing. I was unsteady, so I stopped after half a minute. I took a caramel and did my arm resistance exercises. Then I tried again. this time it went much better. However, it took too long to do a second piece... so I got a bit over 15 minutes of salsa dancing, but only that much. {rueful smile}
After the trip out, I hopped on my computer, and began writing Wednesday's daily update, which I continued during slow parts on City of Heroes: Homecoming until I got it done a while after dinner. For yes, I soon hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then shifted to playing by myself. Then I said hi to Pierogies, then to Ulty and Jenny's player. Ulty and Jenny's player were chatty. Pierogies said hi as Jenny's player invited me to some individual missions. I asked if a friend could come too. Jenny's player said yes, so I asked Pierogies. He wanted to so we both joined for a partial and a whole mission before they split up. Then Pierogies and I joined the later short, large group event just before it started early. Next, we joined the later long, large-group event, which went right up to dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming. Only Jenny's Player and Ulty were on of the folks I usually team with. I talked with them and learned that they were busy in a private role-playing session. So, I finished what I hadn't written of Wednesday's daily update. Then I played by myself, finishing the holiday goal for one character, and starting it for the next character. I also read comics, played Cross Stitch World, and chatted with Nox and Kitten separately on the chat server. Then I began notes in this until I danced. I took a long break, between sets. I wrote and made notes in this, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World. Then I tried to dance again, with a little other exercise when that was slow to work out. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World and finished writing and making notes in this. {Smile}