Thursday, December 7, 2023

Daily Update, December 6, 2023

    I called Uber after breakfast and went down to my dentist. The driver was nicely chatty. {Smile}

   The dentist is sending me to the endodontist he shares an office with. The first opening to see him is next Monday, ten minutes after I'm supposed to see the podiatrist to follow up on the toenail that separated from my toe. The second available spot to see the endodontist is January 15th. I tried to call the podiatrist, and got a message that they're on vacation until the day I'm to go in. So, I'll call to reschedule on Monday, because a root canal that has been tender to the touch and hasn't felt quite normal since is nothing that I want to go through Christmas with untreated. {Sigh}

   I did have another chatty driver on the way home, which was nice. {Smile}

   Before I went to the dentist, my financial adviser called me back from yesterday. We had a good talk. She agrees with what I recently figured out about my health insurance, so that is settled. We also discussed my future. I'm stuck waiting for now, to see how things go. It depends on when Mom goes, and how much we have left over for me. {small smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Her eyes were open the whole time, but she responded rarely. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with some cards: one from her sister, one from her cousin's granddaughter, and one from me. After that, I showed her several pages of _1940s Fashion in Pictures_. Then I read the next story in _My Little Pony: 5 Minute Stories_. "Nightmare Night." That's the My Little pony series' version of Halloween. I finished with the 6th of December's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Saint Nicholas." Dinah asked her Mummy about Saint Nicholas after the r friend Kirsten said it was Saint Nicholas Day in her country. Mummy said he was a Bishop who lived in Anatolia long ago. He brought three dead children back to life, so he became the patron saint of children. He rides through the countries of the north on a donkey, giving out sweets and toys. Dinah wished he came to their country, so they could get presents, but Mummy laughed and said he was Santa Claus. He'd bring presents. Just wait a while, because he had a long way to go. {Smile}

   Still no exercise; not with the tooth that probably needs a repeat root canal not being sure if it's going to hurt or not. I don't want to make it decide it will hurt again, like I did that first night. {small smile}

   I read a few articles and comics before the phone call and going to the dentist, and more after I came home, including over lunch. Then I cleaned myself up before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming too late to join the early short or long, large group events. Instead, I worked on setting up one of the characters I'd worked on yesterday. I also started chatting with Pierogies. I asked about teaming up, but he felt he needed a break. I realized that one power didn't do what I thought it or wanted it to do, so I had to redo that change. Thankfully I was nowhere near that character's current maximum for that change. Pierogies came back not long before I was done, feeling much more myself. We teamed up on the little characters we've been working on and ran a few hunts and regular missions. That ran us close to time to read to Mom, but I wanted to fix him up, and that ran a bit late, but not too bad. I was often that late when I fed Val first. {Smile}

   After dinner, I caught the late night short, large-group event. Then I started checking in my characters, because today the Winter Event started, and they have a new badge for just checking in. I did a little other badge collecting and took a break to finish setting that character up... well, as much as I can while waiting for more supplies. I chatted with Nox and Owl Girl on the chat server when they responded. I also took a break after a while to run a task force that I noticed being advertised. Then I went back to checking in characters, and actually got all 62 checked in. I even slipped in a little more badge collecting before closing down for the night. {Smile}