Thursday, November 30, 2023

Daily Update, November 29, 2023

    Wednesday was a mostly quiet day. I did have a phone call with the secretary from our nursing company. It was nice to talk to her. {Smile}

   I did more research into web fiction sites, and realized different sites are likely to fit different stories better. Also, I don't know that I'm cut out to write the long stuff that seems so popular in web fiction, so the web may not be my best choice. I'll have to see. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were open when I got there, but she closed them for parts where it was mainly words, but still opened them for pictures. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then, I showed her the next few pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She looked at the cute kittens as I described each picture a bit in lieu of words to read. After that, I read a longer story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Well, by that' book's standards it was longer: 4 pages instead of 1 or 2. Last, I finished with the 29th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "James's Visitor." James had to stay in bed with a bad cold and an earache. He couldn't have visitors. His mother was worried because he didn't want to eat his food or take his medicine. Suddenly she remembered a music box she'd found weeks ago: a little painted wooden box shaped like a cottage with a key sticking out of it. She bought it to give to James on a special occasion and stashed it in a drawer.  {Smile}

   Teaming in the evening ran late because when I'd normally stop, I got the finale of the story arc I'd started earlier this evening. Finishing it was just too tempting, so I ran it ending at a good time to start my salsa dancing warmup.  After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Then after another break I did my walking exercises. After yet another break, I did my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. I missed my leg exercises, but that's all I really missed, since I'm not ready to resume my arm swinging exercises or arm weight training exercises yet. {Smile}

   I read articles as well as did most of that research in the morning and over lunch. Then I remembered to write up yesterday's daily update after lunch. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming too late for the early short, large group event, and didn't see most of the regulars on. However, I did see a high-level trial being run for a particular badge. I checked, and it was the last badge my best badge collector needed for another badge. I joined it, and I got those two badges when we ran it. The leader then mentioned another high-level trial run for a particular badge. It turned out to be the last my best badge-collector needed for another, similar badge. So, I stayed on the same character, ran the next high-level trial, and got those badges, too. Still not seeing anyone around, I did the paperwork those trials had made. Then I joined a mid-level team on a mid-level character I felt like playing. I figured I'd get to lay twice as much as if I waited for the later short, large-group event. I stopped a bit before time to read to Mom and did some of the paperwork that character had accumulated because I wasn't sure I'd finish the next mission in time. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming for the late-night short, large-group event. Then I ducked out of the game long enough to start writing this up. Next, I hopped back in and started checking my characters. Kitten mewed at me, and we teamed up. I checked with Ulty, but she was busy.  Another friend didn't respond when I said hi, so Kitten and I started running the character I've been working to get through her missions at the level she's at and got her through the last contact who she could out-level before she levelled. The quiet friend finally responded, and joined us after the first mission, maybe partway through the second, I think. Then all three of us finished a story arc my character only had the finale left to do. It was more talking and less action than I expected, so we went right into the next story arc. I started talking with Nox on the chat server, too. My character levelled during that story arc, since I've finally been letting her gain experience again for last couple of day. That's the story arc that ran a little into my exercise time. I kept talking with Nox, and started talking with Kitten and Owl girl on the chat server after I finished teaming. I also checked my characters, and worked on writing this, switching to making notes as it got late. I had to convert the notes to proper writing and share it the next day. {Smile}

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Daily Update, November 28, 2023

    Today was Tuesday. I got a message from my doctor when I first woke up. They answered my question pretty clearly. That was a huge relief. {SMILE}

   I started researching sites that host web novels. At first, I just tried listing pros and cons of each site, but before I finished the first, I started listing popular genres too. I thought web fiction looked promising... now I'm not so sure. But it's really too soon to say yes or no. So, I'll see how it goes. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were open when I got there. She barely spoke, but she looked at all the pictures. I Started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I showed her the next several pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She looked at all the cute kittens intently enough I showed her more pages than I planned to, describing each picture a bit in lieu of words. Next, I read a poem, a short story and a slightly longer story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Next, I finished with the 28th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Cozy Nest." Pippa flew around, twittering plaintively. Nettie the Nightingale asked Pippa why she was still here when all the other swallows had left for Africa. Pippa fluffed herself up to keep out the chilling wind, and complained she didn't want to fly all that way. Weren't there some kind friends who'd help her? Nellie invited her to warm up in her nest while she thought where Pippa could spend the winter. She suggested Mr. Thomas's loft, since he always leaves the window cracked open. {Smile}

   After attending a vigil in City of Heroes: Homecoming for a while after teaming and paperwork wound down, I left my character up while I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. then I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set, too. {Smile}

   This morning I read a lot of articles, as well as looking at sites that host web novels. I did those after lunch, too. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming early enough to join the early short, large group event. I found Pierogies there, as well. After that, Pierogies wanted to do the early long, large group event. Paradox came in and joined us, too. Then Pierogies wanted to continue the high-level story arc we'd started a few days ago. While I was looking for the right character, Paradox left again. Then Pierogies found his character, and we ran the next mission. He was tired enough to leave after that, so I did a bunch of paperwork on the character who'd just done both large group events and the mission. When I was done, I notice d I just had time to join the later short, large-group event, so I switched characters, ran it, and did paperwork that had piled up on that character until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I got back in time for the late night short, large-group event. it's a rare day when I catch all three short, large-group events, but I did Tuesday. Then I started writing this up. I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming when Paradox was interested in going back in while waiting for a friend in another game. We teamed up and did one mission. Then they went to join their friend. I said hi in the discussion with Nox, Radio and Haiden, but didn't get a response quickly. Such are chat-servers; sometimes folks are busy. I did what paperwork the character I'd just used had. Then I noticed a vigil was going on for a player who'd died quite recently and went to it. I don't know the player who died, but I know some of their friends. Nox said hi around the time I joined the vigil. We chatted off and on while I was at the vigil, and while I did my exercises and salsa dancing. Paradox came on and we started chatting in other conversations shortly before Nox left. I stayed at the vigil as much as my computer allowed me to, since it disconnected during the salsa dancing and was fussy about reconnecting after the salsa dancing. I ended up making notes towards the end and finishing writing this up and sharing it the next day. {Smile}

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Daily Update, November 27, 2023

    I tried to call my primary care physician, but only got as far as his answering machine. I tried to call my gynecologist, too, but got the after-hours message when I was ready to leave a message, so I didn't even leave a message. I'll have to try both tomorrow. {small smile}

   I got a phone call from our former nurse. we had a nice chat but ran out of things to say in time for me to do my full salsa dancing after that, which worked out perfectly. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes opened when I got there. She didn't speak, but she looked a lot. I read scripture and thoughts about it first. I read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020 next. Then I continued with the next several pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She was sure looking at the cute kittens. Since there are no words, I described each picture a bit. After that, I read a story and several poems from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_, I sang two poems I knew tunes to, and realized I didn't remember a third tune as well as I hoped. I finished with the 26th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Old Photographs." Anna and her younger sister, Karen, complained that it was raining. That ruined plans to take their dog, Beano, for a walk. Mummy pointed out that Beano didn't mind. He was sleeping in front of the fire. Mummy brought out a thick photo album. She said it was nearly 100 years old. There were pictures of ladies in long dresses and funny hats in a park the girls considered theirs. Mummy said it was the ladies' park then. One lady had a big lump at the back of her dress. It was their great-great-grandmother. She was wearing a bustle, which was elegant back then. Mummy said their clothes would look quaint in 100 years. Anna hadn't thought of that. {Smile}

