Sunday, September 15, 2024

Daily Update, September 14, 2024

Saturday was a quiet day. Nothing much out of the ordinary happened. {Smile}

 I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in, and drowsed at times, but enjoyed the pictures. She woke up more for the baby pictures and stayed more awake after that. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read a long card from a friend of one of her sisters. After that I continued _Picture Book Babies_, commenting on the pictures, and reading interesting facts about babies. Then I read a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with the 14th of September's story, "Back to School," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. then I did my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Much later, after teaming and cleaning myself up, I squeezed in my 10 less strenuous walking exercises. This is a distinctly poorer exercise day, but I was drained after dinner, for reasons I don't understand. {smile}

I had breakfast with Mom and _Avalanche_. After that came web browsing and Cross Stitch World until lunch, despite hoping to get more done. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. A new friend invited me to a task force. While waiting for it to start, Kitten said hi. We tried to get Kitten in, but the new friend didn't see my notice, and Kitten asked them just after it filled. I apologized to Kitten and promised to team with them afterwards. Then ran the taskforce with my new friend. Afterwards, I couldn't find Kitten. I did some paperwork while I looked for them. I found out later they were called in to work on an off day. They didn't come back to the game for the rest of the day. Later, Pierogies found me, and we teamed up. We ran a mission or two, then watched an episode of _Cursed Princess Club_, a comic series on Webtoon that has some "comic dub" videos where the comic is read out loud while the comic panels are shown. Dennis said hi, and I responded right after Cursed Princess Club. Dennis apologized for not coming in early enough to team. Then I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner and what exercise that I did just after it, I played some Cross Stitch World before beginning to write this up. Then I read some comics before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I said hi to Ulty, Jenny's player, and Divi. They seemed busy, so I tried soloing a mission. I eventually gave up because this would be more fun with company. I also began chatting with Nox on chat server. After the aborted mission, I started on paperwork. Then Mysty said hi. I said hi back, and invited her to join me in that mission, starting over from the beginning. It turned out to be awfully long, but when Mysty was almost tired enough to leave, she checked ahead. Thankfully, she found that the end was not much further, so we finished it, and said goodnight. Then I started on paperwork again. Pierogies soon said hi we did the follow up mission, which was much shorter. It was so short, Pierogies apologized for not helping more, which kind of makes me wish they'd been opposite lengths. Both Mysty and Pierogies would probably have been happier, but that didn't happen. I assured him he'd done great, and we said goodnight. Then I squeezed in cleaning myself up before I exercised, which is a lot of why I didn't get more exercise in. After that I played a little more Cross Stitch World, but mainly wrote a little more of this and made lots of notes in it to write from the next day. {Smile}

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Daily Update. September 13. 2024

On Friday, our housekeeper came, and our house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile}

I have been trying to do more chores and such that I really can do myself. I'm starting slow. So far, I'm increasing my self-care and doing some dishes. I plan to work up. I talked with nursing company secretary, and yes, this will help my general well-being and may even help expenses when I become the nurses' primary focus. {Smile}

I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in, but definitely awake this time. She responded pretty well when spoken to right through the readings. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. The I read four cards, repeating one from her nephew, and one from each of two different cousins from yesterday, and adding a card from me. Next, I read _Picture Book Babies_, commenting on the pictures, and reading interesting facts about babies. After that, I repeated yesterday's story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with the 13th of September's story, "The Helper," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. after playing City of Heroes: homecoming, I did two of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After a short break, I did my 10 less strenuous walking exercises. After another short break, I did my head exercises. After that, it got too late before I did more, in part because I'm trying to shut down a little earlier. {Smile}

I ate breakfast with Mom and read the book. That's _Avalanche_, by Mercedes Lackey, Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, and Veronica Giguere. It's the fifth in The Secret World Chronicles series. Then I read articles and played Cross Stitch World before I finished writing up yesterday's daily update. Next, I had lunch with Mom and the book. After that, I Hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I did paperwork and checked with Pierogies. I stopped to clean myself up while the housekeeper cleaned elsewhere and let her know when I was done. Then I went back into City of heroes: Homecoming. I again found Pierogies again, and we did a mission and a half in something that can't be joined after starting. Thats' when Dennis came in and said hi. Then I realized what we were doing wasn't as short as I thought, and we wouldn't get when Pierogies wanted his character to be free. So, we quit to join Dennis. Pierogies suggested watching a show, but Dennis wanted to play City of Heroes. Kitten joined us, and we did a mission Dennis wanted help on, followed by a few missions picked by Dennis, I think. That took me up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, my exercises, and beginning to write this up and making notes in it, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Dennis found me when I'd barely started on paperwork. We did a couple of my villain missions. Kitten joined us at the very end of the second. Then we did a couple of Dennis's missions that he really wanted Kitten's help with. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server. Then Dennis left, and I switched to the hero I've been working on levelling. Kitten and I ran a few missions, going a little later than I hope to, since I'm trying to move my bedtime earlier. But I did that because it finished a story arc that I'm sure I want him to get before levelling. After that, I did my exercises, with a little City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork because I'd made so many notes in this earlier, as well as finishing the writing and notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, September 13, 2024

