On Thursday, my cousin, Kim, called. She wanted to do lunch at the volcano (Kilauea Volcano) I agreed, but detailed plans were left for later. {smile}
Video counselling went well, though I realized something afterwards that I'll have to talk about next time. I long to feel more relevant in my life. I'm concerned that retirement homes and the like will make me feel less relevant, not more relevant, even as they take care of me otherwise. {rueful look}
Auntie Barbara called right when we were scheduling my next appointment at the end of the video counselling. I asked her to call back. I actually called her a little while after my appointment. Turned out she was concerned about lunch at the volcano. She suggested we start very soon, since it was sooner than I realized. My main nurse was unhappy with the surprise. He does like to be prepared. However, this was sprung on me too; I wasn't holding out on him. {smile}
We drove up to the volcano and met in the park for lunch in a restaurant on the caldera rim. In all, Kim, Aunt Valerie, Mary Jane, Auntie Barbara, Michelle, my main nurse, and I shared lunch there. The fountains that were visible the day before weren't going, just a lot of smoke and steam. I had a nice pizza. {Smile}
Then the others wanted to meet at a view spot by the museum which isn't there anymore. This wasn't easy to find. After a false start down the road, the nurse and I went to the visitor's center. I had him drop me off so I could walk in. I found the help desk busy with other people but eventually caught a ranger and got them to circle the old museum on the map after I convinced them that I was not interested in finding a working museum but the place where the old museum used to be so I could meet up with others. We found the spot and met up with the others for one last round of pictures. Then they left, and I walked with my nurse to a view spot a bit down a graded but unpaved path. {Smile}
After that, we drove back to Hilo. I slept on the way. then at home I lay down to wake up more fully and slept until dinner instead. {Smile}
My only exercise was the walking at the Volcano, but there was a fair bit of that between our different stops. {Smile}
After dinner, I played a lot of Cross Stitch World, with breaks to read comics and talk with Nox on the chat server. Then I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming just in time to team up with Pierogies for a hunt and a mission before they left for bed. Next, I did some paperwork. Then Dragons said hi. We got together, teaming up for four missions before they dashed off to work. Then I played more Cross Stitch World and read more comics. After that, I made notes in this. By then it was so late, I didn't even try to write up Wednesday's daily update, just leaving it for the next day. {Smile}