   After teaming, I did my walking exercises. Doing them normally left my arm and shoulder feeling normal, so next I did my leg exercises, which I'd been avoiding because I brace myself with both arms. I detected no trouble there, either. Then I started my salsa dancing warmup to have it interrupted by our former nurse's phone call. After that, I did a full warmup set of salsa dancing. Then after a distinctly shorter break than usual, I did one song of the less structured set. I took a pretty short break before doing the second, so I got the normal amount of salsa dancing done, with just a smidgeon more from the false start due to the phone call. {Smile}

   I read comics, articles, and a little of one of the web novels in the morning and over lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming in time to join the early long, large-group event, which Pierogies had already joined, and was waiting to start up. After that, Pierogies and I teamed up, and started running missions. We ran quite a few together, working on clearing some of one character's missions which I do want to do before she starts the home stretch to the end game. Paradox joined us for the last couple before we broke so I could read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I joined the late-night short, large-group event. Then I began writing this up. I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming when a comment got Paradox interested in joining me there. We teamed up, and I said hi to Ulty and the friend I teamed with recently. Ulty was busy roleplaying with a friend, but the other friend joined us around the end of the first mission Paradox and I did. I also chatted with Haiden, Nox and Radio through much of the evening. We did several more missions together before Paradox left for the evening, and the other friend for what he thought would be a short break. I worked on paperwork while he was gone. However, when he came back, he realized he was needed elsewhere before we got going. After that, more paperwork before I started my exercises. I said goodnight to Haiden first, then Nox, and lastly Radio. I read articles, did some paperwork and badge hunting and wrote this up and posted it after Radio left. {Smile}

Monday, November 27, 2023

Daily Update, November 26, 2023

    Today was Sunday, so after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me there. He said he'd mostly been picking people up from the airport today until I called. With it being the last day of Thanksgiving weekend, I bet a lot of folks are either going back to their home island, or coming back from where they went for the weekend. {Smile}

   I got there a little before the service, so I had time to settle in. The service honored. the Holy Sovereigns, as they were calling Kamehameha IV and his wife, Queen Emma. It was very well done. We had a man and a few women representing a Hawaiian order that dates back to the kingdom in the front row. {Smile}

   After the service, I checked with our priest about memorial poinsettias, as well as replacements plaques for two of my grandparents: Mom's mother, and Dad's father. All four grandparents had plaques on pews, but we only find two now. Our priest is still looking for them before ordering new ones, or even discussing how much I might donate for replacements. Yes, I've offered to donate for the replacements, though I follow that with my hopes that it won't be as expensive as the first donations, since we donated for the first plaques already. {Smile}

   I sat with Auntie Barbara for lunch. We had a nice talk, including with those we sat next to. since church has long tables that encourage visiting. Then she took me home, and visited with Mom, singing several songs with her again. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes opened when I started showing her pictures and stayed open after that. First, I read scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I started reading _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She was tired at first, but I think she got interested int eh cute kittens. Next, I read a few poems, singing one I knew a tune to, and then read a story from_365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 26th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Make-Believe." The narrator says that after Mummy said goodnight, and before they fall asleep, they like to imagine being someone quite different. last night, they were Tarzan, with a pet lion they'd rescued from a trap as a cub. The lion let him ride him and protected him. He slept at his feet and roared loudly at everyone except Tarzan. Then he says goodnight to Mummy and decides to be an underwater explorer looking for treasure in a very old ship. Then it's morning; he's been dreaming. {Smile}

   I started to do an arm exercise, then remembered I'm giving my arms a rest. So, I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me to church. I did my walking exercises after teaming for the evening, then my salsa dancing warmup set. After a longer break than I meant, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. For the second piece, I tried a new piece. It was good for about 3 minutes. Then it sped up, so I did one of my shorter pieces. I definitely got more salsa dancing than usual done. I'm kind of glad, because I'd been hoping to get my leg exercises, but it got late enough, I think I'd better start them tomorrow, if I have as little trouble with my shoulders as I did today. {Smile}

   I wrote up yesterday's daily update after I came home and read some Sunday comics. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Perogies was in the early long, large-group event. I joined, but it was fairly close to done, so I didn't do it long. They had a small group that day. After that, we teamed up. We thought Kitten was asleep, but then Kitten came back into the game. So Kitten joined our team, and we all got our warshades. We did the rest of the warshade story arc just in time for me to read to Mom. Well, there's another arc in a few levels, and the last arc a few levels after that, but we've done what we can until I gain some more levels. {Smile}

   After dinner, I was just too late to join the late-night short, large-group event. So, I read some comics, then hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming when Kitten got my attention. However, they were quiet in the game, even though it wsn't that many minutes later. They must have fallen asleep in the small window between trying to get my attention and me responding. Instead, I teamed up with another friend who was doing some missions. When we finished his story arc, we debated who's to do next, and ended up keeping going with his. I also chatted with Hayden and Nox on the chat server. Eventually, the fellow quit for a while, and I did some paperwork until starting my exercises. I checked some paperwork in City of Heroes; Homecoming and started badge hunting. Gargle Ripper invited me to a farm, but it was one for folks who were actively participating only, and I had to finish my salsa dancing, so I bowed out. I finished writing this up, but later than I like. I need to work harder on getting done earlier. {Smile}

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Daily Update, November 25, 2023

    Auntie Barbara came over around noon. She visited with Mom, and we sang a bunch of songs - the nurse said eight of them. That's one of her best visits recently. {SMILE}

   Then we went out, and joined Michelle, who waited in the car as usual. We caught up on the way down to Wailoa Park, particularly learning about Michelle's Saturday job that she finished early enough to come to the picnic today. We found an empty small, one-table pavilion. I took salad and water, which were both good, since Auntie Barbara's only salad was sweet potato salad, and no one else brought drinks to share. Teh food was very good, and mostly traditional: turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce... Sweet potato salad was as close as we got to regular potatoes, I think. There was a coconut and sweet potato dish that was a traditional Pacific basin dish, but not particularly associated with Thanksgiving. It was very good, though. {Smile}

   After lunch we took a walk up with park until Auntie Barbara was ready to turn around. Then we went back to the car, and drove over to Liliu'okalani Gardens, and the "ice cream parlor" where Auntie Barbara and I got popsicles, and Michelle got ice cream. I almost got blueberry cream, but then I spotted liliko'i (passion fruit) cream and got that instead. They've added tables and chairs and moved the popsicle freezers into a room that had been storage only, and added a counter, a table, and stools. That is doing amazingly well for a business that was brand new in the pandemic. Mind you, it's still not fancy, but it's looking good. We ate int eh car, then they took me home. {Smile}

   After I got home, I got a surprise call from my cousin Nancy, who lives on Oahu. It's been too long since we've talked; we both agree. Maybe we'll get more going, at least for holidays or something. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Her eyes were open, but she was quiet again. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I moved on to more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I finished _Classic Fashion: 40s 50s Memories_. After that, I read a slightly longer story from_365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 25th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Cleo's Hat." Cleo was a timid young marmot. When gentlemen marmots spoke to her, she was too shy to answer, so they went away. Her friends said she'd never marry. There was going to be a ball, where ladies sometimes wore hats. Cleo said she didn't have a hat, so she couldn't go, but she really didn't want to. The morning of the ball, her friends brought her a beautifully decorated straw hat covered with flowers, leaves, and berries, which they'd made specially for her, so she had to go. On the way to the ball, the hat blew off her head and was spoiled. Cleo cried, because it had been a beautiful hat. A handsome marmot told her to dry her eyes, for she looked pretty without a hat. Then he offered his arm. She lost her hat, but she found a husband. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises after teaming for the evening finished. My arm felt enough better, I didn't\' avoid using the arm that has been giving me trouble to brace myself during the walking exercises, and I did fine. No trouble. If that continues, I'll try bracing myself while I do my leg exercises, too.  Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After a slightly shorter break, I did my head exercises. {Smile}

