Sunday, March 26, 2023

Daily Update, March 25, 2022

    This morning, I called Uber, and they took me to Life Care Center for physical therapy. I had a nice session, and I learned my therapist owns my veterinarian's office, and works there on his days off. I suspect he's helped carry Val for me. His father owned it until the father died; I think he founded that office. {Smile}

   I took Uber back home, and got a nice, chatty driver with a "trainee driver" in the bucket seat. He'd talked about the perks of driving for Uber enough, one of his neighbors signed up, but wanted an introduction, so I he was helping her. It was nice to talk to both of them. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I read scripture and thoughts about it and continued with the start of her niece's long family letter from 2019. Then I read the start of Cotillion by Georgette Heyer, who I think is her favorite author. When we used to ask who her favorite author was, she'd mention two out of these three: Anne McCaffrey, Andre Norton, and Mercedes Lackey, but she'd always mention Georgette Heyer, too. Then I finished up by reading the March 25th story from 366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year. Mom said she liked it all. {Smile}

   I didn't do any exercise beyond physical therapy. He said to take a break from my own exercises on the days I actually work with him. {Smile}

   I read articles over lunch and wrote a lot of yesterday's daily update after it. Then I went into City of Heroes, homecoming, and found div, who showed me the latest developments in the base. it's really coming along and is pretty close to done. he says he won't do another big base, but this is the second base out of three which has grown like this. the middle one just stalled. We'll see what happens. My RWBY friend joined us, and admired all the progress since the last time he'd been in. Then I teamed up with my RWBY friend for a mission or two, then read some comics before I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, i read a few comics, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. Jag didn't respond, and Austin and Shen Dragon were busy, so I collected badges on my second-best badge collector for a bit, and worked on some harder badges, too. Then I noticed a chance to do a task force my third best badge collector needed for a badge. So, I joined it, and learned they were doing the sequel, which was the other one she needed for the same badge. I did both, and she got the badge. While I was doing that, i chatted with Azurette. We hoped to get together afterwards, but by the time we were both free, she was too tired, and went to bed. I looked into working on another badge on my third best badge collector, but that was tricker than I realized. However, I found several other easy badges, and got them. She has lots more to get, but I found she was at 799 badges, and couldn't resist grabbing one more for an even 800. Then I switched to my second-best badge collector, and worked on a couple more badges, alternating with reading comics until i caught up with the current comic series I'm reading. I chatted a little with Kitten over the day, as their work allowed. I also wrote most but not all of this daily update; I finished up after church and lunch the next day. {Smile}