On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. WE got there barely in time for communion because they started at 9 am instead of 10 am so we'd have more people at the annual meeting afterwards. We voted on vestry and delegates to the diocesan convention and heard financial reports. then they had folks talk about nice things in one or another program they're in. Then I sang a song to thank priest for finding a substitute when she got sick. After that, my nurse took me home. {Smile}
A while after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming and web browsing much of the evening, I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises. I also did some pelvic and abdominal tucking through the day. I wish I'd done more, but at least I didn't do less. {Smile}
After I got home, I shared Friday's daily update. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and read some comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player, and ran a little character up a level, then finished one contact, and got the rest updated. After that, I napped until dinner, because I've been burning the candle at both ends for about a week. {worn smile}
After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and began writing Saturday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies and Dennis. The three of us got together and tried a farm Kitten had made. One enemy was particularly tough for us but still rewarding. Then Pierogies got tired, so he said goodnight and left. After that, Dennis wanted to do low-to-mid level villains. I didn't have one that close but grabbed a low-level character. We ran a couple of his missions, and a couple of my missions. Then we said goodnight. I did some paperwork, then said goodnight to Nox, having missed talking with them. Next, I read some comics. After that I exercised before I read more comics. Then I started notes in this. After that I exercised some more before playing more Cross Stitch World and finishing my notes in this. {Smile}