   I read articles in the morning, and a little after the picnic. Then Nancy's phone call came in. After the phone call, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I think I was too late for either early event, but Pierogies and Kitten were both on, so we teamed up, choosing warshades to work on next. We started the next warshade arc, doing the first few missions, with a pause to talk in there, too. We stopped when it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I caught the late-night short, large-group event. Then I started writing this. Next, I read a couple of short comics, and hopped over to the chat server, where Kitten and Paradox both said they'd join me in City of Heroes: Homecoming. So, I went in there, and noticed a low-level trial I knew a character needed. I almost got the wrong character, but checked, realized my mistake, and switched in time. After that, I teamed up with Kitten, Paradox, Ulty, and a fellow who hung around after the trial. We ran the rest of a story arc I had. I also chatted a bit with Radio's boyfriend, who's name is Hayden, and Nox on the chat server. Then the team broke up, with Ulty and the new fellow heading to bed, Paradox heading out to wind down for the evening, and even Kitten going offline for a fair while. It was late enough that I got a bunch of paperwork done instead of joining something new. Then Kitten came back in time for an individual mission or two and a hunt before I started my exercises. I chatted with them on the chat server for a while after that, until they left. Then I watched videos, read several more comics, and talked with Kitten a little more when they woke up and said hi.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Daily Update, November 24, 2023

   I got a nice long phone call from our former nurse in the evening. We had a good talk about both things we have done recently, and things we hope to do in the future. Thanksgiving definitely was part of that. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Her eyes were open the whole time again, and she was looking at things when I showed them to her, but she still barely spoke. I started by reading scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I continued _Classic Fashion: 40s 50s Memories_. Next, I read some a story followed by some poems from_365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 24th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Roast Chestnuts." It was actually a poem about how roasting chestnuts is a fun activity for colder nights. Also, how roast chestnuts make a tasty treat. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises after teaming for the evening. I tried using the bad shoulder on one pass. It didn't hurt, so I finished that, but it tensed a little, so I went back to using only the other arm. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. I didn't remember to do my head exercises until a while after the phone call, but I did get that done too. {Smile}

   I read articles, comics and web novels in the morning. Somehow, lunch was later than usual, so I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming pretty soon after that. Kitten commented about how early I got in. Perogies and Kitten had joined the early long, large-group event, so I joined them. After that, we teamed up. I meant to do one mission, then start the next warshade special arc, but somehow the mission was actually 2 missions with talking in the middle. Also, the missions were long enough, they took me close enough to time to read to Mom, we just talked a bit after that. I guess we'll start the next warshade story arc next time we get together. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped on quickly enough to catch the late-night short, large-group event. Then I started writing this up and read a comic. I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some paperwork, and chatted with Ulty. I also said hi in the conversation with Nox, Radio, and Radio's boyfriend on the chat server. She was busy, so I did some badge hunting on my own. Then I noticed a fellow hunting a giant monster, so I joined him. We got it all by ourselves. It sure took a while, and succeeding was a surprise for me. I wasn't on my best character for that, and I'm not the best at this anyway. I think it was about this time that Radio's boyfriend, then Radio and Nox, said hi on the chat server. The latter two stuck around to talk for a while. Back in the game, we went on to do some other giant monsters. He asked me to lead one he wasn't familiar with.  I recruited it and gave directions. We did get it. I suggested another giant monster, He found a different one first, though.  While we were getting ready, Kitten came in, and joined us just in time. We did two more after that. Then the fellow I'd joined went to bed, and Kitten went to eat, while I started my exercises. I talked and checked my character in between. After the phone call and my head exercises, I wrote a little of this, and made notes to write from tomorrow for the rest. {Smile}

Friday, November 24, 2023

Daily Update, November 23, 2023

    I called Aunt Valerie after lunch. She seemed happy to hear from me but asked to call back. She and Kim, her daughter and my cousin, were getting ready to leave a friend's house where they'd had Thanksgiving dinner. She wanted to call back when they'd reached Kim's home. I said sure. Actually, Kim called back a while later, and she, her mom, and I had a lovely long talk. I think Kim set her phone to speaker phone, because she and Aunt Valerie were both quite audible. I hoped to give them a chance to talk to Mom, too, but Mom was sleeping, and I didn't want to wake her. Still, Aunt Valerie, Kim, and I had a nice, long talk, which was wonderful. {SMILE}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Her eyes were open the whole time, and she was looking at things when I showed them to her, but she barely spoke. I began by wishing her happy Thanksgiving. Then I read scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I picked out cards from her sisters, reading a Valentine's card from one, a Christmas card from the other, and a Thanksgiving card from the first one. Next, I started _Classic Fashion: 40s 50s Memories_. After that, I read some poems and a story from_365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 23rd of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Cyclone's Tricks." Jeremy heard the circus music faintly as he left his house and headed towards the green, where the circus was setting up. He'd been in school when it arrived. He passed one of Farmer Brown's fields and saw a beautiful white horse standing on his hind legs, waving its forelegs in the air while it runed around. Telling him he was a clever horse called him over, and Jeremy gave him a lump of sugar. He ran off to the farm to tell farmer Brown. "Cyclone was a circus horse." Farmer brown explained he bought him when he was too old to perform. Jeremy wanted to give Cyclone an apple for being so clever. He ran off, hoping Cyclone would do more tricks. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises and head exercises after teaming and paperwork this evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Then after a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. I was having more trouble with cramping in both shoulders today, but treating electrolyte imbalance seems to be helping a lot. Still, I resisted the temptation to add more exercises. If I'm going to give my shoulder and arm a rest, I'd better give them a rest. {Smile}

   I read articles, comics, and web novels, and searched Wattpad, a web novel host, for interesting stories, with less luck than I hoped. It's supposed to be the largest, but so far, I've found less promising stuff there than elsewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? After the phone call ended, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies was there, and encouraged me to join the early long, large group event, so I did. After the event was over, he wanted to watch a show. He mentioned a couple I was interested in, but really wanted to watch a new series. He seemed to love it, so we watched most of the pilot right up to time to read to Mom. It was good, but a bit tense for me. I hope we can get back to some of the other series again soon. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming in time to catch the late night short, large-group event. Then I hopped back out to start writing this. I also started chatting with folks on the chat server, mainly Nox and Radio's boyfriend, but also a little with Paradox and Kitten. I also did some more searching for web novels on Wattpad. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did a little paperwork, but quickly started chatting with Ulty. We teamed up for about three missions. Then I did some paperwork and a little badge-reward hunting before my exercises and salsa dance. I did more badge-reward hunting and searching Wattpad for stories after the exercise and dancing. I ended up making notes here to finish writing up from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Daily Update, November 22, 2023

    A friend suggested to me that I take a few days off of my arm exercises to give my arm and shoulder time to heal. Then, if it still isn't healing, see a doctor. That makes a whole lot of sense, so that's what I did. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were closed a lot, but she opened them a couple of times, and even answered me. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued with the next part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I skipped _1960's Memory Lane_. and went straight to _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_, which I read two stories from. I tried to keep it short, and not demand that she look at too many pictures, since she seemed particularly tired. I finished with the 22nd of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Burglary." Pipkin the Squirrel came home one evening to find his house had been burgled, and all his precious stores for the winter had been taken. He started to cry, asking what would become of himself, when it's frosty, and will be worse with snow. A kind owl came over, and pointed out a house where they put seeds, bread, and other tidbits out for the animals daily. When the little girl who lived there saw Pipkin, she put nuts on the windowsill for him, and they became good friends. {Smile}

