Thursday, October 17, 2024

Daily Update October 16, 2024

On Wednesday, I had a nap in the morning because I got to bed late again. It helped a lot, but I got done too late to clean up before lunch like I hoped to. {rueful smile}

I should say that about two or three weeks ago, mom suddenly became noticeably quieter. She responds less frequently. If she speaks to me in response while reading, it's now a good day. The day she spoke twice was a very good day. From something the relief nurse told our priest today, this is typical of late-enough stage dementia. {bite lops}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in, and didn't fully fall asleep, though she did rest at times while I read. She looked at some of the pictures and seemed to listen to the rest. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I restarted _Childhood Memories; Picture Book_. then I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 16th's story, "Winter Flowers," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my head exercises after I'd played much of the evening. After that, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break I tried more salsa dancing, but I got too dizzy entirely too quickly. I had to stop very quickly. So, I got only 9 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing in. The last couple of times this happened, I blamed starting too late, but thanks to Dr. Faustus reminding me earlier, I started my second set when I usually start my first set, and I was still too dizzy. I think I need to talk to my physical therapist about this. Luckily. I see them again on Friday. {Smile}

Starting during breakfast, I browsed the web. moderately late morning, I took a nap. It was too late to clean up before lunch, so I browsed the web some more. Then came lunch. After lunch, I read comics and browsed the web. Then I wrote a little of Tuesday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten and Pierogies eager to start a particular strike force (a villainous task force) I was slow getting ready, but we did start when Pierogies said he needed to start because it was getting late. He was more right than I realized. With only three, it went a little slowly, so we finished late to read to Mom. I did get to talk with Dennis a bit near the end, when he said hi. He was sorry we'd started something he couldn't join, but the game doesn't allow adding folks in the middle of a taskforce, strike force, or trial. When it was done, I rushed to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing Tuesday's daily update with breaks for browsing the web and Cross Stitch World. Altogether, this took long enough, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I realized. When I did get in, I said hi to Phonso, who immediately invited me to a special Halloween trial. He reminded me to get a costume to wear during the trial, because one of the four badges is for doing so. I got the costume... then forgot to wear it. I will have to do it again for that badge. While waiting, I said hi to Dr. Faustus. Afterwards, I started talking with Alex and showed him a vendor he asked about. Then we realized he really wanted something different. I started to show it to him, and invited Dr. Faustus to join us, since he was solo, and I've been wanting to introduce them However, Alex suddenly left before I could either introduce them or show him what I wanted. Dr. Faustus and I waited, but he didn't come back. When I began wondering what to do next, Dr. Faustus reminded me it was time to start my exercises. That's how I got started early, but somehow still got too dizzy for second set. I began writing this after first set. Then I watched some videos after aborted set and read some comics. Next, I did a little solo badge hunting and paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming before I made notes in this in preparation for bed. {Smile}