Saturday, August 10, 2024

Daily Update, August 9, 2024

    Friday, I did a lot of thinking. Some was helpful. I noticed over the morning that I'm really struggling to read the textbook on friendship which I clicked with when I read samples online. I realized that I kept thinking about Dad and Jennifer, who both died a few to several years ago. I'd noticed a textbook and commercial journal on grief that I'd picked up after losing Dad and tried them during lunch and dinner. I'm doing better with them, though not with the acknowledgements section, but I did better with the forward and introduction so far. Maybe I need to deal with the fact that they'll never see this part of my life, and I won't have their support, encouragement, and yes, advice while I work on friendships and try dating and hopefully romance. Not that either was a master at dating, but they'd both done more than I have. I guess I always assumed I would with them, in Dad's case all my life, and in Jennifer's since we became friends. I know they would support me in trying to date and improve other friendships but knowing that is a poor substitute for getting their support and help while I get started. {rueful smile}

   The housekeeper came, too, and the house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile} 

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game moderately late. Mom was resting when I went in, but responded, and cracked her eyes open when prompted... barely. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I skipped over a picture book, since she wasn't opening her eyes much. Instead, I read a longish story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended by reading the 9th of August's story, "Lady Scarecrow!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my arm resistance exercises with only short breaks. After playing CoH much of the evening and winding down with Cross Stitch World, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. After a little break, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises. After an even shorter break, I did my leg exercises. I'm adding a little each day since the root canal got finished. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World while I did a lot of heavy thinking. Then I had a late lunch, after which I read more articles as well as some comics. Then I played more Cross Stitch World before I wrote up Thursday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. Then I checked the chat server before I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming particularly late. there, I found Pierogies, who wanted to watch the next episode of the _Cursed Princess Club_. When it was done, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, read comics, and checked the chat server before I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I worked on paperwork until Dennis came in, since he did so pretty quickly. I said hi, and we teamed up. Dennis and I did a few of his missions and a couple of mine before we said goodnight and went our separate ways. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. After Dennis left, I did a couple of hunts on my own. Then I played Cross Stitch World and read some comics before and around my exercises. Afterwards, I wrote more of this and made notes in it, with a little City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork mixed in. {Smile}