   So, I was able to modify my walking exercises to only use the other arm, so I did them when I finished with the teaming and paperwork. Then I did two of my head exercises, which just loosen up the shoulder, and seems good for it. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set, followed by a break, followed by my less structured salsa dancing set. I did my other three head exercises later, two of them too late, really, but I felt I was doing little enough, I shouldn't skip. {Smile}

   I read articles and some comics in the morning and over lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after cleaning myself up. Pierogies was working on the early long, large-group event, I think, so we chatted while I badge-reward hunted for a while. Then we teamed up. We ran a story arc, with time out for him to solo the part that has to be done solo. Then we ran the first half of another story arc. That took us almost up to time to read to Mom, with just a bit of badge-reward hunting on my own first. {Smile}

   Right after dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and spotted the late-night short, large-group event, so I joined it. Then I read some comics I remembered. I also started chatting with Radio's boyfriend. Nox and Radio joined us after a while. Then I got back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started chatting with Ulty, and we teamed up, doing a couple of missions before she went to bed. I did some paperwork until I started my exercises. I also started talking with Paradox and Owl girl in our group chat. Then Owl Girl and switched to private for an animated discussion. Near the end of my break, I did some more paperwork, and Pierogies came in and wanted to team up. I did my second salsa dancing set, while he got a hunt my character needed out of the way. Then we started on a mission, but it ran longer than expected, and we quit before finishing. We'll have to start over some other day. {Smile}

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Daily Update, November 21, 2023

    I realized I had a doctor's appointment almost an hour after it was supposed to begin. I called, and thankfully they were able reschedule it for early next month. I realized after the call that it was my gynecologist, who doesn't remind patients ahead of time like most doctors around here do. I'll have to watch for things like this more carefully.

   At the same time, I realized it was the third Tuesday of the month, which normally means Aloha Independent Living sponsors a picnic or meeting for some of the disabled folk they serve. However, when I called the leader, I got her answering machine telling me she was off island, and wouldn't be back until next Monday, so at least I didn't miss that. {Smile}

   After dinner, I got a nice call from our former nurse. We chatted a bit, enjoying getting to hear from each other, like we usually do. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes closed after a bit, but opened again when there were pictures to look at. She seemed to like the pictures, though she only spoek a couple of times, and not about that. I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with the beginning of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I read the last few pages and the back cover of _1960's Memory Lane_. After that, I read two storiesms from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Last, I finished with the 21st of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Twins." Tom and Tim were identical twins who looked so much like each other, even their parents had trouble telling them apart. They did all kinds of naughty tricks which each blamed the other for, too. One day, Tim found an enormous strawberry flan. He cut a slice and ate it, and another slice and ate that too, until he'd eaten half of it. Then Tom came to look for him and ate the other half. Their mother was very annoyed to find the flan gone. She asked Tim if he'd eaten the flan, but he said no, and had she asked Tom? So, she asked Tom, who said no, too. However, when they were called to lunch, neither could eat any, so she knew they had lied. She forbid them from playing together for the rest of the day. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises after teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break, I did my head exercises. I expected to do my leg exercises at the least, but my arm was complaining enough. I wasn't even sure about bracing myself on the railing for those. {rueful smile}

   I read articles and comics in the morning a while after lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming slightly too late to join the early short, large-group event. I started chatting with Pierogies and Kitten. Pierogies was in that event, and Kitten was with two other Pierogies characters in a farm. When the event was over, we teamed up, and worked on a story arc I'd started on my warshade character. We did that through the afternoon and finished it just in time to read to Mom, which was nice. Especially since the warshade is now ready to continue the warshade-only arcs with Kitten's and Pierogies' warshades when we're all free. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I didn't spot Kitten as I hoped to, but I found Gargle Ripper. We chatted a little while I badge hunted on the gal... she passed the sixth best badge hunter, but she isn't that firmly ahead as I'd like yet. Then Gargle Ripper and I teamed up. I learned they prefer less talking, which I'll have to adjust to. I also chatted with Radio's boyfriend on the chat server, in our group conversation. After a while, Nox came in. Gargle Ripper and I finished one tough mission, and they left for bed. I badge hunted a little more. Then Kitten woke up and said hi, and we teamed up, doing a story arc one of my mid-level characters has. Pierogies joined us in the middle of the last mission. We finished that just before I started my exercises, and Pierogies started a farm where we and Kitten talked while getting goodies, with folks going quiet as they left their computers to do other stuff. Radio joined the group conversation, and Paragon, Kitten, Owl girl and I started talking in their group conversation. Pierogies started a second farm when he felt the first was mostly done. {Smile}

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Daily Update, November 20, 2023

   Today, I took the envelopes I finished Saturday, and put it in the mailbox before breakfast. Thankfully, I checked after breakfast, discovered I hadn't put the flag up, and put it up, I hope before the letter carrier got here. {Smile}

   I also finished yesterday's update after breakfast. {Smile}

   While getting ready to clean myself up, I realized our toilet really is leaking. I kept hoping it was simpler, like a leaky bottle next to the toilet, but it wasn't. Before lunch, I called a plumber I know who lives just down the street. He said give him 15 minutes, and he came right up. With two trips out, he fixed it up in a couple of hours or so. {Smile}

   The fact that I know how to mend books came up, and he asked if I do that now. I certainly can. He has a friend who might call me. I think maybe I need to get that professional license again. Yes, if any of you know anyone who needs a book mended, I can do that. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were mostly open today, but she did only spoke a few times. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read Christmas cards from a friend and her sister. After that, I read some pages from _1960's Memory Lane_. Then I read some poems from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Two I know as songs, so after reading the first I sang it, and I sang the second, too. The last I know as a finger game, so I did that for Mom. I hope she liked the songs and game. She seemed to watch the game. Anyway, I finished with the 20th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Granny Florence." The narrator tells of an old woman, Granny Florence, who lives at the end of the lane with her white cat, Minerva. They tell how they do chores for her when the weather gets cold, like shopping and tidying the garden. then she invites them in for sweets or chocolates, roast chestnuts, and stories about her childhood over 60 years before. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, leg exercises, and arm resistance exercises after teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Ater a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Then after another break, I did my arm swinging exercises. I do need to contact my doctor. Something doesn't feel right. That's why I didn't do my arm weight training exercises. I meant to do my head exercises, but it got too late. {small smile}

   I read articles and comics through the morning and early afternoon, right until the plumber left, because I wanted to be free to drop stuff for him while he was here. Only then did I hop into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty, who seemed busy, and Kitten, who went quiet just after saying they were tired. So, I badge hunted, eventually joining a high-level trial on the gal I want to become my sixth best badge collector. Technically she passed the gal who had held that title that day, in part due to the six badges she got from that trial, but not firmly enough that I'm comfortable calling her that. If I hunted badges on the other again, she could easily pass this one, so right now, they're both part of the pack behind them again. Anyway, partway through the trial, Perogies spoke up. I explained I was in a high-level trial. After the trial, I joined Perogies and an unresponsive Kitten in a "farm," where we can get game-money and experience relatively easily. Perogies and I chatted a fair bit about our day, around other stuff. Then Perogies wanted to join the later short, large-group event, so he and I did. Kitten woke up and came back while we were there - yes, they were sleeping after a difficult weekend. When we were done, I suggested slipping in an individual mission before we broke up. It just about fit the time before I like to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up, and read a web novel a bit, too. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and found Kitten eager to team up with me. Kitten and I ran a few of my missions. I also started chatting with Radio's boyfriend on the chat world. Then Nox and Radio joined us, since we were using the group conversation. We chatted through much of the evening, as did Paradox and Kitten in our group conversation with Owl Girl. Back in City of Heroes: Homecoming, Gargle Ripper, one of the friends I've recently connected with more, said hi, and asked to join us.  So, I added them, and they ran a few missions with us before leaving for the night. Kitten and I continued to run missions until it was time for me to start my exercises. I continued chatting with Nox, Radio, and Radio's boyfriend until they left for the evening. I chatted with Paradox and Kitten, too. Then Owl girl came into our group conversation, and we talked, along with Kitten, and a bit with Paradox. {Smile}

