On Monday, I stayed home to be here when my tech friend came. She came at lunch time, just like arranged. She found the speakers had probably been turned off at an extra off button, and the monitor had been plugged into the wrong plug of the right shape. Easy mistakes to make if you aren't trained in fixing computers. {Smile}
That afternoon, I saw Kitten on the chat server telling Pierogies, Dennis and I about a secret room in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies replied that it wasn't there. Kitten said they weren't able to check right there. So, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming to check. I found it behind a wall... well, three walls in the new part of a base that had been expanded a while back. I could look at it from three sides, but the only doors I could find were decorations that didn't lead anywhere. So, I went around the three walls again and spotted a tall stack of boxes nearby. I got on top of the boxes and found a gap and a hallway below. the gap looked too tight, except a well-known, once hidden room has an entry about as close to a similar wall behind similar boxes. So, I tried to fall into the gap and succeeded without trouble. Then I could enter the hallway. Around a corner and down at the end I found a door, Through the door was the lineup of high-level enemies Kitten had shared. I got too close trying to check one, and they sent me to the hospital. {Smile}
I went back to the chat server to tell my friends it was there after all. Pierogies quickly came into the game and got me to show him the room. He got two tough characters, and I switched to the healer who is my best badge collector in case taking down the unusual fellow gave a badge. We took the enemies on, and got them down, but no badge for it. Dennis came in not long after we'd gotten rid of them and complained about missing them. We went out. I waited a little and went back. The enemies were there I called the others back so Dennis could see them. Since we were all there, Dennis, Pierogies' two characters and I took them down. {Smile}
I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking through the day. Then I did my head exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one of my less structured pieces. Then, after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one piece of less structured salsa dancing. Next. I did my arm resistance exercises, and most of one more less structured salsa dancing piece. An alarm interrupted it a little over 5 minutes in, with over half a minute to go. It was extra fast, so I was panting enough, I didn't want to start up again after turning off the alarm. Still, with two false starts in there, I think I did just over 15 1/4 minutes. {Smile}
After breakfast, I browsed the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World until my tech friend came to look at my computer. After she left, I played a little more Cross Stitch World until lunch. After lunch I played more Cross Stitch World, then checked the chat server. I found Kitten telling us about the secret room. I already described exploring that. After exploring the hidden room, Pierogies left, and Dennis and I teamed up. We did a high-level mission or two of mine before dinner. {Smile}
After dinner. I hopped into City of Heroes Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Next, I chatted with Nox on the chat server while reading comics and playing Cross Stitch World. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do a little more paperwork. Then Phonso invited me to a taskforce. I joined, and we ran it. Then we ran a trial. After that, I did more paperwork. I also started making notes and writing in this. Then I started exercising and dancing. I watched two videos in the break before more exercise and dancing. Then I finished the evening with writing and making notes in the rest of this. {Smile}