Daily Update, September 12, 2024

On Thursday, I had my regular video counselling. It went well, which is good. it will be the last this month, because my counsellor will take a trip. We'll resume next month. {Smile}

Later, I got fed up with the corset. It straightened my lower back enough to throw my upper body forward, forcing me to hunch over. I took it off, but then my stomach was unsupported. Then I found a video of a slightly different corset that didn't have the waist strap. The video did say to lie down while putting it on. I tried putting it on lying down without the waist strap. I don't think lying down changed as much, but not having the extra strap lets my back keep a more normal position with less hunching, while still helping my stomach. I teared up in relief when I realized how much more comfortable it was this way. {smile}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was sleeping when I went in, and neither the nurse nor I could rouse her, but the nurse said she'd hear anyway, so I read. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read three cards, one from her nephew, and one from each of two different cousins. Then I skipped _Picture Book Babies_, going straight to a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_ next. I finished with the 12th of September's story, "The Bowl of Nuts," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then later, after teaming for the evening, I did my standing arm weight training exercises, my ten less strenuous walking exercises, and two of my four sitting arm weight training exercises. I think I really need to fit some more exercises in earlier in the day. Salsa dancing and maybe walking should wait until it's cooled off, but the others could be done at warmer times, if not in the heat of the day proper. {Smile}

I had breakfast before and into counselling. After counselling, I started fussing with the corset. Then I finished writing Wednesday's daily update. Next came lunch with the book I'm slowly reading. Then I fussed with the corset some more. I hopped into City of Heroes, Homecoming, and started with some paperwork and badge collecting. Then I found Pierogies. It was while we were talking that I found the video of a slightly different corset without a strap, and discovered how much more comfortable it is without that thing. I'm not sure if that's because my back is extra curvy back-to-front, or if something else is going on, but I'm so relieved I found something more comfortable! {Smile} After that got sorted, we teamed up on villains. Dennis joined us on a villain as we were getting going. They had me pick something, and I found a short story arc with 2 missions. This ended at a good time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I did some exercises. Then I began writing this up and making notes in it. Next, I read some comics before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player and talked with Ulty. Then I saw a pair of high-level taskforces my third best badge collector is still working on. I joined. I spotted Phonso while waiting for them to start and said hi. He was starting a different taskforce. I wish I could have joined, but already felt committed to the others. We had possibly the roughest run I've been on that didn't fall apart entirely. After that, I said hi to Phonso again as I worked on some paperwork. When he finished, Phonso ran a second taskforce which I joined, and got a player from the pair of taskforces to join with me, since he'd offered to help with another run. We talked while getting going. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server then too. Phonso, the new fellow, and several other volunteers ran the taskforce, which went pretty smoothly. I talked with the new fellow and Nox less during it, but I still talked with each separately. We talked much more afterwards, especially the new fellow and me. I toured his admittedly small base. Then we ran one mission I needed for a badge on my third-best badge collector and talked some more before parting. Yes, she got another badge. I'm slowly firming up her position with more badges to separate her from the fourth best badge collector. After that, I did some more exercises. Then I fit in a little paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. I finished the night with writing more of this and making notes in it too. {Smile}

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daily Update, September 11, 2024

On Wednesday, I called the pharmacy and let them know I finally don't need one medication Then I called Life Care Center' outpatient physical therapy. I got the answering machine again, and hung up, meaning to try again later. I got sidetracked instead. I'll have to try again. {rueful smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in, even though I was distinctly late. I'd just lost track of time teaming and chatting with Pierogies and Dennis. She was sleepy, but kept rousing to look at stuff, especially baby pictures. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read two cards, one from her niece, and the other from church. After that, I continued _Picture Book Babies_, showing her the pictures and reading a fact or two about babies to per double page spread. Then I read a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with the 11th of September's story, "The Concert," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

A little while after dinner, I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises. After playing City of heroes on and off through the evening, I did my head exercises, followed by my ten less strenuous walking exercises. Then I started my standing arm weight training exercises but stopped not that far into the first one when I realized how late it was. {blush}

Over breakfast, I browed on the web, then played Cross Stitch World until I cleaned myself up in the late afternoon. Then I had a long talk with our main nurse before a late lunch. I wrote up Tuesday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I started with paperwork. Then Pierogies found me, and we teamed up for a mission. Dennis joined us mid-mission. Afterwards, we talked until I realized I was late to read to Mom. {rueful smile}

After dinner, I read some comics, then did some exercises. After that, I began writing this up and making notes in it. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with a little paperwork, then joined Mysty on a team to get a badge on 9th best badge collector (pause) Unless she's the first of the characters I don't really rank. They're close together, and it's hard to keep them neatly in line, so I just let them be the pack. anyway, after that I read some more comics. then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming to work with some very low-level characters. Pierogies said hi while I was on one of them. We talked, then teamed up, with him getting a little character he'd started recently, too. We finished a story arc I had and said goodnight. Then I did some paperwork, I followed that with exercises, then reading comics, before doing a tiny bit more exercise before I realized it was too late for that. I ended the evening writing a little more of this and making a lot of notes in it. {Smile}