Monday, November 20, 2023

Daily Update, November 19, 2023

    Today was Sunday, so I called Uber after breakfast, and they came and took me to church. I actually got there early, despite hunting fruitlessly for a skirt I thought I'd found... but it was another skirt whose waistband needs to be shortened seriously, as well as not being quite the color I was looking for. {smile}

   Anyway, I had time to visit with some folks before the service started, including explaining to Ed, who's our treasurer as well as the fellow who sometimes takes me home, who the Baldwin plaques are dedicated to, and which grandparents' plaques are missing. {Smile}  

   It was a nice service. I did enjoy sitting and talking with Auntie Barbara and others after the service. I tried my best with lunch, but it was heavy on the sweets, and light on both vegetables and protein. I still tried to limit my sweets. {Smile}

   Auntie Barbara took me home from church. She came inside to visit with Mom, and we sang eight songs, two of them twice. Mom hasn't sung that many in a good while, but she did today, and might have kept going if we had.  I tried to adjust for the low protein, low vegetable lunch with cheese and carrot sticks after Auntie Barbara left. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were mostly closed today, but she did open them for pictures, and occasionally responded. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with Christmas cards from her nephew, cousin, and both sisters. Next, I read a few pages from _1960's Memory Lane_. After that, I read a story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 19th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Champion Footballers" Peter and his new friend Luke took a soccer ball onto the common to practice kicking goals. Peter bragged that he often played forward, so might get more goals, but Luke said he's often goalkeeper, so we'll see. They set two poles to make the goals. They agreed on five shots each. Peter kicked his first goal straight into the middle, and Luke blocked it easily. After that, he aimed for the corners, and got four goals in a row. Then Luke got his first four goals in but missed his fifth. They went home celebrating being champions together. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while I was waiting for Uber to come take me to church. I just had time to do that and walk out before the fellow got here. Then I did my walking exercises and leg exercises just before my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break, I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. My right shoulder complained just enough during both the arm swinging exercises and the sitting arm weight training exercise that's easiest on it that I didn't think I should try any of the weight training exercises that use the shoulder more, sitting or standing. I really need to talk to a doctor, a therapist or both about that shoulder, I think. {rueful look}

   I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming as I settled down after Auntie Barbara left after bringing me home and visiting with Mom. I found Perogies in the early short, large group event, but it sounded late for me to join. He wanted to do the early long, large group event next, so we did. Then he got a character he wanted to work on, and we did one high-level story arc, and most of another high-level story arc. That took us up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After supper, I read comics and a web novel or two, and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I didn't find anyone around who I particularly like to team with, so I took advantage of this to do some serious badge-reward hunting, first on my fifth best badge collector, then on a gal I'd like to be my sixth best badge collector, who needs to hop over the gal currently in that spot. I also talked at some length with Nox, Radio's boyfriend, and Radio on the chat server. I chatted less intensively with Kitten and Paradox on the chat server, as well. I continued the badge hunting between exercises and chatting on the chat server. I also wrote a lot of this up, only taking some notes at the end, to finish the next morning. {Smile}

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Daily Update, November 18, 2023

    I got a bunch of mail sorted before lunch. It had piled up while I waited for supplies, which arrived recently. It felt good to get them out of the way. {Smile}

   I started checking out stories on the main site that Paradox recommended and found one I liked as a comic on a site I'm becoming less comfortable using. I looked for more form that site, or stories linked to comics on both that site and the totally comic site but found little. Still, I have two authors to check out, and when I've figured them out, hopefully the site will start making better recommendations to help me find more. Part of me wishes it was easier to pay for stuff there, but I really appreciate not having to pay for something I won't really own. You can resell a bound book, but not an eBook... unless you made a hard copy of an eBook and bound that, like I did a couple of times. Then you really aren't supposed to sell the hardcopy. Somehow, I'm more comfortable buying books I could sell to a used bookshop if I wanted to. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Her eyes were mostly open today, and she talked a few times, mainly to answer that yes, she was enjoying what I read. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued with a Christmas card from her sister's friend. Then I read the next few pages from _1960's Memory Lane_. Next, I read some poems from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_, including a longer poem that I ended with. I finished with the 18th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Fire Chief." Sebastian had been given a big, shiny toy fire engine, with a key to make it go, extending ladders, and a hose that really worked. Sebastian was the Chief Fire Officer, called out to fight fires in every room of the house over the afternoon. he rushed into the kitchen to put out another raging fire. Mummy asked if he could take time off for tea. He did but kept the fire engine close by -- just in case. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, leg exercises, and standing arm weight training exercises after I finished teaming in City of Heroes: Homecoming for the night. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did one of the pieces for my less structured salsa dancing set. Then I took a break without really meaning to. When I realized what I did, I did another piece of less structured salsa dancing. So, I did get the usual amount done, just with an extra break. Next, I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, my head exercises, and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. My shoulder started intermittent aching just before, so I only tried the exercise that uses the shoulder the least. I don't think it made it worse, but I thought I'd better stop there. {smile}

   I read comics in the morning, as well as checking out that site like I said earlier. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming a while after lunch. There, I chatted with Pierogies and started working on paperwork. He was busy, so I found a character who needed some work on badges. I got a couple and set to work collecting more, including two that contributed to a badge that improves the character. When Perogies finished what he was doing, I asked for help getting more for the badge that helps the character. We got one by doing a particular mission. Then Paradox joined us on a new character, and we got another badge, and made progress on the last badge needed for that. That took us up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up. I also read a bit more of the web novel Paradox got me into. Then I got into the game, and let Paradox know I was going in.    They came in, and we teamed up for a while before left again. I tried to find folks to team with, but it was a quiet night. I finally advertised, and got invited to a group that a fellow whose advertisement had inspired me to try was in. The leader disconnected, but we tried to run a mission of mine. Then Azurette invited me to a task force. The other fellow liked that idea, so we stopped my mission, and both joined. We actually ran a related task force, rather than the one Azurette mentioned. I also began talking to Nox on the chat server. I think the rest of the group who ran the task force ran the other one Azurette mentioned just after, but it ended right when I needed to start my exercises, so I ducked out. I talked a bit with Paradox and Kitten on the chat server, too, around my exercises and salsa dancing, as well as continuing to talk with Nox. After Nox left, I read more of the web novel. I really like it. {Smile}

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Daily Update, November 17, 2023

    I'm feeling less concerned about needing more care as I get older. I've talked to a few folks who feel that's not assured by any means. That's a real relief. {Smile}

   Today, I tried calling my doctor two or three times, but didn't get past their answering machine. I tried to leave a message, but no one called back. {small smile}

