Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Daily Update, February 25, 2025

On Tuesday, I finally got an email from Cross Stitch World's help department. they told me I did have the tenth picture. It was just not with the others when sorted by size, because while the rest were all Small, one was Medium sized. It's a relief to know it's working, and I wasn't short. I like Cross Stitch World because it feels like I'm being productive even if I'm just earning game cash to buy more patterns with. {Smile}

Late in the morning, I ran errands with relief nurse. My favorite was a stop at the public library, where I picked up a couple of manga to read. {Smile}

I tried salsa dancing after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, but I was too dizzy. I had to stop for safety a bit over half a minute in. So, I did the six walking exercises I didn't do last night. Then I tried salsa dancing again but was even worse. So, I did my arm resistance exercises. then it got too late before I got to more, especially since i was concentrating on trying to fix the dizziness. {smile}

After breakfast, I found the email and the missing pattern was right where they said it was. So, I played Cross Stitch World feeling happier with it again. I also browsed the web until I got ready to go out and run errands. When we got back, I had lunch. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World and started writing up Monday's daily update before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming and starting with paperwork. Then I found Ulty, and learned that the teen supergroup was meeting in half an hour. I spotted Pierogies and Kitten and joined them for a few low-level missions while I waited for the meeting to start. I was slightly late to the meeting, but hopefully not bad. We started with a little roleplaying, deciding what to do. I suggested they help with the finale to that second story arc for my character, since the group seemed small for something someone had put much work into. Folks liked my suggestion, so we did it, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. After the finale mission, we went to the base and started roleplaying. We'd barely gotten started when I got called to dinner and left. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished writing up Monday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and checked with Ulty. The supergroup meeting had adjourned, so I started on paperwork. Then I said hi to Pierogies and toured a supergroup base with him. Then we said goodnight. I said hi to Ulty and another friend next and joined them in a farm until they left for bed. Next, did the paperwork the farm had made. After that, I said hi to Phonso. He was doing the new seasonal missions, so I joined him, and got all the badges on my 8th and 9th best badge collectors. That's all the ranked badge collectors; after that starts a large clump too close together to easily rank or keep track of when they shift position. After I said goodnight to Phonso, I tried salsa dancing, and did other exercises when that didn't work out. I played Cross Stitch World and wrote and made notes in this during breaks and afterwards. I also chatted with Kitten on the chat server until bedtime. {Smile}