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Daily Update, September 10, 2024

On Tuesday, I called Life Care Center, and navigated their phone tree to a operator who connected me to outpatient physical therapy. There I got the answering machine. I left a message asking where I was in line for physical therapy. I expect I'll have to follow up on that. {smile}

I also took a nap in the late morning, because I went to bed too late the night before again. I'm doing that too regularly, but all I can do is keep working at it. {resigned smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was sitting up when I went in but got sleepy fairly fast. She did rouse somewhat when we got to the baby pictures, and after that, though. She even spoke a couple of times. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read three cards, one from each of her sisters, and one from her cousin. Next, I continued _Picture Book Babies_, showing her the pictures and reading a couple of facts about babies to on every double page spread. After that, I read a story from _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I Finished with the 10th of September's story, "Bright-Eyes," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises after dinner. After watching a movie with Pierogies and Kitten, and a little playing by myself, I did the ten less strenuous walking exercises. After a break, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. {Smile}

Over and after breakfast, I watched two videos. Then I took that nap. Later, I had lunch while playing Cross Stitch World. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and found Pierogies. We started on a story arc a moderately high-level character has. Kitten joined us, and we did several missions before I broke to read to Mom. We didn't quite finish the story arc/ There's at least one more mission to go. I also had a text conversation with a British friend on Discord over the afternoon. {Smile}

After dinner and my exercise, I wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I started that day's daily update. Nest, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies and Kitten. Kitten was very eager to watch a particular movie with Pierogies and me. It took a while to arrange. While we were doing that, Dennis came in and hoped to team up. We explained about the movie. He said to have fun, and that he was hoping to go to bed too soon to finish a movie. So Pierogies, Kitten, and I watched _Raya and the Last Dragon_. After that, the three of us talked a little on the chat server. Then Pierogies left for bed, but Kitten and I kept talking on the chat server for a fair while longer. I also played City of Heroes a little by myself. Next, I did some paperwork. Then I started my exercises, pausing to write and make notes in this before doing more exercises. Then I did a little more City of Heroes paperwork before finishing off the night with more writing and notes in this before bed. {Smile}

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Daily Update, September 9, 2024

On Monday, I called my doctor and left a message about resuming physical therapy. Later, I found a message from them. They've ordered physical therapy and leave it me to follow up on it. They suggested starting with calling Life Care Center Physical Therapy the next day if they don't call me first. {smile}

I also texted my counsellor, saying I had my computer back, and could have a session. We made an appointment for 2pm the same day. When @pm came around, I had my appointment. I thought it went well. We talked about some things I've been working out about my future, as well as how to handle my computer situation in light of recent troubles and concerns. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was sitting up when i went in, despite my starting late. She even spoke a couple of times, so I redid some of the short things I did yesterday. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. That didn't get repeated. Next, I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019, starting with rereading what I read yesterday, and continuing to finish the letter. After that, I continued _Picture Book Babies_, showing her the pictures and reading a couple of facts about babies to on every double page spread. Again, I started by rereading what I'd read yesterday, and continuing on a few more pages. Then I repeated the introduction to _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_, following it with the title page, table of contents, and first story, I ended with the 9th of September's story, "Lullaby," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. No repetition there. {Smile}

After dinner, I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises. After a short break, I did my arm swinging exercises, too. After teaming for most of the evening, I did the ten easier walking exercises before it got too late. {Smile}

Around phone calls, I played Cross Stitch World in the morning, as well as right after counselling, Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies and Kitten. We three teamed up, and Dennis soon joined us. We played until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I did some exercises and read a few short comics before I began writing this up Then I read one longer comic before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found kitten with a younger player on a low-level villain. I joined them, and we did a few missions. Then the younger player left. Kitten wanted to continue but was just too tired. Just after we figured that out, Chrome came on and said hi. We ran a few of his missions, finishing a story arc. TheCyberChill joined us for the last mission. Then Dennis left. TheCyberchill debated what to do next and decided to just relax. So, I worked on paperwork, exercised, and made notes to write this from. I did sneak in a shopping break to order a cooling pad for the laptop on Amazon. The way it was heating up, it definitely needs one. It probably needs to be used less often for shorter periods, too. {rueful smile}

Monday, September 9, 2024

Daily Update, September 8, 2024

On Sunday, after church, I contacted Uber. A driver came and took me to church. I got there during the announcements, which is before the service itself, but a little earlier would be better yet. {Smile}

After the service, we had lunch on the lanai. I sat next to Auntie Barbara, so we got to visit. However, home communion offered to take me home, so I just said goodbye to Michelle, who sat elsewhere. {Smile}

Then I went home with home communion and had communion with Mom. Yes, twice in one day, but I don't see a problem with that. {Smile}

