Wednesday morning, I called my podiatrist's office and asked how long I need to rest my foot. They said three weeks is typical. I see him the week after that, so maybe I should wait until then, and see if he approves me resuming my exercises when he sees how I've healed. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I'm not quite sure when I started. Mom was awake, but not lively, not that she's ever that lively anymore. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read two cards, one from our financial adviser and the other from a friend. Next, I finished reading _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. We got through that in only two sittings. She does seem to enjoy the baby pictures. Then I read six short poems and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 28th of August's story, "Dimple's Boast," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. After a short break, I did my head exercises. After playing in City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my two standing arm weight training exercises with a moderate break in between. I really needed that break. My legs weren't shaking after the toenail removal, but my weight was going down even without exercise. Now the exercise is harder... I wonder if I'm healing enough faster that it's taking more out of me or something. {smile}
Over breakfast I read some articles. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming for some solo badge hunting on my second-best badge collector. First, I worked on the badge that I got on my best badge collector the previous night. Then I switched part way through to a faster but similar badge. After that, I looked into a different badge on my second and third best badge collectors. I paused to clean myself up. The I played Cross stitch World over lunch. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and found Div. He said he was almost ready to leave but wasn't hard to talk into doing one mission together. I picked the first mission in a story arc that would help me with the badge I'd looked into. That mission went so easily and pleasantly, Div said one more. So, we did the next in that story arc. This mission started fine, but turned harder and harder, until it looked like a real slog for us to get through, even if we skipped the hardest parts. So, we quit, and I suggested getting Kitten, Pierogies, and maybe Dennis to help us. Div agreed that a bigger team would probably be better. We said goodnight and Div left. Next, I finished getting the first badge on my second-best badge collector and played Cross Stitch World to unwind. I made myself write up Tuesday's daily update and share it before reading to Mom. I left at a good time, but without time to spare for that. {Smile}
After dinner, I did some exercises and began writing this up. Then I read a comic before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I got the badge from last night and this morning on my fourth-best badge collector, who I sincerely hope will soon be my third best badge collector soon. She and the top two have more of me in them than my other characters, so I like them to be special in other ways too. While getting the badge, I said hi to Phonso, who was in a taskforce. I started some paperwork, and when his task force was done, Phonso invited me to the next run. I would have done it on my fourth-best badge collector, but she's still stuck in a story arc that doesn't let her join new teams. So, I did it on my sixth-best badge collector instead. After it was done, I did more paperwork. Then i alternated between Cross Stitch World and exercise. After the exercise, I made notes inn this, with a break to read a couple more comics. {Smile}