Saturday, August 3, 2024

Daily Update, August 2, 2024

    Friday... well, I got upset about the folks calling the gal with elevated testosterone a trans guy. I guess I am... or rather, was in my 20's, 30's, and maybe into my 40's, when my polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) elevated my testosterone to not even close to half of a man of a similar age, but a respectable enough amount for a man of 80. then my testosterone lowered, so I went back to being a woman. Considering all the physical features that didn't change, I assumed I was just a woman with hormone imbalance. My doctors seemed to treat me like one. {wry smile}

   I didn't have more balance trouble like Thursday night. Maybe it's luck, or maybe laying off the cough drops help. Unfortunately, all artificial sweeteners have problems as far as I'm concerned, so I have to use ones with a little sugar... but I need to be more careful with them. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I deliberately left the game at my old regular time, in hopes she'd be more awake. Sure enough, she was resting but responsive, and willingly opened her eyes to look at things. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read a Christmas card from a friend of her sister's. After that, I continued _Picture Book: Babies_, I described each picture and read the facts about babies provided on each page I was happy to see her looking at the pictures, so I read several pages to her. Next, I read a story and six poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 2nd of August's story, "Rufus's Hedgehog," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reding to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a moderate break, I did my less structured set with no balance trouble like last night. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read that article while checking friends' recent Facebook posts, including the one about the gal in Olympic boxing that upset me so. Then I played Cross Stitch World for most of the morning while I cooled down. Next, I read a couple of comics. Then I began writing this up. After that, I had lunch with Mom. Next, I peeked into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I spotted Div. We talked a little, and teamed up for one tough, lowish level mission. Then he left. After that, I did paperwork until Pierogies said hi. We talked briefly before I left to finish writing up Thursday's daily update. Next, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming to plan the afternoon with Pierogies. Then I cleaned myself up. Back on my computer, I had a brief talk with Nox on chat server before going back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I teamed up with Pierogies on moderately low-level characters. Dennis joined us, and we ran some missions. Kitten joined us for a few, too. Then I left a little earlier than I have been recently to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player. Ulty responded, and I joined her and a friend of hers. We did one mission of mine before they left for bed. Next, I did some paperwork before I looked around some more. I said hi to Nox on the chat world. We had a slow conversation over the evening. Back in City of Heroes, Homecoming, Dennis said hi, and we teamed up. Dr. Faustus joined us. We did a mission of Dennis's, then Dr. Faustus left. Dennis and I did a couple more missions, then said goodnight. I did some more paperwork before I started my salsa dancing. I watched some videos between salsa dancing sets, and a little writing in this. After the dancing, I wrote and made notes in this before doing my walking exercises. Then I finished making notes in this and did a little shopping on Amazon. {Smile}