 I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting, and slow to rouse much, so i kept some things shorter than I might have otherwise. The time I started was typical enough, I don't think it was too much of the problem. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I continued _Picture Book Babies_. showing her the pictures and reading a couple of facts about babies to on every double page spread. After that, I read the introduction to _My Little Pony 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with the 8th of September's story, "Greg's Horse," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did my head exercises and the 10 less strenuous walking exercises after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. {Smile}

After I got home from church, I finished writing up Saturday's daily update. Then I did a little internet browsing before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Div, and we teamed up. We did most of a story arc of mine on the character who's trying to go up. Then we started the last story arc for that level. Dennis joined us and we did one more mission before Div left/ Then Dennis and I did a couple more missions. Pierogies joined us just before the end, but did get in on the last battle. I apologetically left to read to Mom, since it was really time. They were planning to test Pierogies character more when I left. {Smile}

After dinner, I did some exercises, then began writing this up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some Paperwork. Then I said hi to Michiel. I helped him finish his last mission before bed. The we said goodnight, and Pierogies said hi very soon after. We did a story arc of the villain I was on. I said goodnight to Nox, having missed a chance to talk again. Dennis said hi and joined Pierogis and me. The story arc we were doing turned out to be an arc with a particularly nice badge at the end. Dennis left after we finished, and so did Pierogies. So, I worked on some paperwork before I did my exercises. Then I wrote this up and made some notes, with a break for a short video and starting a longer video I'll finish some other time. {Smile}

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Daily Update, August 7, 2024

Saturday was a quiet day, I mostly just having my computer back, though I notice some screens are slow loading, especially in Cross Stitch World. I wonder if I should check with Carol about whether this might be the new graphics card not being quite sufficient. Even if it pushes the price of the repairs near the cost of a new computer, I don't think it would be as much as a computer that could handle the games I play. Not if this graphics card needs upgrading. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake, and I started at a more a typical time. Mom didn't talk, but enjoyed the pictures, especially the baby pictures. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then, I continued _Picture Book Babies _ . showing her the pictures and reading a couple of facts about babies to on every double page spread. Next, I read six short poems and two stories from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_, finishing the book. I ended with the 7th of September's story, "The Stork's Nest," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for most of the evening, I did my arm swinging exercises, followed by 10 of my 14 walking exercises. Yes, I finished the exercise I only did half of last night, and a quarter of the night before. {Smile}

Over and after breakfast, I checked out articles. Then I played some Cross stitch World. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming to do some paperwork. Next, I wrote up Friday's daily update over and after lunch. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies said hi and asked me to join the early long, large-group event. After that, we both took a break. I cleaned myself up. Then I chatted on the chat server before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis, but he was on a taskforce. So, I played solo while waiting for him to be done. I saw a note from him asking me to join the group's next taskforce. However, despite spotting it only two minutes after the note was sent, the spot was filled by the time I responded. So, I continued playing alone. The group finished just as I was leaving to read to Mom, so Dennis and I said a provisional goodnight with provisional plans to maybe meet later if he was still up. {Smile}

After dinner and exercise, I began writing this up. Then I read some comics before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and saying hi to Jenny's player and Ulty, and chatting with Ulty. Then Dr. Faustus said hi. WE got together on villains and started a mission. Not that long into it, he spotted a strikeforce. We joined, with me switching to my third-best badge collector, since I think it qualified for a badge that she's working on. Dr. Faustus's work needed him too soon after for us to continue, so we said goodnight. However, Dennis said hi while Dr. Faustus and I were saying goodnight. So, I teamed up with Dennis for two or three missions on villains. Then we said goodnight. I did some paperwork, got a badge on my best badge collector, and played Cross Stitch World. Then I did some more exercises before I finished the evening with more Cross Stitch World and writing this up and making notes in it. {Smile}

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Daily Update September 6, 2024

On Friday, before breakfast, the gal brought my computer back and set it up. We talked about options if I want to replace my computer or upgrade it. I've been thinking about the options quite a bit... Most have their allure, but it's hard to know what's right for me. {smile}

After breakfast, I realized I was late to my sonogram - it was already past the check-in time. So I called the receptionist. They recommended rescheduling, saying they'd have someone call me back about that. They did after lunch. the new appointment is almost a month away, because that was the first opening. At least it's scheduled. {sigh}

Auntie Barbara called after dinner, asking about eh sonogram. I explained about missing the appointment. She was disappointed but understanding, I think. {smile]

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake, despite me getting started late. She talked little but stared at the pictures a bit, especially the baby pictures. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I started _Picture Book Babies _ . the one with one or two facts about babies to read on every double page spread. Then I read a long story from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 6th of September's story, "The Tea-Party," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did eight of my twelve arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did the other four arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did nine and a half walking exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. {Smile}

