Sunday, June 18, 2023

Daily Update, June 17, 2023

 Yesterday I had a slow text conversation with the cousin who visited the day before. That was nice. {Smile}

It was also physical therapy, so I called Uber. I got a nice, chatty gal as driver on the way over. {Smile}
Physical therapy went mostly okay. I did a good bit on the machine and the other just-exercises, and the first piece of salsa dancing. However, as I was getting into the second piece, My foot slid out from under me, and down I went, right knee and hands first. The hands were bright pink until lunch, and the knee had a bright pick swollen spot, as well as a little skinned red spot. The swelling and pink were gone by after lunch. {Smile}
I took Uber back, and got a less chatty fellow for my driver, though I'm not sure that wasn't partly not thinking of as much to say with my knee definitely sore. {smile}
I had a nice phone call with Auntie Barbara after dinner. That was nice, though she wasn't too happy to hear about my fall. {Smile}
I had breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. First, I read scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued with the start of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I showed her the last several pictures and read the rest of the captions in _Memories 1940s_. I made a point to read all the posters again. I think she likes that. After that, I read "SN.J. Teacher Leaves $1 Millon in an Will for Special-Ed Students, " from _100 Uplifting Short Stories for Seniors_. Then I finished with the June 17th story, "The Stowaways," about a girl heading out to visit her grandfather, who's doll and teddy stow away in her suitcase when she tells them her mother said they couldn't come along, from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Mom enjoyed both reading and pictures. {Smile}
No exercise today beyond physical therapy. That was enough, fall and all. {Smile}
I wrote yesterday's update after lunch, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found noticed a trial being advertised, and found that my top two badge collectors had done it, but the third hadn't. The third ran it and got two badges. I checked, and both the better badge collectors already had both badges. While I was started, I started chatting with Perogies. We teamed up afterward, on mid-level characters, and teamed right up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I read some comics, and hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did a little paperwork and had the phone call, and then I saw Jag was online, and we chatted a bit. Then I found them in the game, in a role-play that I couldn't figure out how to enter, since I wasn't sure my character knew either of theirs, though I know Jag well, and they were talking to Soothing Darkness and another player I also know somewhat. Chili Bear invited me to join him in a "farm" he was running (repetitive play for the experience, money, or similar rewards), but that's when I got drawn into the role playing, so I apologized to Chili Bear. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. The roleplaying and other chatting went on until Phonso invited me to a trial. I told the told the folks I was roleplaying with out-of-character. They were interested but one wasn't sure how to leave the role-play, especially as one other joined in. So, I had my character get a phone call, and invite them to the trial "in character." That worked. We ran the trial twice. Then most of the folks left. Soothing Darkness and I found a character offering a "signature story arc," which was pay-only when this game was supported by the company, but everything like that is open to everyone now. We figured out which signature story arc is first and found the very first signature story arc contact. Soothing Darkness invited Azurette, and strangers besides. We restarted twice when someone asked to join as we were starting. We ran that arc, and most players left, because it really was late. Soothing Darkness, one stranger, and I ran the second signature story arc in the first series. I established contact information with the stranger before we headed our separate ways. I started writing this update. Then I snuck back and met another character of Soothing Darkness's character, admiring the costumes before finishing this in notes to write up the next day. {Smile}