   Auntie Barbara called after dinner, and we had a nice talk. We even made tentative Thanksgiving plans, or after-Thanksgiving plans. It won't be on the day, but we're planning a picnic lunch for the following Saturday. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. (I ate lunch as well as dinner with her yesterday; I think I forgot to say that.) Her eyes were mostly open today, though she barely talked. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued with a birthday card from her sister, and Christmas cards from her cousin's granddaughter and her niece. After that, I read the back cover and the first few pages from _1960's Memory Lane_. Next, I read some poems and a story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 17th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Secret Lodger." The narrator says a lodger has come to live at their house, and only they know about him. A few nights ago, they crept into the kitchen for a glass of milk and saw a little brown mouse on the floor by the fridge. The mouse ran off, wriggling through a small hole in the wall. The narrator saw the mouse was thin. So, they put a small piece of cheese on the floor by the hole. Soon the mouse came out nose first and ate up the cheese before running back into his hole. The narrator now comes down every evening to feed the mouse and asks the reader not to tell. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises and my leg exercises after teaming and such. Then I did my warmup salsa dancing set. After a break, I did my full less structured salsa dancing set. After a longer break than I meant to take, I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my head exercises. Not one of my better nights these days, but better than last night. {Smile}

   I read articles and comics in the morning and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming a while after lunch. I got into the second half of the early short, large-group event. Then teamed up with Paradox. I said hi to Pierogies, too, and invited them to come, but they wanted to catch the early long, large group event, while Paradox and I wanted to run missions. I picked one of my higher but not really high characters, and we ran a few missions. Then Pierogies joined us, and we ran some more missions until it was time to read to Mom.

   After dinner, Paradox wanted to start a series of story arcs they had. We did two or three missions before Paradox decided he'd played this game enough for one day. Paradox does want to continue at another time. I tried to find someone else to team with, and even tried to join a pickup group before I realized it was time to start my exercises, but I ended up talking to Ulty in the game, Nox and Radio in one conversation on the chat server, and Paradox and Kitten another conversation on the chat server, even after I started my exercises and salsa dancing. I also checked out a web novel Paradox recommended. After they left, I checked out comics, and did some paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}

Friday, November 17, 2023

Daily Update, November 16, 2023

    Thursday, I called our priest right after breakfast. It took a few tried to get through - we missed each other 3 or 4 times before connecting - but I did get through. I told her about the spelling of both grandparents' names whose plaques are missing. While Grandfather Baldwin had pretty standard spelling - Robert Irving Baldwin - Grandma Mae did not. Yes, Mae, with a E, pronounced like the month of May. Her last name was Marcallino, too, when other families - both Portuguese and Filipino - spell it with an E where the second a is. She thanked me, and told me they probably need to be replaced, since they are not turning up. {smile}

   Next, was my online counselling appointment I have every other week or so. I thought our appointment went quite well. I tried to explain my continued discomfort about my future, and ended up explaining something not just to her, but to myself that I hadn't fully realized: I am uncomfortable with the plan my financial adviser presented for my future, because it shows my money stretching to cover my needs for the rest of my life with little to spare... as long as I don't get worse and need more care. Yet medical science has shown itself in recent decades to be better at extending our life than preserving our health till the end of those newly longer lives. {bite lips}

   Then I tried calling Aunt Valerie and my cousin Kim. When I tried a video call, Aunt Valerie's phone didn't even ring. Kim's rang but didn't get answered. Then I tried a regular call with Aunt Valerie and had a nice talk. We tried to include having her talk with Mom, but the phone cut out in her room. However, we had a nice talk. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were sometimes open, and even if they were closed, she'd open them to look at the pictures. She spoke some. Anyway, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with a birthday card from her sister, and a Christmas card from her niece. After that, I read the last few pages from _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Next, I read some poems and a story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 16th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The New Red Slippers." A pair of beautiful red slippers lay in a box at the back of the wardrobe. They were proud of how smart they were with their red pompoms. The slippers often had visits from other shoes, since the wardrobe belonged to a boy who often changed his shoes, but they were too grand to talk to the others. One day, an old gray slipper was thrown in next to them. It was worn out and full of holes. They told it to stay away because it was so dirty and ugly. It just laughed, and said it was their turn, and they'd look like it in a year. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, leg exercises, one of my arm weight training exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Unfortunately, when my less structured salsa dancing set, I stumbled too much I pushed myself to do a little more than three minutes, but then I had to stop. I was just too dizzy to continue. The treatment for hypoglycemia helped, but not quite enough to get back to dancing, or even my other exercises in time. {rueful look}

   I looked at some articles in the morning, but I was busier than usual, so didn't see much. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming too late to join the early short, large group event. Instead, I found Perogies, who was doing the early long, large-group event, so I got a character, and joined it partway through. Then Perogies and I teamed up. They picked some high-level missions, so that's what we did. Kitten joined us for several missions, and the three of us went right up to time to read to mom together.

   After supper, I caught up on reading comics, then started writing this up before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I teamed up with Paradox on mid-level characters. I tried to find some other friends, but the ones I tried were busy. We ran a mission or two, and Kitten joined us. Then after a mission or two more, I found a friend who was free, and they joined us. Azurette became free and joined us at about the same time. Another mission or two, and TheCyberChill messaged me, then joined us for the last few missions. I began talking with Nox on the chat server as I left the game to start my exercises. I also chatted with Paradox, Kitten, and Owl girl on the chat server. I checked the game, and a couple of sites paradox mentioned. I also made notes to finish from the next day with this. {Smile}

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Daily Update, November 15, 2023

    The secretary from the nurse's company came to talk with me briefly. This included a heads-up about a future meeting which will include her boss and talking more at length. {Smile}

   I checked out a service which advertises how you can earn money through them. So far, they promise much, and give very little. I can't quite rule out beginner's bad luck, but I think there are better uses of my time. At least not on my own. I mentioned this to Nox and Radio's significant other, as well as to Paradox and Kitten. none thought it sounded great, and Radio's significant other had had similar enough experiences with similar places to ask me not to waste any more time with that site. I'll be happy to. {rueful look}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes mostly stayed open, and she even looked at the pictures I showed her, but she rarely spoke. First, I read scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read a birthday card from church, a Christmas card from a friend, a birthday card from her sister, and a Christmas card from her nephew. Then I read a few pages from _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. After that, I read a few poems and a story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 15th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Winter Legend." Many years ago, a fairy wanted to make a white dress for a moonlit ball, but it was late autumn, and the earth was covered with shades of gold, russet, and brown. Then she had an idea. She took the feathers out of some eiderdown from the fairy queen's palace. Then she summoned the cold north wind with her magic whistle. It blew them onto the earth, where they became pure white snowflakes. Then she emptied a sack of diamond dust, and summoned the east wind, who came and blew it over the snow, turning it to sparkling frost. The fairy made her dress from these, and every winter the cold winds bring snow and glittering frost. {Smile}

   After I finished teaming with Kitten, I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, and three of my sitting arm weight training exercises. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Then after a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. It wasn't quite as long, but the last piece was faster. I think it's about as many steps, just in a shorter time. Then after another break I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, the last sitting arm weight training exercise, my head exercises, and the standing arm weight training exercise that didn't cause the twinge. I tried the other exercise but stopped after just a few repetitions because I didn't like the way the shoulder that twinged a couple of days ago was starting to tense up. {smile}

   I read articles and comics in the morning when I wasn't trying that service.  Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after lunch. There, I promptly got sidetracked by the nursing company's secretary's visit. When that was done, Pierogies had joined the early long, large-group event. I joined it, too, part way through, and we finished together. Kitten came in towards the end and found a new friend. Pierogies and I joined them on mid-level characters, and we helped the new fellow with their missions until they left for the day. Then we did a mission or two of mine, right up to time to read to Mom.