I worked on Thursday's daily update before lunch. Then I read comics over lunch. After lunch and the phone call, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I started working on a badge for second best badge collector. Pierogies joined me almost immediately and helped me get a badge I was close to on that character. Dr. Faustus said hi near the end of that project. When we were done, I explained that the villain group was meeting, as they do Friday, in my afternoon. I switched to the villain group member and joined Dr. Faustus and the weekly villain supergroup meeting in the middle of fighting a zombie invasion. Next, we ran a story arc. Just as it was ending, Dennis said hi. I switched characters and teamed up with him for a couple of missions. The second ended late enough, I was late to read to Mom, but she was awake, so I got away with it. {Smile}

After dinner and my exercises, I finished writing up Thursday's daily update. Then I played some Cross Stitch World. It loaded so slowly, that I started really wondering if I want a better graphics card. I'll have to look into that. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis on an individual mission team with Azurette. I joined them when space opened up. We ran a few missions before the team broke up. Dennis left, then, but Azurette stayed. I said goodnight to Nox on the chat server, having missed talking again. We talked a long time. Then we did a few of a different kind of individual mission. Pierogies joined us. We broke up after a few missions. I made notes and wrote in this both before and after my exercises. I slipped in a little internet shopping and replying on the chat server after my exercises, too. {Smile}

Friday, September 6, 2024

Daily Update, September 5, 2024

On Thursday, I tried to do counselling after breakfast, but I couldn't get into email where the link to start is. I did manage to call my counsellor, but I guess she couldn't send me one by text. She had me download their phone app. Then I tried to sign in. The username and password I have didn't work, and I need that email to reset it. So, counselling got cancelled. {sigh}

Then I tried to get email working. I did out-stubborn their phone tree, but the gal I got needed to talk to the account holder. Unfortunately, it's still under Dad's name, so that's not feasible until I get this switched to my name. Then they can me as the account holder about this. I tried that next, but there were long waits involved. {bite lips}

While I was waiting, the gal fixing my computer called. my computer is fixed, but worse than I hoped. The power supply blew, taking out the video card and a ram stick. The replacement video card is poorer, but a more expensive one brings costs around the cost of a new computer. I looked into that, and boy, the prices have gone down. It's tempting to get a new one. {smile}

I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake. She talked a little. She was more interested in looking at the pictures, especially the baby pictures. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I finished _The Picture Book of Babies _ -- the big one, with many of the babies in costumes. After that, I read two long not-quite-poems and a story from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 5th of September's story, "Signs of Autumn," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises, my head exercises, and nine and a quarter walking exercises, skipping the on that worked me so hard I could only do half of it. I intended to do all ten of the less strenuous exercises but realized a short way into the tenth exercise that I had underestimated how much I'd be adding with four more, even if they were less strenuous. I was breathing heavily enough, that it was time to stop. Still, I think I did pretty good. {Smile}

The failed counselling and failed email retrieval filled mort of the morning, though I did clean myself up and write a little of Wednesday's daily update. Then after lunch I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, but soon Ulty invited me to a trial. I found a character who hadn't done it, and ran it, getting all three badges, which is great! Then Pierogies said hi and wanted to do some missions. I got Kitten to join us, too. We did two or three of mine on the same character I'd been using. Then Pierogies wanted to watch a show. Kitten didn't want to decide anything, I wasn't much in a mood to pick either, but we slowly worked towards an agreement on what to watch when Dennis said hi. He really wanted to do a particular taskforce. We ended up doing that and finished at a good time to read to Mom. I might have been slightly early, but close enough I just left for it already. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing up Wednesday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I spotted Soothing Darkness leading a team doing a kind of individual mission that my best badge collector needed several more of for a badge, so I joined them. After a couple of missions, Dennis said hi. I talked him into joining, and we ran several more missions, right up until the team broke up. We were just one mission short of what my character needs for that badge. I'll get it some other night. After that, I asked the leader to explain something to me. This segued into a conversation I realized after a while was role-playing, not real-life. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Eventually, I said goodnight to both Nox and Soothing Darkness. Then I did a mix of solo play on City of heroes: Homecoming, including getting another badge for my newly 3rd best badge collector, along with writing and making notes in this, playing Cross Stitch World, and doing my exercises. {Smile}

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Daily Update, September 4, 2024

On Wednesday, in the afternoon, I got a call from former nurse in the afternoon checking up on the new laptop he'd helped me get. It's fine. So is he, though he'll be busy for the next couple of days. {Smile}

Then I call from Auntie Barbara in the evening. She can't help me with Friday sonogram, but hopes she'll be at church Sunday. I am to call after the sonogram, and again when I get the results from it. {Smile}

I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake. She was only somewhat talkative. She was more interested in looking at the pictures, especially the baby pictures. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then I continued _The Picture Book of Babies _ -- the big one, with many of the babies in costumes. Next, I read a story that was sort of a poem, and six short poems from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 4th of September's story, "Nico the Lion Cub," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then I did my head exercises and 6 1/2 of my walking exercises when I was winding down after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. I hoped to do more later, but when it actually came time for that, I realized it had worn me out more than I had thought it had. {Smile}

