Saturday, August 24, 2024

Daily Update, August 23, 2024

    Friday, the housekeeper came. The house is, as always, much better for her attentions. I'm no housekeeper, especially with my severe permanent vertigo's help {Smile}

   Also, I had a nap right after breakfast with Mom. I'd gone to bed a little late, but that doesn't explain the length of that nap. Healing the toe must be taking something out of me. {smile}

   I got a nice phone call from Auntie Barbara after dinner, checking how I was doing, and just catching up with each other. It was great to hear from her. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I came in at a typical time again. That's when I happened to finish cleaning myself up today, too. Mom was drowsy and rested a lot, but she seemed to enjoy the reading. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read four cards, one each from her cousin, a friend, and one from each of her sisters. Then I considered another baby picture book, but she seemed a bit tired for that. So, I read three short stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 23rd of August's story, "The Space Fairy" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I didn't exercise again. I'm still trying to follow the doctor's instructions about taking it easy. {Smile}

   After my nap, I checked online and began writing more of Thursday's daily update. Next, I had lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I found Div and we teamed up. He wanted to help a character of mine get through the stories and missions I want him to do before he gains level. We did quite a few over the afternoon. Pierogies joined us partway through, doing several missions with us. Then I said goodnight to them and cleaned myself up before I read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this daily update up. Then I finished writing up Thursday's daily update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player when winding down with that paperwork. I also began chatting with Nox on the chat server. Then Dennis said hi. He was struggling with the laptop he's using this week. I told him I'd had trouble with some lag this afternoon and earlier this week, which is really unusual for me. about the time I said goodnight to Dennis, Michiel said hi, and asked to team. I got the character I was trying to run through content on, and we ran a few missions, talking while we did, on and off. After he left, I ran a hunt by myself and did some paperwork. I also finished making notes in this update. {Smile}