   After dinner, I came online to find Pierogies still on. We talked a fair bit. Then Kitten came on, too, and the three of us teamed up, with Pierogies and I on low-level characters. We started a story arc, and Pierogies left for bed after a couple of hunts and a regular mission. Kitten and I finished that story arc and did most of the next story arc before it was time to start my exercises. I also chatted on the chat server with Nox and Radio's significant other, and separately with Paradox. Kitten and Owl Girl in two small-group channels. I also checked City of Heroes: Homecoming briefly and signed up with two web fiction hosts that Paradox recommended as inexpensive, including one they like the stories on. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Daily Update, November 14, 2023

    I called our priest and got her today. I told her about two plaques I remembered being on pews, but couldn't find: one for Mom's mother, and the other for Dad's father. She took down their names carefully. I told her I'd be willing to give a donation if it came to replacing them, but I also admitted that I hoped it wouldn't be expensive as the first donation, since they are replacements. {smile}

   Our deacon came to visit. We chatted, and prayed, and she gave us home communion. That's a service for the shut-ins who can't get to church, which includes Mom. They're trying to do it every two weeks now. She and another gal who does this will switch off next month, so everyone can see different faces. Training might bring more people into this program after that. {Smile}

   I got a brief call from Auntie Barbara, and another brief call from our former nurse. It was nice hearing from each of them. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I think her eyes were open a bit more than yesterday, though she did close them at times. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021, followed by a brief birthday car from her other sister that I found last night. Mom does enjoy hearing her cards. Next, I read a couple of pages from _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Then I read a few poems and a story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Then I finished with the 14th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Flying Dog." Patch's master had his own small plane which he flew most weekends. If he was only going for a short flight, he took Patch along, and let him run around while. Patch was well-behaved, and other pilots let him jump in their planes and pretend to fly. Patch really wanted to fly in his mater's plane, but his master thought that was too dangerous for a dog. One day, while his master was talking to the man in the tower, Patch saw his chance. He hopped into the plane and hid. Soon the engine started up. They took off down the runway and took flight. Patch was excited to be up in the air at last. He tried sitting up, but the wind was too strong, so he got back under the seat and stayed there. Patch's master was surprised when he saw Patch jump out. "Brave dog!" he patted Patch. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, and my arm swinging exercises after I finished teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Next, I took a break. After that, I did my les structured salsa dancing set. I found new ways to mix it up a bit, too. then after a shorter break, I did my arm resistance exercises, my two standing arm weight training exercises, my head exercises, and one of my four sitting arm weight training exercises. My shoulder didn't twinge again, but it didn't feel quite right during the standing arm weight training, so I thought giving it a longer break from the three sitting arm weight training exercises that use the shoulder would be a good idea. Thankfully, one exercise uses the shoulder minimally, so I only felt I needed to skip that last night, after the twinge. {Smile}

   I shared yesterday's daily update, then read comics, articles, and a web novel in the morning and over lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Pierogies. We chatted and briefly teamed up on low-level characters just long enough to start a hunt before he was called away. I started to solo a little on the low-level character I was on but got invited to team up with the new fellow who helped a different character get a badge a couple of days ago and joined him. Perogies joined us after a few missions. Then the team broke up too close to time to read to Mom for Perogies and I to team by ourselves, so we chatted until I left to read.

   After dinner, I started writing this up and read some comics and a web novel. I chatted with Paradox on the chat server. They were too busy to play tonight. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I saw few on who I usually team with and did some paperwork. Then I got the low-level character, and started soloing, since they had one of the few story arcs that can be less fun to share with others. I started chatting with Owl Girl and Nox on the chat server. Owl Girl offered to come in and play. I took them up on it, and invited Mysty and another friend, too. They helped me with the end of the arc, which is more fun to team with than most of that arc. Mysty asked me to add a friend which I did. After that mission, Mysty's friend disappeared. We finished the hunt Pierogies, and I started earlier. Then we started the next mission about the time Mysty's friend came back, saying their internet had disconnected. I added him, and we finished the mission.  Then I broke to start my exercises. I said goodnight to Nox and read articles and the web novel. I did a little paperwork in the game, but not much. I also worked on writing this up but took a lot of notes to write from the next day because it was getting late. {Smile}

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Daily Update, November 13, 2023

    Monday was mostly quiet. I called church but got the answering machine and left a message. I did find a message later. I'll have to follow up on that. {Smile}

I did get a short but nice call from our former nurse. I enjoyed talking with him, as I usually do. I'd been wondering how he was doing, so it was particularly nice to hear from him. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes opened and shut a lot, but they did keep opening again. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021, followed by a brief Christmas card from her other sister. She died a couple of years ago, but I realized Mom would enjoy hearing her cards still. Next, I read a few pages from _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Mom paid more attention to that than yesterday. Then I read two stories from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. She said she didn't liek the first story, but I hope she liked the second one better. She didn't say anything about it. Then I finished with the 13th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Narrow Squeak," Margot the magpie crossed the garden cautiously. Fluff, the rabbit was busy nibbling a carrot, but he was a friend, so she didn't mind him. She was careful of Lucifer, the Dog, but quiet snoring came from his kennel. She'd just seen Kooky, the cat, her worst enemy, hunting fieldmice in the long grass. She hopped over to the three pets' food bowls and took a bite of each. The cat food tasted the best, so Margot dug into Kooky's dinner. Squawk, flutter and pounce! Kooky came back and almost caught Margot before she flew into a tree. What a narrow squeak! {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Then after a rest I did my less structured salsa dancing set. then after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and started my standing arm resistance exercises. I got one exercise done and was a few repetitions into the other when a twinge in my right shoulder strongly suggested a partial night off, so I quit, and just did my head exercises. {resigned smile}

   I read articles and comics in the morning and over lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming a bit after lunch. I found Paradox responsive and interested in teaming on new characters in one of the less used parts of the game. I ended up taking enough time getting started, they started without me, but I soon caught up, and we teamed up for most of the afternoon. Pierogies eventually came on but didn't seem interested in that part of the game. He was interested in talking, so we had a nice discussion. Then paradox left, and I switch so Pierogies and I could team up. We did until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up, and read some more comics, and even a bit of a web novel. I also chatted a little with paradox and Kitten on the web server. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I started chatting with Ulty. They were too close to leaving for the night to want to team, but Paradox and Owl Girl came in, and they did want to team. We ran a few missions before Paradox got too tried and had to leave. Then I started checking with folks on a list the game lets me keep, and found first one, then another who were happy to join us. The four of us teamed for most of the rest of the evening. I also chatted with Radio, Nox, and Radio's significant other on the chat world. One of the new folks left near the end. Then I looked at articles and the game around and after my exercises and dancing, as well as writing this up. Once again, though, I'll have to share it the next day because it's late. {Smile}

Monday, November 13, 2023

Daily Update, November 12, 2023

    Today was Sunday, so I called Uber, and a fellow who knew I was going to church as soon as he saw my name picked me up and took me right down to church. I arrived a bit early, so I tried to say hi to a few folks before the service. {Smile}

   It was a nice service. We had a guest who was a Rabbi - the youngest Rabbi in the country, and maybe the world, they said. She had a lot to say about the Middle East, and the atmosphere it produces for Jews. I went to talk to her afterwards, asking how to help. She said the biggest thing is speak up when you hear people talking against Jews. I tend to already, I hope, but I'll try to be more mindful of that, with any minority that gets blamed for stuff. She also said to look for her on the web and get on her mailing list. She is Rabbi Rachel Short, and yes, that's easy to find. {Smile}

   Then I ate lunch. While I did, Auntie Barbara found me, and said she couldn't find me earlier, so I explained where I was. I also talked to Ed, who often takes me how when Auntie Barbara can't. He's leaving soon, so this seems like a good time to make him a lei like I've been meaning to "someday." He said he likes blue. I just found a few shades of blue ribbon of the right type and picked two I hope he'll like. {Smile}