I had breakfast with Mom. I read a book over breakfast and through much of the morning, getting through a long and exciting scene. Then I worked on writing Tuesday's daily update, but didn't quite finish. Then I had lunch, with reading a distinctly shorter scene. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Div wanted to do a taskforce. I got my character who needed it the most out. Then I ran into Ulty, Jenny's player, and someone new. We visited while I recruited Pierogies and Kitten to join the taskforce. Kitten was slow, but they both joined. Ulty invited me to something she and Jenny's player were doing, but I declined and invited them to the taskforce. They declined, citing a prior commitment, and left. The other person stayed, and said they could fight, so they joined us for the taskforce. We took it slowly but got through it. Kitten went quiet about halfway through it. We finished without them, after failing to get any response for a while. Then Div and Pierogies left, saying it was late. I did some paperwork and asked about establishing long-term connections with the new person, but they declined. They said they're really here for roleplaying, not content. Then I realized it was later than I thought, and broke to read to Mom.

After dinner, I finished writing up Tuesday's daily update and did a few exercises. Then I started writing this. After that, I checked out a few comics before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was greeted by Kitten, frustrated with falling asleep earlier. We teamed up with me on a lowbie who'd gotten some good stuff recently. We did a couple of missions. Then Pierogies joined us, and we did another mission. Then Dennis joined us, and we did a couple more missions. After that, Dennis and Pierogies left. Kitten complained of being tired and went quiet again. So, I did some solo hunts, followed by some paperwork. After that, I played some Cross Stitch World before doing more exercises. Then I made notes and wrote in this, pausing for a little more Cross Stitch World.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Daily Update, September 3, 2024

On Tuesday, before breakfast, I called the imaging lab. I confirmed my appointment for an ultrasound of my abdomen Friday. Then I asked about fasting which had been mentioned. The receptionist tried to look into it. Then he said he'd get a gal to call me back. {smile}

Next, I called the nursing company secretary about the appointment. She's busy and can't go with me. After that I tried calling Auntie Barbara. I got her answering machine and left a message. {smile}

Late in the morning, I called Imaging back. This time, a gal transferred me to a tech gal. I asked about fasting. She started to explain, then asked if it was of the hernia. I said no, it was of the diastasis recti near the hernia. Oh, those aren't fasting. Thank goodness! I have so much trouble with fasting. My unstable blood sugar tends to act up, messing up everything. {rueful smile}

Midafternoon, I realized Auntie Barbara had called me back and left a message asking me to call. I did, and we talked about my upcoming appointment. She'll try to help me if she feels up to it. {smile}

In the late afternoon, Carol came and took my computer. She doesn't promise she can fix it, but she will check it over thoroughly and let me know. {Smile} 

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake. She wasn't talkative, but she was looking at all the pictures, especially the ones of babies. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I started _The Picture Book of Babies _ -- the big one, with many of the babies in costumes. Then I read one longer story from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 3rd of September's story, "Blackberry Jam," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

A did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did 6 1/2 walking exercises. The 7th is a bit more energetic, using some less-used muscles, so I tried quickly my first time with it, but I did some. Then it got too late. {Smile}

Over and after breakfast, I read some articles and did some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork around the phone calls. Then I finished writing up and sharing Monday's daily update before lunch with Mom. After lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Div. We talked and teamed up. We started with doing the next mission in the story arc the mid-level character who's trying to go up is working on. After that, Pierogies joined us. We did a few more missions, finishing the story arc. Then both of them left, and I worked on some paperwork. Then I did some internet shopping. After that, Carol came. We visited while she took my computer. Next, I cleaned myself up before I read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I did a little internet browsing before I began writing this up. Next, I did some exercises. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started on paperwork. Dennis said hi, so I left more paperwork for later, and we teamed up. We did a few of his missions. The last mission we started we left not far into it because Dennis noticed a GM team, and we both enjoy those and the rewards they give. We stuck with them for several giant monsters, until they broke up just about when Dennis felt he had to leave anyway. I said goodnight to Dennis after that and worked on paperwork. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and read some comics. Next, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a little solo badge hunting. After that, I took notes in this. Then I did some exercises and finished off the evening writing and making more notes in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Daily Update, September 2, 2024

On Monday, I pushed myself to catch up on my daily updates, and actually got two out in one day. There's one missing still, but it's in the computer that I can't get a picture from, so it has to wait until that's fixed. I also worked on cleaning myself up thoroughly, and did all I needed to there, too. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that.  Mom was alert and even talkative. I think I started a little late, but not like Sunday. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it.  Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019.  Next, I finished _Picture Book of Happy Babies _. She was really interested in the babies, even talking at times. After that, I read three stories from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_, two shorter and one medium length. I finished with the 2nd of September's Poem, "Summer Lament." {Smile}

I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. After playing City of Heroes for most of the evening, I did my arm resistance exercises. Then after a break I did my head exercises. After another break, I did four of my fourteen walking exercises. {Smile}

