Friday, January 10, 2025

Daily Update, January 9, 2025

Thursday began with counselling. My main nurse wanted to talk with my counsellor while I finished breakfast. I came in halfway through, and my nurse left. I talked with my counsellor for the rest of the session. We mainly concentrated on planning Mom's funeral, since I had only a week and a half before the day. {Smile}

After lunch, my main nurse took me to the public library. I picked out a bunch of comics, a mix of western comics and manga (Japanese comics) this time. {Smile}

I called Auntie Barbara after dinner. I wanted her advice about Mom's funeral preparations. Yes, i did Dad's, but I barely remember it. I think I was in more of a daze after Dad died. {smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup set right after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening, for eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing. Afterwards I was tired enough, I got my head exercises done, but that was about it. {Smile}

After counselling, I browsed on the web and play Cross Stitch World right through lunch. After lunch came our trip to the library. When I got home again, I got back onto my computer and browsed the web a little. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I said hi to Pierogies and Kitten, having just missed talking to Dennis, for he left too quickly. Pierogies was busy, but I teamed up with Kitten on a moderately high character. After a while Dennis came back and joined us. Then Pierogies joined us, too. I think Kitten left at some point due to being tired. We played together until dinnertime. {Smile}

After dinner I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found and teamed up with Dennis on moderately high characters. I also began a little writing of Wednesday's daily update here and there. Dennis and I got in several missions before Dennis left. After that, I tried hunting by myself, but there was much searching and little finding appropriate critters. Pierogies joined me, but hunting was still poor, so I suggested a regular mission. That went well. I t even had plenty of what we were hunting, and they counted towards the hunt. We got more than enough for the hunt because we wanted to get the mission done too, and we did. Then Pierogies left for bed. Next, I looked around and spotted Dark. He was on a moderately low-level character, so I switched to one. We teamed up and did several missions. Dr. Faustus joined us for a few. Then Dark left. Dr. Faustus and I did a couple more missions. Dragon joined us in the middle of the last one, but it was long enough we got to play together for a while. Then I said goodnight. I did a little paperwork before I danced. Then I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World before doing some exercises. After that, I wrote and took notes in this, with some more Cross Stitch World and reading a comic. {Smile}

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