Friday, October 18, 2024

Daily Update, October 17, 2024

After breakfast, I had my online counselling appointment. I think it went well. She's helping me come to terms with unrealized dreams, both letting go of the ones that aren't to be, and maybe making others work while I still can. {smile}

Right before lunch, our priest came to visit Mom. she talked with Mom and gave home communion. Then she had a talk with me. She's concerned about us, and I realized she has good reason to be. {smile}

I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was resting when I went in, she woke right away when I greeted her. She looked at all the pictures and even answered me at the end. These days, that's a good day. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then, I continued _Childhood Memories; Picture Book_. After that, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I ended with October 17th's story, "Blue Mushrooms!" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup one right after another, as commercials allowed, since I dance to a piece on YouTube, and haven't bought their commercial free plan. After my bath, I did one longer, less structured piece of salsa dancing. I tried to watch my spotting, especially in the first set, and most especially during the fast turns int he first set. I think I felt my balance holding better when I spotted during the fast turns. I'll talk with my therapist about the dizziness tomorrow, but hopefully more careful spotting will make the essential difference. {Smile}

After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed the web while I thought a lot about stuff from the counselling. Then our priest came to visit. After she left, I had lunch with Mom. After that, I played Cross Stitch World while I thought, both about things from the counselling, and also things from the pastoral visit, especially my talk with our priest. I ended up getting into City of Heroes: Homecoming particularly late. I found Kitten pretty quickly, and we teamed up. Dennis and his best friend soon joined us. I asked for the Halloween trial so I could run it on my third best badge collector in a costume for the last badge, since we had four, and it takes precisely four to run it. Dennis and his friend wanted all the badges, so they needed to get costumes; I already had mine, and Kitten already had the badge. We got some by knocking on a few trick-or-treat doors, since the costumes we needed are some of the treats in trick-or-treating. We ran the trial, with Dennis, his friend, and I in our costumes, and Kitten in a permanent costume they'd bought. While we were starting, Pierogies said hi. I told him we were doing exactly-four content, but we could get together later. He was happy to work on a new character while we ran the trial. So, we ran it. I got my last badge, and Dennis and his friend got all four badges on the first run. After that, Dennis's friend left. Dennis wanted to do the same trial with Pierogies next. Pierogies joined us on a character who needed the badges, while Dennis and I switched to other characters who needed the badges. We ran it again, and all but Kitten got the badges, since Kitten already had them. Then Pierogies and I switched to low-level characters. We came across a stranger while getting back together and invited them along as we ran a regular mission. Then I left to read to Mom. The stranger wanted to do more, and I think the others may have kept on going with them for a while. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Wednesday's daily update, with breaks for Cross Stitch World and comics. Then I began writing and making notes in this update. After that, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming rather later. I said hi to Kitten but got no response. I started talking with nox on teh chat server. I also said hi to Phonso. He was doing a Halloween event for badges, so I joined the small league he was in on a character I just wanted to play. Most of my high-level characters have these badges and I didn't want to hunt for someone who didn't. In doing this event, someone spotted a giant monster, so we got it afterwards. While getting the giant monster, a zombie apocalypse started right in our zone, so we shifted to fighting zombies right where we were, since they were appearing in the water with us. When the zombies were over, the small league broke up. Phonso suggested running the Halloween trial. I found the next character in the list who needed it. She's down in the pack, not a ranked badge collector. By "the pack," I mean a large bunch of characters who are close enough together, any ranking changes too often to keep track of. Phonso recruited two more characters, and we got costumes for them with a little trick-or-treating. Then we ran the trial. After that, I said goodnight to Phonso. Then I ran into Divi. We chatted a little, then said goodnight. I did some paperwork before my first set of dancing. Then I cleaned myself up before my second set of dancing. After that, I wrote and made notes in this, with a little Cross Stitch World, though not as much as usual. {Smile}