After breakfast, I finished writing up Saturday's daily update and wrote some more of Sunday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. Then I started making notes for Monday's daily update over lunch. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We started talking, then teamed up with me on the character trying to gain level. We did a mission, then Pierogies joined us. The three of us finished the story arc. Then we started another story arc. Then both left at once, part way through, because Pierogies was fading, and it was plain late for Div. Dennis said hi just after they left. We got the little characters we'd paired up last week and finished a story arc together. Then we ran a mission of mine from another contact, and a mission of his that got us each a badge. I also gained the level I needed to go on from the contact we finished first. I was slightly low-level for the contact he passes folks on to. After this, I left to read to Mom {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Sunday's update and shared it on Facebook and my blog. Then I read some comics before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, and chatting with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Divi. Then I did a little shopping on the internet that I remembered I needed. After that, I discovered I'd missed an invitation from Divi. I looked around for something to do and spotted a taskforce. It was slow recruiting, so I checked with Azurette, and they joined. I also talked with Nox on chat world. We ran the taskforce, then the group broke up. I followed that with some paperwork. Then I shared Sunday's daily update on the chat server, since Nox warned me that I hadn't yet. Then Pierogies came in. We chatted while he farmed. I also did a little more exercise. Then I wrote a little more of this, and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Monday, September 2, 2024

Daily Update, September 1. 2024

On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber rather later than I hoped for. The most usual fellow for Sundays came and took me to church. I got there late but enjoyed the service. Then we had lunch on the lanai. {Smile}

Afterwards, Auntie Barbara took me home. She came inside to visit with Mom. WE didn't get a full song out of Mom, but Auntie Barbara got her to add a line at the end of Happy Birthday, and our main nurse sang a couple more things where she sang her line when the time came. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that.  Mom was more alert than sometimes, despite me starting particularly late.  I began with scripture and thoughts about it first.  After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter.  Then I continued _Picture Book of Happy Babies _. Next, I read a long poem, a story and six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 1st of September's story in _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Garden Fairy and the Mist Fairy." {Smile}

I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me to church. Then I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did my arm resistance exercises after dinner and beginning to write this up. After teaming for much of the evening, followed by some solo badge collecting, I did four of my walking exercises. {Smile}

After church, I wrote up Friday's daily update, since Thursday's is stuck in my desktop computer. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Div wanting to do a taskforce but wishing for more help because it ends with a tough boss fight. I recruited Pierogies and Kitten, both of whom Div had found too busy earlier. We ran the taskforce with the four of us without much trouble. Then Div wanted one more taskforce. The four of us ran that one, too. I switched to the character trying to go up in level because he was high enough, and my first character wasn't. After the second taskforce, Pierogies left. Div and Kitten started helping me with my story arc, which is back to more interesting missions than talks and hunts. We did a couple of missions. Then kitten went quiet as Div and I started one more mission. Dennis said hi near the end of that mission. I thought I was ready to read to Mom, but Div spotted a particularly rewarding giant monster. I invited Dennis, who loves giant monsters. We recruited several more players, and I handed the team to Div, whose character is maximum level. We got the monster, which is why I was late reading to Mom. {smile}

After dinner, I began writing this up and did a little exercise. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. I dropped that when Phonso invited me to a pair of high-level taskforces. I took my fourth highest badge collector, who needed a couple more badges to become my third highest badge collector. There was one badge in there that she needs and would qualify for two more with that one. We didn't get it, but we tried. It's really hard. Four other characters have gotten it, one by luck and having a power that actually helps quite a bit with it, and the others by taking them one at a time through it every chance I got until each got it. After that, the team broke up, but Phonso and I stayed. We didn't run anything more, but we talked while he... probably did paperwork, and I hunted for badges which involve hunting for enemies, which I can do on my own. I got one badge, and she was tied for third place. Then Phonso left, and I found another badge to work on. I chatted with Nox on Chat server a bit while I worked on the badge. Then Nox left, and I gave up on that badge. Its easy to get under certain conditions, but really hard other ways, and the conditions didn't quite get me there then. So, I got an easier badge instead. My third-best badge collector and my fourth-best badge collector have switched places... barely, but barely counts. Next, I did some paperwork and played a little Cross Stitch World for a change of pace. After that, I made some notes in this. Then I did some exercise and made more notes in this. Next, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I worked on a badge by myself, this time on my second-best badge collector. Pierogies came in, said hi, and joined me for a while. Then we said goodnight, and I made the last few notes here.

Daily Update, August 31, 2024

On Saturday, I got a couple of phone calls from our former nurse before breakfast. Then he came to the house near the end of breakfast. {Smile}

I called a gal who used to fix Dad's and my computers when we used The Computer Store, where she first worked, then bought out the owner. Turned out it was her last day to move out of her shop, since she lost her lease. However, she said she could stop by my house and look at it Tuesday. Maybe even fix it if the parts she had in stock fit. So, we confirmed this is our plan. {Smile}

With that settled, our former nurse took me to Office Max. We got a clerk who showed me options and I picked out a "low end gaming" laptop computer. Then he took me back home. We enjoyed visiting on both the ride down and the ride back. {Smile}