   Auntie Barbara drove me home by way of the natural food store. She wanted to take advantage of the second Sunday's sale, but I only needed almonds, and the ones I found were beyond my price range, so I found a package online later. Then she took me home and came in to say hi to Mom, who sang two songs and a partial song with us and our main nurse. A fourth song, she just looked at us. Still, that's better than often while Auntie Barbara was away. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were wide open at first, but later closed more, so I tried not ot make it too long. I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I tried more from _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Mom's eyes closed, and didn't open much for that, so I switched to reading some poems from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. She wanted a story, too, so I read one from there, but she didn't seem as interested in a second story. So I finished with the 12th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Going Sliding," since the stories from that book are always pretty short. Two rabbit brothers encouraged their friend, Dandy the fawn, to come slide on the ice with them. Dandy wanted to watch them do it first. The rabbits ran down the snowy bank of the lake, jumped on the ice, crouching low, and slid right across. Dandy tried it, running down the bank and springing high into the air. But his legs shot out from under him when he landed, and he arrived at the other bank with his legs waving in the air. He laughed and said that he seemed to be better at jumping and sliding before asking them to show him again. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises and my head exercises while waiting for Uber before church. Then, after teaming for the evening, I did my walking exercises and my arm resistance exercises. Then I did my warmup salsa dancing set before I took a break. After the break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Then I got sidetracked, and only got my standing arm weight training done before it got too late, so I missed both my leg exercises and my sitting arm weight training exercises, but there's always tomorrow to do better again, and I did walk around the natural food store a fair bit with Auntie Barbara. Taht should compensate at least somewhat. {Smile}

   I looked at some articles before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming after I got home. There, I found Pierogies and Paradox unresponsive, but Kitten was busy on a team. I found out it was a story arc one character needed, so I switched to her and joined. We got what I needed for the fourth and final statistic-improving badge that could help her, which I am delighted with. Pierogies came and joined us partway through, which was nice, too. I established contact with the leader, too, so we might become friends. Eventually the leader left after most got what they needed, and Kitten, Pierogies and I stayed on the team, and did a little more of my character's stuff, finishing off one contact, and starting to make progress with another's story arc.  {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this, and checked my webcomics I got excited to see that one of the webcomics I like seems to have come off hiatus. I had to read that, including a three-part section before the new one to make sure I got back into the story well. It's so good to have it back. It's "The Cursed Princess Club" on Webtoons. {SMILE}

 Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Paradox and Kitten teaming and joined them. We did one or two of my missions, then Paradox left. Kitten joined a pair of high level task forces I spotted, so i switched to the next character who need it. Turns out they already had five of the badges they can get from that pair, but I got one more, with four to go. Then we did a couple of missions that character had before I quit to do my exercises. I also chatted with Nox and Radio, and with Kitten and Paradox in two small-group conversations on the chat world, as well as Kitten in a private conversation there. {Smile}

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Daily Update, November 11, 2023

    Saturday, I finished writing up Friday's daily update and shared it. {Smile}

   I also got a note from Aunt Valerie saying what address to send a box to. The contents are for both her and her daughter, my cousin Kim, but I'm hoping they won't mind splitting or sharing them. It's mostly some books by Mom's favorite author, which I thought they might enjoy because Mom loves them so, or did as long as she could. {Smile}

   Then Auntie Barbara came to the house. She visited Mom, and Mom sang three songs and part of a fourth with Auntie Barbara, our main nurse, and I. We're excited. This is so much better than she was for a while there, it's quite heartening. {SMILE}

   She took me down to the vet, where I dropped off the needles I'd used on Valentine, as well as the needles I hadn't, and two unused oral syringes they'd given me, too. I'm just donating them so someone else can use them. Next, we went to the post office she was afraid it would be closed because it was too late. No, it was closed because it's Veteran's Day, which is a federal holiday in the USA. It would have been open another half hour on most Saturdays. I think the downtown post office across town would have been open in the afternoon, but not on Veteran's Day. {Smile}

   Then we planned to go to church, and pick up our friend BJ, who was learning to make a style of ribbon lei there and take her to church. However, another BJ, who lives alone, and loves to cook, but not just for herself had fixed more than enough lunch for everyone who'd made leis, and Auntie Barbara and I, who hadn't. So, we stayed and ate lunch at church. We had soba salad, little sausages, stuffed eggs. grapes, and clementines. It was really good. {Smile}

   After that, Auntie Barbara, BJ and I went to Safeway. BJ hit their craft supplies. Auntie Barbara did some regular grocery shopping she needed. I went to the pharmacy and asked about shots. I'd had a pneumonia shot as recently as August, but my last covid shot was early this year. they didn't bother with the card we used to have; they said just consider this a yearly shot like the flu shot. After that, i walked around the store until I found BJ. auntie Barbara was out looking for me. We both texted her to say I was with BJ, but she had given up looking for me when she headed back. We ended up saying goodbye, and I called uber and had them take me home, because my house is 40-50 minutes round trip the wrong way for Auntie Barbara and BJ, who live a fair way out of town. It was a new driver, a woman I couldn't quite figure out how to talk with much, but I didn't mind watching the scenery. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She not only kept her eyes open the whole time, she spoke pretty often, especially her favorite phrase: "and that was that." As for me, I started with scripture and thoughts about. Next came more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I started _Music Stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Mom looked with interest, and often spoke. Then, I read two stories from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 11th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Carlo the Barber." One afternoon at the zoo, Carlo the Coyote took a stroll, looking for someone to talk to or something to do. he noticed some shears let by a gardener and hoped to have some fun. He looked around, and spotted Brutus, the lion, sleeping nearby. Carlo cut all around Brutus's mane. Then, worried he'd gotten himself into trouble, he ran and hid. Brutus was surprised to find his mane short when he woke. He soon found Carlo, and thanked him, saying he was much more comfortable. Carlo was quite relieved. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, my leg exercises, and 3 of my sitting arm weight training exercises after I finished teaming with Kitten and Paradox in the evening. Then I did my warmup salsa dancing set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set, trying to make sure to mix things up. Then I did the last sitting arm weight training exercise. Then after another break, I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises before I got tired. Then I did my head exercises despite being tired. I just skipped the standing arm weight training exercises. I'm sure I got more exercise walking around Safeway than I usually do with those, anyway. {Smile}

   The mail and writing kept me busy in the morning, so I didn't read comics or articles until I came back from going out. Then I did read comics and articles to wind down before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Paradox and Kitten already teamed up, running some of Paradox's villain's missions. Pierogies was separate. I joined them, and so did Pierogies, and the four of us did several missions. I think we ran right up to time to read to Mom before saying goodbye-for-now, though Pierogies might have left sooner, heading for bed, since he's several hours ahead of me. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up. I also read a few more comics before hopping into City of Heroes, Homecoming. Paradox and Kitten were still teaming, so I joined them again. I also chatted a little with Paradox and Owl girl on the chat server. Paradox, Kitten, and I did a few missions, then Paradox said they needed a break, and left. Then I switched characters, and encouraged Kitten to get a contact who could help both of us sooner or later with something we need for another character improving badge. We ran two more missions, with Paradox coming back in near the official end of the second. We waited and finished it with them. Then we worked on the other half of the map. We hadn't quite finished when I realized I'd better quit and start my exercises, so I said goodnight and did start my exercises. While I was still teaming, I tried talking to Nox on the chat server, but Radio answered instead. This was great, since I don't get as many chances to talk to them. After the salsa dancing, I also got a chance to talk with Paradox, Kitten, and Owl Girl on the chat server, too. I also worked on writing this up and should get it done in time to share it at least where it's quick, and maybe everywhere tonight. {Smile}