At home, we told our main nurse about the trip. Our former nurse talked with him for a bit then left. Then I sat down to set up my new backup computer. I started by going through their setup window, then made links to most of the sites I visit daily. It took me half the afternoon to get the main stuff I use set up, except email, which I need to call the company to sort out the username and password. That was too much to tackle after everything else. So, I finally hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and spent pretty much the rest of the day there. It was so good to be back! {SMILE}

I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner.  Mom was a little more alert, maybe because I started earlier, but not really active.  I began with scripture and thoughts about it first.  Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter.  After that, I continued _Picture Book of Happy Babies _. I read a fair bit, since Mom seemed interested in the babies. Then I read two stories from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 31st of August's story, "Percy in America." {Smile}

I walked around Office Max a fair bit. Then I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. That's about it for exercise on Saturday. Too busy with other stuff. {smile}

When I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming, I found Div. I told him all that happened, making a long conversation before we teamed up, but we eventually did a couple of missions together. Then Div left, and I started on paperwork. Next, Dennis said hi. I joined him on a giant monster hunting team, but only for two monsters before leaving to read to Mom. {Smile}

Between reading to Mom and dinner, I did some exercise and began writing this up and making notes. Then after dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player, letting them know a little of what had happened with my computer before I joined them for a few missions. We played until Ulty left for bed and the team broke up. Next, I began planning solo badge hunting. Dennis said hi about then, so I dropped those plans. We teamed up and ran a couple of missions. Near the end, Phonso invited me to a trial. I joined on my fourth best badge collector after finishing saying goodnight to Dennis, and we ran it. Then Phonso ran a second of the same trial, and I did that on the same character to work on a badge. She has a way to go, but certain task forces, strike forces, and trials bring her a little closer. When that was done, I did some paperwork until Pierogies came in and said hi. We talked a bit, then teamed up to play a little before I finished making notes and writing this right before heading to bed. {Smile}

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Daily Update August 30, 2024

 On Friday, just as I was finishing a mission with Pierogies, Kitten, Dennis, and Dennis's friend, something made a fritzing noise, and my screen went blank. Tapping a few keys did nothing and turning the monitor off and on only got the logo to display before the monitor went into sleep mode. I tried Dad's old monitor, and a different plug. None helped. {Sigh}

So, I turned on my phone, and called up the chat sever, where I let Kitten, Dennis, and Pierogies know.  Pierogies and Kitten were sympathetic.  Dennis was full of questions.  He doesn't just use computers, he fixes them.  From my description, he thinks it is my video card.  He thinks it needs to be replaced, and probably the rest of the computer should be checked while the technician can.  I checked online and found a place where I know the owner and her work.  It was closed but would open Saturday at 10am. I planned to call her and see what she says at least. {smile}

Thursday's daily update is on my desktop, which I can't access until it's fixed. I'll get it when I can. Yesterday, I was so busy fixing what I could of this, I didn't finish writing this up. Yesterday's is ready to be written after this one. I'll get to it when I can. {smile}

Our housekeeper came and left before all that happened. The house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile}

I texted Auntie Barbara and our former nurse after dinner just asking to talk. All this was too much for texting. A little later, I called our former nurse. He wanted to help me take it in and get it fixed the next day. Later, Auntie Barbara called me. I told her what happened and about the nurse's offer to help. We also talked about church plans. {Smile}

I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom, and read to her before dinner.  Mom was quiet, though not asleep, maybe because I started late.  I started with scripture and thoughts about it first.  Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter.  Next, I restarted _Picture Book of Happy Babies _. After that, I read a story and a poem almost as long as the story from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 30th of August's story, "Magic Butterfly." {Smile}

Before I cleaned myself up, I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises.  A fair while after cleaning myself up, I did my head exercises.  Later, I did three of my walking exercises in a row before I got tired enough to stop. {Smile}

After breakfast, I read articles. Then I played Cross Stitch World until I took a nap. Next came lunch with Mom. Then I wrote up most but not quite all of Thursday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Div. We talked and teamed up. I started a story arc on the character trying to go up in level. We did three missions, with Pierogies joining part way through. Then Div left and Kitten joined us. We did another mission. Then came a bunch of talk-missions, a hunt, and another talk. I'm sure Pierogies and Kitten were bored, but I didn't know what else to do. Then Dennis said hi. I jumped at the chance to join him and his friend for a mission. Just as that ended was when the computer trouble started. When I realized that was at an impasse, I stopped to read to Mom. {smile}

After dinner, I did some journaling in a paper journal I've started as a more adaptable way to use some workbooks than writing in the space provided. Those never know how much or how little space I'll need. Next, I sent the texts. Then I caught up on some comics I follow and talked with Nox on chat server. Then came the phone calls, followed by more talking with Nox. After that I did some exercises before I cleaned myself up. When I got done, I said goodnight to Nox. Then I read more comics and played some Cross Stitch World before I thought to begin writing this up in my blog, instead of in email like I usually do. It was slower on my phone than with full keyboard, even with extensive use of auto-complete. I paused to exercise a couple of times but got back to writing and making notes in this both times. {Smile}